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1Warming up:说出表示职业的词:说出表示职业的词actorfarmerdriverdoctorsingerpilotnursemusicianscientistteachercomputer programmer飞行员飞行员音乐家音乐家医生医生科学家科学家老师老师司机司机农民农民演员演员歌手歌手护士护士计算机程序设计员计算机程序设计员2Bill Gates-How are you going to do that?-Im going to.-What do you want to be when you grow up?-I want to be.computer programmerstudy computer scienceactortake acting lessonsa basketball playerPractice basketball every day3study math really hardan engineerscientiststudy science -How are you going to do that?-Im going to.-What do you want to be when you grow up?-I want to be.4Im going to buy a new bicycle next year. Im going to visit Beijing with my friends next year. 56get good gradesNext year, Im going to 7make the soccer teamNext year, Im going to 8eat healthier foodNext year, Im going to 9learn to play the pianoNext year, Im going to 10get lots of exerciseNext year, Im going to 11take guitar lessonsNext year, Im going to 12learn another foreign language (外语)(外语) Next year, Im going to 13New Years resolutionsNext year, Im going to: 1. learn to play the piano2. make the soccer team4. eat healthier food3. get good grades5. get lots of exercise6.take guitar lessons7.learn another foreign language 14Match the pictures with the New Years resolutions. Number the pictures 1-5.1a243515What are you going to do next year?Well, Im going to take guitar lessons. I really love music. Sounds interesting. Im going to learn another foreign language.16What are you going to do next year?Well, Im going to study hard and get good grades.Sounds like a good plan. Im going to get lots of exercise.171.learn to play the piano2.make a soccer team3.get good grades4.eat healthier food5.get lots of exercise6.take guitar lessons7.learn another foreign language A:What are going to do next year? B:Well,Im going to.A:Sounds interesting/Sounds like a good plan. Im going to.181.learn to play the piano2.make the soccer team3.get good grades4.eat healthier food5.get lots of exerciseListen and circle the resolution you hear in 1a. 1c19 Listen again.LucyKimMikeb.get good grades2.take piano lessonsa.learn to play the pianoc.make the soccer team1.study hard and do homework every day3.practice really hard and go to a soccer camp1dHow are they going to do that?What are they going to do?She s /Hes going to .She s /Hes going to .20Summary The plans we make for the future are called “The plans we make for the future are called “ResolutionsResolutions”. ”. Do you remember the New Years resolutions? make a soccer teamlearn to play the pianoeat healthier food learn another foreign language组建足球队组建足球队学会弹钢琴学会弹钢琴吃更健康的食物吃更健康的食物学会另一门外语学会另一门外语21o1.我打算明年去上钢琴课oIm going to take piano lesson _ _o2.你打算怎样做?oHow are you going to _ _?o3.王丽打算学习一门外语.oWang Li is going to study a _ _.o4.妈妈要求我在考试中取的好成绩oMother asked me to _ _ _.o5.你什么打算去上吉他课?oWhen are you going to _ _ _?next yearnext yeardo thatdo thatforeign languageforeign languageget good gradesget good gradestake guitar lessonstake guitar lessons22Fill in the blanks. A: Kelly, what do you want to be _ you grow up?B: I _ to be a doctor.A: Wow! _ are you going to do that?B: Im _ to study medicine at a university.A: Hmm sounds difficult. _ are you _ to study?B: Im going to _ in London.A: _ are you going to start?B: Im going to _ next September.whenwhenwantwantHowHowgoinggoingWhereWheregoinggoingstudystudyWhenWhenstartstart23Homework Write down your own New Years resolutions. Next year,Im going to.24
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