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【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件What is the girl doing now ?What is the boy doing now ?What is the bear doing now ?She is running now .She is jumping now ?It is skiing now .【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件What was the girl doing just now? She was running just now.What was the boy doing just now?He was jumping just now.What was the bear doing just now? It was skiing just now.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件What were people doing?.People were running out of the shopping center./screaming【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件What about the wall?The wall was falling down.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件What was Timmy doing?.Timmy was screaming for help.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件People were moving away the bricks and stones above Timmy.Help came.What were people doing?.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件 1. 过去进行时主要表示:过去进行时主要表示: 在过去某一时刻正在进行的动作在过去某一时刻正在进行的动作 (a) They were eating breakfast at 7:00 am yesterday. (b) I was writing a letter at this time yesterday. (c) Five minutes ago, Danny was looking out of the window and Suzy was reading a book.Past continuous tense【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件The Past Continuous Tense (过去进行时过去进行时) 基本结构基本结构:was / wasnt were / werentVing+ 【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件We use “was+ -ing” with the pronouns(代词代词) _,_,_and _. We use “were+ -ing” with the pronouns (代词代词) _, _ and _. I she he it we you they【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件 2. 过去进行时的句式过去进行时的句式(1)基本结构:)基本结构:was/were + verb-ing(2)否定式:)否定式:was/were not + verb-ing was not = wasnt were not = werentI was doing some shopping. People were running wildly.I was not running.People were not running wildly.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件(3)疑问句:将)疑问句:将 was/were 调到主语前调到主语前Was I running? Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.Were they running? Yes, they were. / No, they werent.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Complete the conversation. Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.What were they doing?Kitty: I saw you in the computer room yesterday, Simon. What were you doing there?Simon: I _ (search) the Internet. I _ (look) for some photos of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake for my project.was searchingwas looking【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Kitty: Oh, I thought you_ (discuss) the project with Daniel.Simon: No. Daniel _ (talk) to Millie. They _ (plan) a trip to Tangshan. They _ (look) for some information about it. Daniel _ (try) to find a map of Tangshan and Millie _ (read) some guidebooks.was talkingwere planningwas tryingwere lookingwas readingwere discussing【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件It was snowing this morning. Do you know what Simon was doing early this morning? What happened to him? Complete the conversation below.A snowstorm came【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Mr. Wu: What a terrible snowstorm! It came at about 6.30 this morning. I _ (read) the newspaper then. What _ you _ (do) , Simon?Simon: I _ (have) breakfast.Mr. Wu: What about you, Millie?was readingwerewas havingdoing【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Millie: I _ (walk) to the bus stop. Sandy, I saw you and your parents standing on the side of the road. _you _(wait) for a taxi?Sandy: Yes, _.Mr. Wu: Why didnt your father drive you to school as usual?Sandy: His car broke down because of the cold weather. He _ (ring) someone to come and help when Millie saw me.Mr. Wu: I see. Its time for class. Lets go.we werewas ringingWerewaitingwas walking【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件连词连词 while 与过去进行时与过去进行时 当两个延续性动作同时进行时,我们当两个延续性动作同时进行时,我们可以在两个句子中都用过去进行时,并可以在两个句子中都用过去进行时,并用用 while连接。连接。 当当 while 用在句首时,两个句子应用用在句首时,两个句子应用逗号隔开。逗号隔开。 Past continuous tense with while and when【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件The rabbit was jumping while the pig was dancing. The worm was eating while the dog was reading.While the pig was dancing, the rabbit was jumping.While the dog was reading, the worm was eating.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件连词连词 while 和和 when 与过去进行时与过去进行时 当一个延续性动作和一个短暂性的动当一个延续性动作和一个短暂性的动作同时进行时,我们用作同时进行时,我们用while 或或 when 来来连接。其中延续性的动作用过去进行时,连接。其中延续性的动作用过去进行时,短暂性的动作用一般过去时。短暂性的动作用一般过去时。 当当 while 和和 when 放放在句首时,两个句在句首时,两个句子应用逗号隔开。子应用逗号隔开。 Past continuous tense with while and when【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件The earthquake started while I was doing some shopping.I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.I was doing my homework when someone knocked at the door.When the earthquake started, I was doing some shopping.While he was waiting at the bus stop, the traffic accident happened.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Playing with snowLook at the picture on page 101, and describe what the students were doing when Simon arrived. Use the words in brackets to help you.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件1. (Simon/ arrive/ Amy/ get some snow from the ground)_2. (Daniel/ make a snowball/ he/ fall over)While_3. (make a snowman/ while/ Kitty/ stand beside her)Suzy_When Simon arrived, Amy was getting some snow from the ground. Daniel was making a snowball, he fell over. was making a snowman while Kitty was standing beside her.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件4. (hide behind the tree/ when/ a snowball hit him)Peter_5. (run towards Millie/ while/ she/ take some photos)Andy_ was hiding behind the tree when a snowball hit him. ran towards Millie while she was taking some photos.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Listen and complete Mrs. White_ her students what they were doing when the snowstorm hit the city early this morning. Simon_ breakfast at 6:30 . But his parents _breakfast together with him.They_ the old lady at that time. Millie _ for the bus because her fathers car broke down. Mr. Wu _the nature reserve nearby. He and his students would go there and do something for the animals that afternoon. was asking was having werent having were helping was waiting was ringing【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Was it.?【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Was he.?【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Were they?【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Was he.?【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Were they?【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件Was she.?【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件TranslationTranslate the following sentences into English.1. 当开始下雨的当开始下雨的时候,我正和朋友候,我正和朋友们在在操操场上打上打篮球。球。I was playing basketball with my friends in the playground when it started to rain.2. 我当时甚至不知道我正在做什么。我当时甚至不知道我正在做什么。I did not even know what I was doing at that time.【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件3. 当我当我妈妈在做晚在做晚饭的的时候,我在卧室候,我在卧室做作做作业。I was doing my homework in the bedroom while my mother was cooking supper.4. 当我今天早上看到她当我今天早上看到她时,她正急匆匆,她正急匆匆地赶去上班。地赶去上班。When I saw her this morning, she was in a great hurry to go to work. 【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件1. -Where did you put the keys? -Oh, I_ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _in. 2007苏州苏州A. remembered; come B. remembered; was coming C. remember; come D. remember; was comingChoose the best answer【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件2. -What do you think of the colour of my new dress? -Sorry, but what did you say ? I about something else. 【2007扬州】扬州】A. think B. thought B.C. am thinking D. was thinking3. -I came to your home yesterday afternoon, but nobody was in. -Oh ,we some shopping in the supermarket. 【2007南通南通】 A.have doneB. did B.C. were doing D. are doing【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件4. -I called you at half past nine this morning ,but there was no answer. -Oh, sorry. I with my cousin in the supermarket. 2007安徽安徽A. shop B. was shopping C. shopped D. will shop5. His parents wanted to know what he_ at that time. 2007广东广东A. is doing B. was doing C. has done D. will do【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件6. When I went to say goodbye to Anna, she the piano. 2007河北河北A.is playing B. plays C. was playing D. played7. -What were you doing this time yesterday?-I my bicycle. 2007新疆新疆 A.is repairing B. repaired C. had repaired D. was repairing【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件8. -Dick gave me a note while I in the library. -I guess he made it to say sorry to you . 2007黄冈黄冈 A.am reading B. was reading C. reads D. will read【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件【最新】八年级英语Unit6 GrammarWhat is the girl doing now 课件人教版 课件
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