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Unit 4congratulation judge sincerelyn. 祝贺祝贺; (复数复数)贺词贺词n. 裁判员裁判员; 法官法官vt. 断定断定; 判断判断; 判决判决adv. 真诚地真诚地; 真挚地真挚地Words preview1 Here is a letter of invitation. Read it carefully and imagine that you are the student who has been invited to give a speech. thank those which worked hard to rescue survivor and list some of the workers did to help them; thank those who worked hard to builta new city; thank the visitors for listening to your speech.2 Now in pairs prepare a short speech, in which you should:3 Look at the stamps of new Tangshan and discuss in groups what had to be done to rebuilt a city after an earthquake.1 How would you feel if your home was suddenly destroyed without warning? In pairs make a list of useful adjectives to express your feelings.Listen to the tape and then tell whether they are true or false.1. The man was sleeping downstairs when the earthquake happened.2. Many huge buildings were shaking bricks were falling.FT3. A lot of people were buried under the ruins.4. Some cows were killed in the fire.5. He felt safer because he got away easily.TFFI awoke as I was thrown from my bed. When I tried to walk, the floor shookso that I fell. I grabbed my clothing and hurried downstairs. Suddenly the lights went out, and everyone rushed for the door. Outside I saw things I never want to see again. It was daytime. Listening textThe air was filled with falling rocks. People around me were getting buried under buildings that were crashing down. Other huge buildings were shaking. Every moment there were terrible sounds. I asked a man standing next to me what happened. Before he could answer, hundreds of bricks fell on him and he was killed. All around me were great fires. As I ran people everywhere were crying and calling for help. I thought the end of the world had come! Then I met a man who knew the way to a boat, and we ran in its direction. Men, women and children were trying to dig themselves out of the ruins. Thousands of people, crazy with worry, were running down the street and every minute someone was hit by falling bricks. In some places, the streets had cracks and opened. Huge holes were all around me. I saw many frightened cows rush up Market Street and drop into a great crack in the earth. How I reachedthe boat I cannot say. Some people even tore the clothes from the backs of others as they tried to get into the boat. Later, the survivors searched for water they could drink. People slept on the streets and hills away from the fires, which made the night bright as day. Soldiers kept water from the crowds to give to the rescue workers. The next day the soldiers found more water and some bread to give to those still alive.1.What is a News Article?2.What are the elements of a News Article?3.How to read a News Article.How to read News articlesYou are going to write an article for a newspaper about a special event that happened in your hometown. Before you write a newspaper story, you should write an outline. An outline will prepare you to write a better story. It helps you too.1.Choose a topic2.Decide what you want to say about the topic3.Organize your ideas and write clearly.A newspaper outline should have:1.a headline2.A list of main ideas3.a list of important detailsAttention!When you write a newspaper story you want the readers to notice it. So you give the reader a headline which is an interesting title that tells the reader whatyour topic is. Then you organize your ideas into paragraphs. Each para has a different main idea or purpose. Next put some details into each para. These details help the reader to better understand the main idea. One other thing to remember: a newspaper story gives the most important first and the least important news last.A newspaper story needs a headline to attract the readers attention since the reader may not have bought the newspaper before they read the headline. Newspaper stories and short stories areorganized very differently. Usually a short story begins with smalldetails and includes details later. A newspaper does the opposite.Both kinds of stories use para with themain idea.Point of viewA In a good newspaper story it is objective.B In a short story it is subjective.Read the example of a newspaper story on page 31. Find the headline, main ideas and details of each paragraph.The title of this story is “Cyclists Ready to Go on the Road for Blind Kids” There are two parts in the story. The first one is from the beginning to “to lean better.” The second part is from “the cyclists come from China” to the end. The main idea of the first part is that the cyclists plan to get money for blind kids. 假如你是一名记者假如你是一名记者,20多年前多年前7月月28日日凌晨凌晨3点钟点钟, 当你由于写稿子在熬夜当你由于写稿子在熬夜,经历了那场唐山大地震经历了那场唐山大地震.请用英语写请用英语写一篇报道一篇报道,写出你当时的感受写出你当时的感受.提示提示:1.what you heard 2. what you saw 3.what you felt 4.the result/loss 5. the rescue It was early in the morning, at about 3 oclock. As I had to finish a report for the newspaper, I stayed up. I was about to sleep when there was a terrible earthquake. At first I heard a strange noise. It sounded like a train going under the house. Then I realized it was an earthquake. I was trying to wake up my families when I felt the floor move. I saw glasses on the table fall off onto the floor. I felt like being on a boat and I couldnt stand firm. It lasted about 10 minutes or so. Luckily, the government came to our rescue immediately. Because of the earthquake, a great number of people lost their lives. I was a lucky one. The moment the earthquake ended, the people in Tangshan were determined to rebuild their hometown. Now Tangshan takes on a new look. Now prepare the outline for a short newspaper story for China Daily, Use the example to help you organizeYour outline.Homework:
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