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阅读教学模式 The pattern of reading instructionPre-readingWhile-readingPost-reading课文教学基本模式 读前 读中 读后导入预测 略读细读精读 复述讨论1、导入:阅读铺垫(Warming up 部分提问、讨论)2、预测:主题理解( Pre-reading 及题目、插图理解)3、略读:段意理解(分段、找主题句等) 4、细读:细节理解(W/H问题、选择题、填写表格等)5、精读:语篇理解(文章结构、遣词造句)6、复述:课文运用(缩写、填空、)7、讨论:加深理解(问题讨论、结果展示) 注意:所有步骤都应尽量通过任务型活动来进行Pre-reading 目的:1) 激发学生阅读的动机; 2)激活和提供必要的背景知识; 3)为进一步阅读解决理解上的语言障碍。技能: 预览(Pre-viewing) 活动: 预习, 激活相关图式 预测(Predicting) 活动:语词预测、语言结构预测、篇章预测 活动形式,看图说话、头脑风暴、启发、讨论 准备(Preparing):(即课文阅读学习的导入) 活动:语词 、结构 、知识 、能力 、兴趣准备9/16/20243Before reading: warming up Think about yourselfWhat kind of person are you? (What good qualities do you have?) What kind of person do you want to be?(A small potato or an important person/ even a great person?)Who is your hero/heroine or idol?Why do you like him/her so much?Did he/she do anything for others?What are his/her best qualities?Learn about othersWho do you think is a great person?Who do you admire greatly? Why?Qian Xuesen(1911 - )“The father of Chinas aerospace” Sun Yat SenThe first President of the Chinese Republic,he spent many years abroad working hard for the revolution when he could have had a happy and successful life as a doctor.Norman Bethume 1890-1939,Canada Gave up his career in Canada and died helping the Chinese army as a doctor in World War Two.Mahatma Gandhi1869-1948, IndiaGave up riches and power and fought for the freedom of his nation.Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865)Ended the slavery of South America and united the South and the North into a whole state.Marie Curie(1867-1934)Famous chemist and physicist and the first person to win two Nobel Prizes for her discovery of polonium and radiumAlbert Einstein (1879-1955)One of the greatest scientists of the century,he was given the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his theories of relativity.Nelson Mandela 1918 - , South Africa Spent 30 years in prison fighting for black people in South Africa.思考:上面这些照片的 排列顺序有何用意?Do you think Mandela is a great person? Why?Now lets read a story told by Elias about Mandela. PredictingBefore you read, please guess:In what country was Elias born?Was he black or white?Was he happy to meet Mandela?Did Mandela help Elias?Did Elias help Mandela?、 Predicting by using vocabulary prompts Example 1: These words/phrases will occur in the story:black people, prison, equal, rightsWho do you think is the story about? Make a guess. Example 2: Which of the following words do you think may be used in the story?prison, rights, violence, lawyer, youth, league, position, matter, fact, president;vote, accept; continueblack, equal, poor, young, wrong, worriedWhile-reading目的: 帮助理解文本,评价理解结果; 培养、发展并评估阅读策略; 技能: 词汇攻略(word-attacking skills) 活动:识别、分析、猜测、求助等 理解技能(comprehension skills):提高理解能力 活动:扫读、略读、细读、重复阅读等 流利技能(fluency skills):提高阅读速度 活动:按照意群阅读、扩大阅读视域、获得词汇处理 技能、获得理解技能等9/16/202419While-reading is the dominant stage in reading instruction, requiring more time and efforts.Integration of text comprehension and strategy training.During while-reading stage, two categories of learning activities are employed- Information mining activities & Information transformational activities. Post-reading目的: 聚焦语言形式 (From meaning-focused to form-focused) 拓展语篇理解,巩固阅读策略,使用新颖语言 (From input to output in the form of speaking and writing learning activity) 技能: 理解评价(comprehension evaluation skills) 活动:检测对语篇内容的理解、推测后续发展 批判性阅读(critical reading skills) 活动:分析讨论,深化理解,发展批判性思维。 9/16/202421阅读各阶段主要教学活动阅读各阶段主要教学活动读前活动阅读活动读后活动明确目的;熟悉话题;预测内容;预测词汇;激发兴趣欲望;布置任务。略读;根据所读内容画图、连线、填表、排序、补全信息;为课文选择或添加标题;根据所读内容制作图表;判断真伪。复述转述角色扮演;改写;续尾;写摘要分组讨论 语篇框架 1)根据阅读内容进行各种思维活动,鼓励学生将所阅读的内容与自己的经历、知识、兴趣和观点联系起来。 2)将阅读技能与其他语言技进行整合,对学生进行综合语言训练
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