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the Environment:关于环境环境的各种称谓We are causing irreparable damage to the earths _We are causing irreparable damage to the earths _ecologyecosystembiodiversitythe biospherehabitatthe food chain生态生态生态系统生态系统生物多样性生物多样性生物圈生物圈(动植物动植物)生存环境生存环境食物链食物链环境保护环境保护必背名词必背名词conservation/protection of the environmentdamage/pollution of the environment创造出各种组合创造出各种组合Conservation of biodiversity 环保环保必背形容词必背形容词十组动词动词ProtectPreserveSaveSafeguardconserve PolluteHarmDamageHave an impact onDisturb环境保护环境保护必背必背动词动词_ the environment environmentally friendlyEF foodEF sources of energyEF wasteEF materialEF methodorganic foodrenewable energy (solar,wind,wave)recyclable wastedegradable materialsustainable method环保人士环保人士environmentalist ConservationistEco-warriorEnvironmental activistEnvironmental group环境问题Environmental problemsTopics:PollutionGreenhouse effectAcid rainHoles in the ozone layerTraffic congestionThe destruction of habitatsEndangered speciesDeforestation 污染污染温室效应温室效应酸雨酸雨臭氧空洞臭氧空洞交通堵塞交通堵塞栖息地破坏栖息地破坏濒危物种濒危物种滥砍滥伐滥砍滥伐Topics:碳排放碳排放人口过密人口过密过度放牧过度放牧过度捕捞过度捕捞矿物燃料矿物燃料有害气体有害气体有害废物有害废物carbon emission over-populationovergrazingoverfishingfossil fuels fumes (gases; smoke)hazardous waste(一一):温室效应:温室效应Greenhouse Effect太阳辐射太阳辐射温室气体温室气体二氧化碳二氧化碳碳排放碳排放全球变暖全球变暖气候变化气候变化地表温度地表温度矿物矿物燃料燃料全球平均气温全球平均气温solar radiationgreenhouse gasescarbon dioxide carbon emission global warmingclimate changesurface temperaturefossil fuelsglobal average temperature年轮年轮冰川冰川冰川期冰川期气候带气候带人类活动人类活动发电站发电站排放,释放排放,释放(v)吸收吸收反射反射融化融化Tree ringsGlacierIce age Climate zoneHuman activityPower plantsEmit; release; give offAbsorbReflect; radiatemelt 温室效应温室效应温室效应温室效应:温室气体温室气体能使太阳太阳辐射辐射到达地面,但地表向外放出的辐射却被温室气体吸收吸收,温室气体的主要气体二氧化碳二氧化碳是由于现代工业社会燃烧过多矿物燃料矿物燃料如:煤炭煤炭、石油、石油和天然气天然气,这样就导致地地表温度表温度增高,因其作用类似于栽培农作物的温室,故名温室效应温室效应。自工业革命以来,人类向大气中排排放放的二氧化碳等吸热性强的温室气体逐年增加,大气的温室效应也随之增强,已引起引起全球气候变暖等一系列严重问题,引起了全世界各国的关注关注。(二二) Pollution:Types of pollutions水水水水大气大气大气大气光光光光噪音噪音噪音噪音工业工业工业工业核核核核汽汽汽汽车车车车污染污染污染污染石油石油石油石油臭氧臭氧臭氧臭氧常见动词动词总结 预防预防预防预防 造成造成造成造成 治理治理治理治理 减轻,降低减轻,降低减轻,降低减轻,降低 监控监控监控监控Preventcausecombat, control, fight, tacklecut, limit,reduce,minimizemonitor常见名词名词总结Science and the EnvironmentScience and the Environment环境科学环境科学生物技术生物技术基因工程基因工程转基因食品转基因食品Environmental scienceBiotechnologyGenetic engineeringGMFDestruction of habitats濒危物种濒临灭绝滥砍滥伐荒漠化水土流失Endangered speciesBe close to extinction(be threatened with)DeforestationDesertificationWater loss and soil erosion (腐蚀,侵蚀) Acid rain侵蚀,腐蚀Erosion 1. Acid rainHeavy use of energy to enhance the human material, but also ca-used unexpected disaster.Acid rain bring a global damage.2. Holes in the ozone layerCause:Bring aboutLead toResult inContribute toBe responsible for3.Greenhouse effect Cars emissions are especially damaging, toopartly because the nitrogen oxides from jet-engine exhausts help create ozone, a potent greenhouse gas, and partly because the pretty trails that aircraft There is no doubt global warming is a fact. Global warming is very serious consequences, such as glaciers melt, sea level rise, desertification, to the ecological system and the serious impact on agricultural production.Greenhouse effect lead to global warming,and flooded coastline:Now,let us watch a part of a movieThe day after tomorrow5.Traffic congestion:6.the destruction of habitatsEndangered spiecies deforestationThe land we have owned once we depeneded to raised our life now have become more and more infertility ,the desert is gradually expanding oneday when we have no land to live what we should do?Possible Solutions:1.RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCESRenewable energy sources such as wind power, wave power, and solar power do not pollute the environment. They are much cleaner than oil and coaloil and coalThey are alternative energy sources2. Green productsWe can help the environment by choosing to buy green buy green products. products. Examples of green products are recycled paper, wood from sustainable sources, and organic fruit and vegetables 3. recyclingRecycling is when you use something again instead of throwing it away. Glass, cans paper, and plastic can all be recycled.4. Alternative forms of transportPublic transport is more environmentally friendly because buses and trains can carry large numbers of people at the same timeCar pools are another way of reducing the number of cars on the road.Even cleaner solutions are electric cars, and bicycles 5. protestingTry to protect the environment by joining environmental groups that inform people of green issuesTry to persuade the government to take more care of the environment, especially by organizing protests.Thank you!
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