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冀教版 五年级下册Lesson 6 Danny Is Lost! play padsread booksread newspapersgettheticketssay goodbye to your family/friendssingaloudforget(忘记忘记) your belongings(行李,财物行李,财物) runAtthetrainstationDoDontget the ticketsread books/newspaperssay goodbye to your family/friendstalk/singaloudforget(忘记)(忘记) the belongingsrunListen and number the pictures.( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 1 )( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 4 )Jenny,Danny,Li Ming and Mrs.Li are going on a trip to Beijing.Mr. Li drives them to the train station.Li Ming gets the tickets.Mr. Li looks for(寻找寻找) Danny at the train station.There is Danny! He is buying fruit!Dont forget your coat!“The train is leaving!”“Dont buy the bananas.”Danny! Dont run.Danny runs to the train.Dannyjumpsonthetrain.Jenny says, “There you are, Danny!”Mr. Li says, “Have a good trip!”“Well miss you!” says Li Ming.“Im hungry!”says Danny.Task2:Workinagroupoffive.Readandnumberthesentences.(按照故事情节的先后排序)Checktheanswerinyourgroup.Taketurnstoreadthesentences.(每人轮流读出这些句子).Choosesomeofyoutoreadintheclass.4Readandorder.(根据故事情节按先后顺序排序)Mr. Li looks for Danny at the train station.Mr. Li drives them to the train station.Danny runs to the train.Danny jumps on the train.They stand beside the train.Li Ming gets the tickets.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)Listen and repeat.Have a role play !HomeworkRoleplaythestorywithyourpartnersafterclassorretellthestorybyyourself.Thankyou!
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