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Project OverviewProject NameCompany NamePresenter Name2021/8/261Project GoalslUltimate goal of projectlRelationship to other projectslHigh-level timing goals2021/8/262DescriptionlDescribe the project in non-technical terms.lUse following slides for discussing status, schedules, budget, etc.FOR MORE INFO.List location or contact for specification (or other related documents) here2021/8/263Competitive AnalysislCompetitors (You may want to allocate one slide per competitor)lStrengths Your strengths relative to competitorslWeaknessesYour weaknesses relative to competitor2021/8/264Competitive Analysis, Cont.lCompetitorslStrengthslWeaknessesFOR MORE INFO.List location or contact for competitive analysis (or other related documents) here2021/8/265TechnologylNew technology being usedBenefitslStandards being adoptedBenefitslStandards specifically being ignoredDrawbacks & benefitsDYA: define your acronyms!2021/8/266Team/ResourceslState assumptions about resources allocated to this projectPeopleEquipmentLocationsSupport & outside servicesManufacturing Sales2021/8/267ProcedureslHighlight any procedural differences from regular projects of this typelDiscuss requirements, benefits, and issues of using new proceduresFOR MORE INFO.List location or contact for procedures document (or other related documents) here2021/8/268SchedulelReview high-level schedule milestones hereFOR MORE INFO.List location or contact for detailed schedule (or other related documents) hereJanFebMarAprMayJunJulySepOctNovDecPhase 1Phase 2Phase 32021/8/269Current StatuslHigh-level overview of progress against scheduleOn-track in what areasBehind in what areasAhead in what areaslUnexpected delays or issues2021/8/2610Related DocumentslMarketing planLocation or contact name/phonelBudgetLocation or contact name/phonelPost mortemLocation or contact name/phonelSubmit questionsLocation or contact name/phone2021/8/2611 刚才的发言,如刚才的发言,如有不当之处请多指有不当之处请多指正。谢谢大家!正。谢谢大家!2021/8/2612部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!
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