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模块模块3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note锁渗艘臭琐递鹃霹晤挛哩吕堡厚谨输桐舌论显淌翘沼臃牛痊沪于戮舆憾畦模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note一、一、课程程标准内容(标准内容(Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note )语言技能能能大大致致听听懂懂经经简简写写后后适适合合中中学学程程度度的的英英语语戏戏剧剧片片段段;能能与与同同学学合合作作表表演演课课本本上上提提供供的的英英语语戏戏剧剧片片段段;能能基基本本读读懂懂经经简简写写后后适适合合中中学学程程度度的的英英语语剧剧本本;能能模模仿仿课课本上的英语剧本与同学合作编写英语短剧。本上的英语剧本与同学合作编写英语短剧。语言知识了解戏剧(剧本)语言的特点,如舞台说明(了解戏剧(剧本)语言的特点,如舞台说明(stage directions)用一般现在时态,台词中有很多的省略)用一般现在时态,台词中有很多的省略句等;学习宾语从句和表语从句;本单元出现的句等;学习宾语从句和表语从句;本单元出现的33个个单词和单词和8个短语。个短语。 情感态度树立正确的金钱观,特别是在与人交往过程中不应看树立正确的金钱观,特别是在与人交往过程中不应看重他人的金钱与地位。要学会平等待人。重他人的金钱与地位。要学会平等待人。 学习策略通过合作编写、表演英语短剧培养学生的调控策略和通过合作编写、表演英语短剧培养学生的调控策略和交际策略。通过去图书馆或上网收集有关马克交际策略。通过去图书馆或上网收集有关马克吐温吐温的资料及其他作品培养学生的资源策略。的资料及其他作品培养学生的资源策略。 文化意识了解百万英镑及其作者马克了解百万英镑及其作者马克吐温的时代背景,吐温的时代背景,提高学生的文学修养和跨文化意识。提高学生的文学修养和跨文化意识。 蜂胞隘沪椿蔫粪便幽妊滴函断云尽荷疟伴困恢桐交警见予承脚碘买弦辊霜模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note二、教学要求(二、教学要求(Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note )基本要基本要求求1、了了解解戏戏剧剧这这种种文文学学形形式式的的特特点点,特特别别注注意意学学习习了了解解戏剧的语言。戏剧的语言。2、了解作者马克、了解作者马克吐温的生平及其所处的时代背景。吐温的生平及其所处的时代背景。3、学习交际中委婉请求的表达法和点菜的表达法。、学习交际中委婉请求的表达法和点菜的表达法。4、初步掌握本单元的、初步掌握本单元的35个生词和个生词和9个短语个短语5、掌握宾语从句和表语从句的用法。、掌握宾语从句和表语从句的用法。发展要求发展要求1、熟熟悉悉本本单单元元基基本本要要求求以以外外(课课本本所所附附词词汇汇表表中中带带“”的)词汇。的)词汇。2、了了解解更更多多马马克克吐吐温温的的作作品品,选选择择感感兴兴趣趣的的作作品品进进行课外阅读。行课外阅读。3、在课外学习和表演其他一些程度适中的英语短剧。、在课外学习和表演其他一些程度适中的英语短剧。 说 明明课本中只选了整个剧本的一部分,教师可以向学生推荐课本中只选了整个剧本的一部分,教师可以向学生推荐完整的简写剧本,让有兴趣的学生课外阅读。完整的简写剧本,让有兴趣的学生课外阅读。 癌哈屎混常膝饵稀符内蚤钞苯荚鸿金蓝汗战悔禄谰泉盼搽胶晶贩皑置昼趴模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note语言知识教学目的和要求(语言知识教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and Teaching aims and demandsdemands)话题话题(topics)(topics)Talk about short stories and dramas Learn how to write a play or drama and act out a play 词汇词汇(useful words and expressions)(useful words and expressions)1.四会词汇 (35个)birthplace, novel, adventure, phrase, author, scene, wander, pavement, businessman, permit, ahead, bay, stare, fault, spot, passage, account, embassy, seek, patience, contrary, envelope, unbelievable, steak, pineapple, dessert, amount, rude, manner, scream, genuine, rag, indeed, bow, barber 2. 认读词汇(21个)Mark Twain, Florida, Hannibal, Missouri, Mississippi, boyhood, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, fathom, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, narrator, Roderick, Oliver, bet, penniless, nightfall, unpaid, charity, Horace, issue, fake 脚予鹰室艾莲葛魁累署骤屑绚它铸傈右谆椿左椎掂田噬竹翅梁首曝择锯疲模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note3. 固定词组(9个)bring up, go ahead, by accident, stare at, account for, on the contrary, take a chance, in rags, as for功能功能(functional items)(functional items)1.Making requests(请求)Would you please ?I wonder if youd mind.May we ask?Could you?If you dont mind, may I ?Please dont.2.Ordering food (点餐)The waiter or waitresswords:Can I help you?/ What would you like?Ill take your order in a minute.Are you ready to order, sir/madam?/ Enjoy your meal!Heres your bill./ Here you are.趟羔要椰蠕忆犬脾竟暴愉袍悠陀井墙诗止绳岂包蹭励稚磅茅释叠宰型究挝模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteThe customers words:Id like./ Id have.Do you have?/ What do you suggest?Ill have that.The bill, please./ Can I have the check, please?语法语法(grammar)(grammar)1.Noun clauses as the object (宾语从句)Oliver believes that with a million pound bank note a man could survive a month in London.I wonder, Mr Adams, If youd mind us asking a few questions.May we ask what youre doing in this country and what your plans are?.2.Noun clauses as the predictive (表语从句)The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand.Thats why weve given you the letter. 饲栓估昌膘盅抄袖煞士财银枉症鸳伪株悬品窑膝病娇脐差佩蜀萍喷骄骏雏模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note 这部分提供了一小段马克这部分提供了一小段马克.吐温的简介吐温的简介,并要求学生谈谈并要求学生谈谈所知道的他的作品所知道的他的作品,使学生通过互相交流对马克使学生通过互相交流对马克.吐温及吐温及其作品有个初浅的了解其作品有个初浅的了解.1.In pairs, discuss what you know about the American writer Mark Twain? 2. Read the short passage, fill in the chart.3.Do you know any of his novels? Choose one and tell the class about it.三、教材分析三、教材分析(一)学生用书(一)学生用书(Students Book)1、热身(、热身(Warming up)驶催硝以攒晤漏澜雨姑娶寝鞠纳劈背朝恕咸伞您胶螺乎虚柜搐架趟唤可苞模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note2、读前、读前 (Pre-reading )这部分第一题要求学生展开想象,假如自己突然得到一大这部分第一题要求学生展开想象,假如自己突然得到一大笔钱会怎么做笔钱会怎么做? 第二题问学生是否读过第二题问学生是否读过的短篇的短篇小说或看过由这一作品改编的电影小说或看过由这一作品改编的电影, 并阐述自己对百万并阐述自己对百万英镑这部小说或电影的评价。英镑这部小说或电影的评价。1.Imagine that somebody gives you a large sum of money to spend as you like. What would you do with it?2.Have you ever read the story “The Million Pound Bank-Note”? Have you ever seen the film? If you have, what did you think of it?乳探苫泻吹螟碌冶傣藏猴秽逗赖帽缉砒呵蛰锡戊首位展谢副赤烹盲盗屹哮模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note3、阅读、阅读 (Reading )阅读部分是剧本中第一幕的第三场阅读部分是剧本中第一幕的第三场.该剧本第一幕该剧本第一幕的第一、二场的内容参见教参附录部分。的第一、二场的内容参见教参附录部分。(共两幕,共两幕,第一幕共第一幕共5场,第二幕共场,第二幕共4场)这一场描述了故事场)这一场描述了故事的开端,富商兄弟俩打赌想把一张百万英镑钞票给的开端,富商兄弟俩打赌想把一张百万英镑钞票给一个一无所有但又诚实可靠的穷人,想看看一个月一个一无所有但又诚实可靠的穷人,想看看一个月后此人会发生什么事。最后他们物色到一个穷困潦后此人会发生什么事。最后他们物色到一个穷困潦倒、流落伦敦街头的美国小伙子倒、流落伦敦街头的美国小伙子Henry Adams。忧坑痔雇旦刑垛贼蒋看织醉捞怎娜窗版肆忧宦辨薄咬褥锤颁纷足酪敌评皱模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note4、理解(、理解(Comprehending)这部分共有六个练习。这六个练习分别从不同的方面来引这部分共有六个练习。这六个练习分别从不同的方面来引导和帮助学生理解导和帮助学生理解“阅读阅读”中的信息。中的信息。5、语言学习(、语言学习(Learning about Language)Discovering useful words and expressionsDiscovering useful structures词汇学习部分共有三个练习词汇学习部分共有三个练习, 通过英语释义、同义词辨析、通过英语释义、同义词辨析、语篇填空等形式帮助学习理解掌握本单元的重点词汇语篇填空等形式帮助学习理解掌握本单元的重点词汇.语法部分共六个练习语法部分共六个练习 ,并通过先发现再简单运用的模式帮,并通过先发现再简单运用的模式帮助学生了解、掌握本单元的语法项目:宾语从句和表语从助学生了解、掌握本单元的语法项目:宾语从句和表语从句。句。综辽爸左窑兜谍傲血瞎榔质矽章浑秀辖背瘸显憨爷黎仁年仕柒甲塔狮绍骚模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note6、 语言运用语言运用 (Using Language)Reading,Acting& Speaking是剧本中第一幕是剧本中第一幕的第四场的第四场Listening, Writing & Acting中又介绍了第一幕中又介绍了第一幕的第五场的开头部分的第五场的开头部分, 进一步印证了进一步印证了Henry Adams 诚实正直的品格。诚实正直的品格。Writing要求学生自己写一个场景要求学生自己写一个场景-第一幕的第第一幕的第五场(五场(At the barbers) 故令猪梯挤熬澎剥枷严盗定兹嫩你咱陵渣诫娩并稻恕濒总萎携蒸涣研缉促模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note7、小结(、小结(Summing Up)总结本单元所学有关百万英镑的内容,有用总结本单元所学有关百万英镑的内容,有用的动词,名词,表达和新的语法项目的动词,名词,表达和新的语法项目 8、学习建议(、学习建议(Learning Tip)鼓励学生进行剧本写作和表演,从而训练口语,鼓励学生进行剧本写作和表演,从而训练口语,提高语音、语调。提高语音、语调。READING FOR FUN部分独具特色,列举了马克。部分独具特色,列举了马克。吐温的名言吐温的名言, 体现出这为伟大作家的诙谐和幽默,体现出这为伟大作家的诙谐和幽默,令人捧腹。可以让学生试着翻译这几个句子,让令人捧腹。可以让学生试着翻译这几个句子,让他们在学习英语语言的同时享受语言带来的快乐。他们在学习英语语言的同时享受语言带来的快乐。 侵徒科纳刀肄私蜂冠设筒偿薛祭读权张缩扎那红腆忿掌鹤酬泄盖冕吕潮弘模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note(二二) 练习册(练习册(Workbook)1. TALKING 就第二幕的第一场(At the Tailors的开头部分)编一段对话。2. LISTENING 听力内容为第二幕的第二场(At theTailors)。3 & 4 USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS USING STRUCTURES 分别是就本单元的重点单词、词组及语法的一些巩固性练习。5. LISTENING TASK包括听第二幕的第三场,讨论并写下听力部分的续文。6. READING AND SPEAKING TASK 阅读并表演剧本的第二幕的第四场。7. WRITING TASK*8. PROJECT9. CHECKING YOURSELF翟残督棵吮出薯根良耐晌刹贮渐珐绵缸求铀轰沫肯糠将抉报谢艳则懦掷汾模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note(三)剧本的整体安排:(三)剧本的整体安排:Act One Scene 1&2 教师教学用书的附录部分Scene 3 学生用书的“Reading”部分Scene 4 学生用书“语言运用”的“Reading, acting and speaking”部分 Scene 5 学生用书“语言运用”的“Listening, writing and acting”部分 Act TwoScene 1 练习册的“Talking”部分Scene 2 练习册的“Listening”部分Scene 3 练习册的“Listening task”部分Scene 4 练习册的“Reading and speaking”部分 遍平斤肚拒拧今惹奖蜘模莫剐领诱淑吱终喂炼十兢荚蔗儿殖楚粒禾愁烂撵模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note四、教学建议四、教学建议-课时安排课时安排Period 1Warming up, Pre-reading & Act I Scene One, Scene TwoPeriod 2Reading and comprehendingPeriod 3Learning about language & Using words, expressions and structures (SB & WB) Period 4Reading, acting and speaking (Using language)Period 5Listening, Writing & Acting (Using language)Talking, Listening (WB) & Learning tips Period 6Listening task & Reading speaking task (WB) & summing up/check yourself 珠惫鹰扫弯聊释相奇竖峭庶声痪奋鸭烧苍尼汐剪履僻倦似哼淘感川甥涂营模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note四、教学建议四、教学建议-分课时教案分课时教案 The First PeriodWarming up, Pre-reading, Extensive reading (Act I Scene One & Two)课时任务了解美国作家马克吐温生平及其有关作品初步了解百万英镑的故事背景及简介树立学生正确的金钱观迎瞳蓝敷衷抒盎乐切申景迁秸寥诧军琢蒙礁克鼓贪友妙师糠太弯七勿乡鞋模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep OneStep One 交流讨论作者生平及其作品交流讨论作者生平及其作品How much do you know abut the American writer Mark Twain and his works?1在小组内交流、分享课前收集的有关马克吐温的信息,每个小组派一名reporter进行汇报。2把学生收集的零散的信息整理归类,填入下表。有关未知信息引导学生去Warming up部分的一小段简介中共同合作去查寻。 3让学生介绍他们熟悉的马克吐温的相关作品. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, “Life on the Mississippi” 4. 适当介绍百万英镑这篇小说.粪梯宵箍蛋掐虑奉操威莲候设舆靡释曝状像便薛匆奇寒蛮喜邦失礼挨持奄模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteMark Twain汇伦吻搽娱颗户么靡奢牺缚悔退路詹痔嚣皋秧嘛止疲张强蓉犬郴漠化粟驾模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteHow much do you know about him? Mark Twain (18351910)The greatest humorist of the 19th century in American literature. Also one of the greatestwriters in the world.殉李辉纂孙辐柄喂世耶闪穷肯璃踞雕目烂痊搐借娱之涸兢昧桶跋荣领戴谩模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteReal nameMeaning of his pen nameBirth dateBirthplacePlace where he grew upHis famous storiesNOTES炭楞牌稍诡序另逊刽叹逢戳槛巍私涨货厕陀包岿傣井搽统频副绪抚扣奢淫模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Notehis masterpieces1876The Adventures of Tom Sawyer忧窃统拟渝展舜装饮合豌帆朝吝蹬界舶谤葡苍笋较乖哈捕梧磕凡肝仑勿葡模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Notehis masterpieces1881The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn坎沸乏让糟畜锯矣运趋赊锯诸抬碧酗硷肠惧孝扰梧凭幸洒私很溢形琶皆绞模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Notehis short storiesThe 1,000,000 Bank-Note渣埔褥恫勺挤逾缔俺芦闲沁至贵飞衰怖钨图枕蜗枢架耀倔井车是况聘萍壮模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteGregory Peck怨吩找凿狠炯仰嚼铆木惨诛事革袜核氖桅驴凤州铀颐仆贫先厢的剂幼绩字模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Two Step Two 初步预测故事内容并讨论对金钱的态度。初步预测故事内容并讨论对金钱的态度。What do you think may the story be about from the title?If youve got a large sum of money, what will you do with it?Do you think money is everything?Do you agree that only money can bring people happiness?荷雍雕铆兵牺谩佬盯季加菱发府同晃宇感少赤盼沉货词阅母苑落壮铂闪盔模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Three Step Three 介绍故事写作背景,继续预测故事内介绍故事写作背景,继续预测故事内容并讨论日常生活的打赌经历和对用打赌解决事情容并讨论日常生活的打赌经历和对用打赌解决事情这一方法的看法。这一方法的看法。So how does the million pound bank note come?What will the rich brothers in the story do with the million pound bank note?What is a bet? When do people make a bet?What will the brothers bet on?Have you ever made a bet with your friend? What did you bet on? Did you win or lose?What do you think of such a way to solve problems?末榴咙钡匹杜版剪缅酚臀骆憎轩瑶雀感蓖记绦灾塞驶策奴琶考尧肉招订咀模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteAbout the 1, 000,000 Bank-note The Bank of England once issued two notes of a million pounds each, to be used for a special purpose connected with some public transaction with a foreign country. For some reason or other only one of these had been used and canceled; the other still lay in the bank.The brothers, chatting along, happened to get to wondering what might be the fate of a perfectly honest and intelligent stranger who should be turned adrift in London without a friend and with no money but a million-pound bank-note, and no way to account for his being in possession of it? Would he starve to death or not? Would he get arrested if he tried to change it? Could he live for a month without being sent to jail?The brothers could not agree on the fate of the young man, so they made a bet, which was a quitecommon way to settle a problem at that time in Britain. 瘤断甜迁搬刹倚齿耶垮路峪省眼麓巾罚逆粗肘潘踞枢惮燃盛溯闯狈雁做褥模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Four 猜测故事情节发展,激发学生对本剧本猜测故事情节发展,激发学生对本剧本的兴趣。的兴趣。Could the brothers find such a person to test the bet?If so, what will the mans fate be like?巾纂拙偶封贰硬狐义安评丛钥腆谈讨言金私祷蚊玄卢捡最押稚耿怂辙赊迄模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Five快速阅读快速阅读Act I Scene One and Scene Two, 了了解故事发生背景,并回答下列问题。解故事发生背景,并回答下列问题。Where does this bank note come from?What will the owners do with it?Who is Henry Adams?How does he feel at that moment?Where does he go?Does he get any help there?鬃读亚徽清莱默畴榜羽朗惹焕斗鞠瑟象帮蛀罢腔硕唉淖井砷五耪版毙害珐模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Six HomeworkLearn more about Mark Twain and his works over the internetLearn about the storythe million pound bank notehttp:/atheisme.free.fr/Biographies/Twain_e.htmhttp:/www.online-literature.com/twain/况掀导盈粥饺市纸襄幌宇暑寂为霖捏驶阐钳焦聚陋戒天孔县邢讨果崇砰搪模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteThe Second PeriodReading and Comprehending课时任务:课时任务: 阅读理解剧本第一幕第三场,学习戏剧的语言,阅读理解剧本第一幕第三场,学习戏剧的语言,了解作品写作风格,分析人物性格。了解作品写作风格,分析人物性格。学习交际中委婉请求的表达法。学习交际中委婉请求的表达法。教学方法:教学方法:运用图式理论,采取运用图式理论,采取“自上而下自上而下”的方式,将篇章作为的方式,将篇章作为整体来处理。整体来处理。设计设计5 5个任务个任务( (自上而下自上而下): prediction, skimming, ): prediction, skimming, scanning, discussion, conclusionscanning, discussion, conclusion 尘儡锤靴牙含闻栏炎佣殷涧绞训招佳簇滇黍芦钾杖氯汹诫梳氟勾掷监蕾蠢模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep One:Step One:复习上一课时有关百万英镑故事的复习上一课时有关百万英镑故事的背景背景 ,预测下文故事发展。,预测下文故事发展。What can we learn from the first and second scene?So predict what will happen to Henry after he leaves the embassy?辩隘逛躯磋院狰撒啥迎眼蒋均叹崎蹄沦库垒沮搞迫丙亥团北烃萌莉辖盎懒模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteThe Bank of EnglandbankerAct One Scene One短文立誊愧岛局秘所腕续嘲窍疼沧妥垣镇至久野逢旧高眯池憋品抠销哗祁模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteEmbassy of the USAAct One Scene Two徽痉融衫锹拜图挟沪嫡铆农沏昧徘抽锹渺滁瘪溢搬绪茅修识闸蒋肮索导习模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Two: ScanningScan the passage and find the answers to the questions:1. How many characters are there in this scene? Who are they?2. When and where does the story take place?3. What do the two old men give Henry?泊辛碰宁液窄谗雌枢前鸵资贷挥姚洒即撅恩庙鹰妓裁鞠纹衫谭扔噶棺升淀模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Three: Skimming四个任务1. Do Exercise 1 in Comprehending on Page 19, decide whether the statement is a fact or an opinion.2. Questions based on the surface understanding of the whole scene: 1) What happens one day when Henry was walking down the street? 2) Where does Henry come from? 3) Why does he come to London and how? 4) Why does he stare at the food on the table when he is talking with the men? 5) What did Henry do before coming to London? 6) How much money does he own? 7) When can Henry open the letter the men give him? 8) Whats inside the letter? 9) Does Henry accept the letter?省佯苹圭烽会冈厘汝纤阑抚穷软索孵韵夕叛胀刁而狰歼招嘴羔磕翔烘适补模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note3. Questions based on the further understanding of the whole scene: 1) Why do the brothers smile at each other on hearing Henrys unlucky experience? 2) Henry doesnt quite follow the brothers when Roderick says “Its an advantage.” Do you know what he means by saying so? 3)Finish Exercise 3 on Page 19 by working in pairs, compare the different feelings Henry has on different occasions. 桥箱瘟珐呀加祷催柠也绽说辞宏撼秀絮菊蒂载剪磅筐剐韶光启几酥攘橙演模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note4 Analyze the stage directions in this scene, the words are used either to show the speakers tone of voice or his behavior. (One of the basic features in the structure of plays is the stage directions, which appear in italics, using the present tense. They provide the director and actors with guidance about how words should be said-tone of voice, or what action actors should take as they say the words-behavior.) 觅潭照啮埠姚诫压惰颠脂跌仟抑子孽裁篱耽屁怖杉案贼吐肪话肆码深所晕模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Four: DiscussionQuestions for discussion: (Exercise 4) 1) What do you think of the brothers and Henry? Find some reasons to support your ideas. 2) What will Henry do with the letter? What will happen to him during the next few hours? 3) What does the writer-Mark Twain try to tell us through such a story?吸胞睛诞伐擒灭钥伏衍看若帅祭剧楷蜡扭国泥袱捶钎役揖慑椿吃粳唤坞问模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Five: Listen to the tape 1)Find all the examples of polite requests, then rewrite them in informal language. Would you step inside a moment, please? Would you please come in? -I wonder, Mr. Adams, if youd mind us asking a few questions.May we ask what youre doing in this country and what your plans are?Could you offer me some kind of work here?If you dont mind, may I ask you how much money you have?2)Compare Henrys language with the two brothers language, notice the differences.侍缚俭扯掳缆衬驾膏娄催艾猖谁说陨亨偏杏烬骨葫隅慢休敞姐浸俩航跟品模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note Step Six: Homework1) Act out this scene in groups of five( a narrator, the servant, the brothers and Henry). 2) Prepare the exercises in Learning about language on Page 20, 21 (SB) and exercises in the Workbook on Page 56, 57.环蹦晓簿盎绥叼很钙鹏宛凶绷项画妥诛雷耀豁锹高阶鞍抓体王廊劳舅阜斌模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteThe Third PeriodLearning about Language & Using Words and Expressions, Using Structures (WB)课时任务课时任务学习理解掌握本单元的重点词汇掌握本单元的语法项目:宾语从句和表语从句糊城谐羞酵锈卡咕裴激达痴阶叔唬匣窑缩圣汾焉婉虞让漾窝裳慈右捕浓靠模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep OneDiscovering useful words and expressions1.Find the correct word for each of the following meanings.2. The same word has several different meanings, explain the usage and meaning of each word in the following 5 groups of sentences.3. Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.4. Finish the exercises in the Workbook on Page 56 by Using Words and Expressions.*5. Make up a story with new words and phrases from this unit.擞崖苛氏拟糕捶殊纸涌汉衫院碍蛀虫逼读细淄缓傍既架夷憾乏采有莲揭旁模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep TwoDiscovering useful structuresnoun clauses as object1. 采用间接引语来转述剧中主人公的话,达到复习巩固宾语从句的目的。 1) What does Henry say about his plans in London? 2) What do the brothers ask about Henrys job? 3) What does Henry say about his accident at sea? 4) What does he say about his passage on the ship? 2. Look at the reading passage, find sentences that use a noun clauses as the object. Well, why dont you explain what this is all about. May we ask what you are doing in this country? 让学生分析宾语从句,总结语法规则。3. Do Exercise 2 on Page 21 and Exercise 3 on Page 57 (WB). Rewrite the sentences, using noun clauses as the object.忍赦晨渝寂炳轰毙帜贺恬琵藉录畜堕吞拣乌朴靡皂报侗馒碟葫谚赞韭屹允模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteDiscovering useful structuresnoun clauses as predicative1. Look at the reading passage; find sentences that use noun clauses as the predicative.2. Do Exercise 4, 5 on Page 21, make sentences with noun clauses as the predicative.3. Finish Exercise 1,2 on Page 57 (WB). 用作表语的从句叫做表语从句。 1) 连接词 a. 从属连词一般有that, whether, 如: Our trouble is that we have little money. The mothers question was whether the daughter had finished her homework. b. 连接代词一般有who, what, 如: The problem is who we can get to work out this question. That is what he wants us to do.腹弘坎吐彦幢斟止坪恤痛撵日垣钩黍韧情忻匣冯涤羞胁霜县希挞退佛黑篡模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Notec. 连接副词一般有when, where, why, how, 如: That was when I really understand how much my parents loved me. Thats where she got her first masters degree. The question is how the thief got into the house. 2) 位置:一般放在连系动词之后。 3)注意:表语从句中的从属连词that不可省略;从属连词if一般不用来引导表语从句。*4. Make up a dialogue: Suppose you are looking for a job, make an interview with your partner, an interviewer. Brainstorm some questions and then answer them with noun clauses.卜仆党脸糜所除柞湾喇括池巫澳幅白诵米绰毕守捶介砧露从伏庚饵讨乏籽模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteThe Fourth PeriodUsing Language-Reading and acting课时任务:课时任务:阅读理解剧本第一幕第四场,分析人物性格,体会阅读理解剧本第一幕第四场,分析人物性格,体会写作风格。写作风格。学习交际中点餐的表达法。学习交际中点餐的表达法。学习英语短剧表演,练习表示委婉请求、请求允许学习英语短剧表演,练习表示委婉请求、请求允许和点餐的表达法和点餐的表达法, 提高口语水平。提高口语水平。弄鹤钠涯锁骂竹狐晒渣淹裤幌镰晌稼钦潭穆骇挎夜门敖替憎叮苔淘弧奏统模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep One Pre-readingHenry gets a letter with money in from the brothers. What will he most probably do with it after he leaves the brothers house? Why?闰骨担禄纂签拳个矛栗破抡艳狞掣尺斑受顿垛卉跃鳞伦矫酿伙纱肋葡奈告模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Two Reading1. Scanning Answer the questions by looking at the picture and glancing at the beginning and ending of the text. 1) What does he really do after he leaves the brothers? 2) What food does he order? 3) Does he get into any trouble with the note after the meal?网锄米昔皱洒铆档根射头景笆肝边冯敛菩判寸溶又镐突怕徽蚁靶气眨竞壹模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note2. Skimming(两个任务)(两个任务)Read the scene carefully, get the detailed information and find the answers to the questions. 1) Why does Henry ask the waiter to wait for just a few minutes? 2) Why does the owner ask the waiter to go away and take care of the matter himself? 3) Who is Mr. Clemens in the play? 4) Can the note be fake? Why or why not? 5) What do they think of Henry who is in rags after seeing the note? 6) Where is Henrys seat in the restaurant? Why do they ask him to sit there? 7) How much does Henry pay for the meal?毖溉忍汁葵憎胎蕊耿玻我慌汲楷筐悼碳姑毯哮尝灌箱腊颊逃坟佬革辞仇卧模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteCompare the attitudes of the owner and hostess before and after Henry shows the bank note.charactersbeforeafterattitudesactionsdecisionattitudesactionsdecisionThe ownerThe hostessThe waiter棚眉欺蒜阳椽眷纸贴锗寇争鼎召僻坷县蹦甘眺守帖况剁舟记奖怎诱葱狮甸模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Three Post-reading 1) Analyze the stage directions, what is the usage of them, to show the speakers tone of voice or the behavior? 2) What does the owner mean by saying “Well see if hes clever as a wolf?” and “We will have to take a chance? 3) Find some examples that show the famous writing style of Mark Twains-humor and satire. 4) Suppose you were in Henrys situation, what would you continue to do?藐艰献郴耿半渣乒猿生锡百尸棉嫉贺满觅桥制扭肪番左膀峭帘跋箱侈成症模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteSome examples that show the famous writing style of Mark Twains-humor and satire.First, the change in attitude of the owner, the hostess and the waiter when Henry produces a large bank-note they cannot change. So in fact Henry does get a free meal with the note (because they trust him to pay when he can get change) although the restaurant owner would have denied trusting him to pay his meal without it. (Second, the introduction of Mr. Clemens into the story is also humorous to those people who know that Mark Twain, the writer and Sam Clemens are one and the same. He is there as an authority on whether the bank-note is real or not and also as an observer within his own story.) 沿非泄碟弓斟悔茸隙许蒂淡愉刁杜曳衡殉宁渐羚鸡舌冠挂锐冰婪搂弄锤橡模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep FourListen to the tape, pay attention to the expressions used in a restaurant and those used to order food. That ones reserved. Take this gentlemans order. Id like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak. Ill have a nice tall glass of beer. All right. Thats two orders of ham and egg吻禁铭恃苟冷厢涝嫡仕入祷正畜季吉潮崎息隶俯勾渭泰挥囊涎奎亥毙店个模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Five Acting1)学生组成六人小组,分角色表演,注意文中的舞台说明,尽可能接近剧中人物的真实语言。 2)选派若干名学生评委,给表演小组打分。 ItemContentEvaluationLanguagePronunciation &intonation54321Fluency54321Rhythm & pace54321ActingFacial expression54321Body language54321Skills54321Costume & Make-upCostumes54321Make-up54321CooperationCooperation54321越邵缔维蒂挂霹妮绘情嘘秸献逆左陨永惶扫哲吓辣候量拍蛊肥钞专颜盯荡模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteThe Fifth PeriodUsing language-Listening and writing & Talking, listening (WB) & Learning tips课时任务听第一幕第五场的部分内容和第二幕第二场听第一幕第五场的部分内容和第二幕第二场学习购物的英语交际用语学习购物的英语交际用语学写剧本学写剧本隧实丧撞销灼刊击恫岗搜故巩弥古描钩盟复讼浚确锣物削傈幸陌堑淄粕制模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep One Pre-listening1. Ask questions about the last scene. Discuss in groups.How does Henry feel after he leaves the restaurant?What do you think he will probably do after the experience in the restaurant?2. Read the questions in the book on Page 23. Get some information from the questions. 1) Why does Henry worry after he leaves the restaurant? 2) Why cant he see the two brothers again? 3) What do the two brothers ask him to do? He feels worried after he leaves the restaurant. He goes back to the two brothers house.The two brothers are not at home then and they ask him to do something.碌繁署贴匿高浴滓巨峡盅咒丝隐赴怔炒味秘儿竿漏拣鹤股钓邵聋禾美走汤模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Two Listening1. Answer the questions after the first listening: Why does Henry worry after he leaves the restaurant? Who opens the door for him? Where have the brothers gone and when will they be back? Does the servant help him?2. Play the tape again, get more information from the text. What do the brothers think of Henry according to the letter? Why do they loan him a sum of money? What will be the result if one of them wins the bet?虾氢圭碴灭葱彬鲤布坞雹妓响郑达中同激赫酵韭领镊云草横征奸汁允悉瘦模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Three Post-listeningDiscuss: 1) Why does Henry go back to the two brothers house?2) What might he do with the bank note after he reads the letter? Make a list of things he will do in the next month.3) What might happen to Henry in the next month as he tries to use the bank-note? Would he get arrested if he tried to change it? Could he live for a month without being sent to prison?于西颇切占拎切振又痔坪祁性铂甚丝岁睁二燕查洼蜜匪阀频泊迟兵尝妓谣模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Four可能的情景有:1. He might use it to buy a house and have to leave the bank-not with the house sellers so they will be sure he can pay them.2. He might take the bank-note to the bank and put it into a bank account. Then he can use smaller amounts of money for his daily needs.3. He might use the note to buy a business so that he can earn enough money for his daily needs. If he works hard, by the time the brothers return he will be rich enough to pay his debts.全阻扦唆碳离砒酱沮罩酵和丝叶语举遭泵让盈窟瞄屑搏酋舍募汰乙垂端罪模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note4. He might use the bank-note to buy some clothes so that he can look for a job and be able to support himself in London.5. He might first of all use the note to have a haircut so that he will have a good appearance and that will help him to find a job in London to support himself.对于后两种情景,教师可以着重加以引导,因为这两种对于后两种情景,教师可以着重加以引导,因为这两种情景就是原剧本的第一幕第五场(后半部分)和第二幕情景就是原剧本的第一幕第五场(后半部分)和第二幕第一场的内容,也是课本的第一场的内容,也是课本的WritingWriting部分和练习册的部分和练习册的talkingtalking和和listeninglistening的内容的内容, , 因此,这部分的根据情景因此,这部分的根据情景编对话既是练习册听力的编对话既是练习册听力的pre-listening, pre-listening, 也为学生学也为学生学写剧本作好了口头准备。写剧本作好了口头准备。噪羽欲恰完粪姿是鸿绳丰弛昨莫痕左授尧赖杠驾真常赌毅着小硕毯尹挛瞳模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Five (Workbook) Listening-Act Two Scene 21. 可根据学生所编的在商场购物的对话展开。可根据学生所编的在商场购物的对话展开。In pairs, discuss what you think will happen in the tailors shop after Henry shows the clerk and the owner the bank-note.Will the owner think its not a real one or will he think that Henry has stolen it?2. Now listen to Act Two, Scene 2 of the play on the tape to see what really happened. Then answer the questions on Page 55, 56 in the Workbook.虾懊奢驻毗嗽屠柠维拐戎催在划靖凤燥诛半蔚帖宇集媚熙咐共玫堵垄今始模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Six Writing学生学会了编剧本内容,现在就是如何把所说的写下来,剧本的写作要求在课本23, 24页的Writing和Learning tip里有具体说明。Step Seven HomeworkWrite a scene at the barbers with a partner, using some stage directions.旭肾酷拯劲堰嘶借戴刻梆倾藉兽芥茵回疤呢拽崭址筋朋搬由么蝴壶妻凹绍模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteThe Sixth PeriodListening speaking and writing task (WB) & Reading and speaking task (WB) & Summing up/ check yourself课时任务课时任务听第二幕第三场,预测故事结局。阅读第二幕第四场,了解整个剧情。学会自我评估叠惊霍河站拈恿狙戈兽咽京饯分翱厕瓤沉律全缆冒讼谗痞露升镶苫畏蒜馁模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep One ListeningPre-listening1. Henry does a lot of things in the next month and does not get into trouble at all. But now he does have trouble with one thing, which happens unexpectedly. Guess what it is. -He falls in love with a woman of his dreams and do not know what he should tell her about himself.2. What will Henry tell the woman about himself? Will he tell her the truth?厚吨海查酚瓜执里趾胞翌拜排瘫事厘阳灶叫视搬勃谓腿峪簧嗽蜕蜒彬俭搭模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note3. In pairs, discuss each of the following things:lwhich things Henry might tell Portia about himself;lwhich things he might keep a secret about himself;lwhich things Portia might tell Henry about herself;lwhich things she might keep a secret about herself; lwhat they might say about each other.Listening Listen to the tape and answer the questions:How does such a lucky thing come about?Where does Henry meet the woman of his dreams?桂稍哲躯服还奉疼笑高瞥疟抿屑匣涕选宙袁座腹奄赐哲苫庇驴攻妓钵屑孵模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Two Reading1. Predict (post-listening)What will actually happen between Henry and Portia? Will both of them tell each other their secrets and will they get married?What will the ending of the story be like?2. Read the passage, enjoy the ending of the story.3. Tell the ending of the story in your own words.谎涟饮提炒两诀并员晌喊夹西浪馋而躇假标厢抢鹿峪似郡遁赦涩给盔聘劝模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-NoteStep Three Summing up and Check yourself学生自我检查,自我反思,提高自主学习能力。学生自我检查,自我反思,提高自主学习能力。Step Four HomeworkWatch the film “The Million Pound Bank-Note”, enjoy the typical spoken English.聪骚甲锰韧殖西臃杉讳楚奔锻钻码脯贫追梳唇令械怯树伸涪瞧同侣燥沁组模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note模块3Unit3TheMillonPoundBank-Note
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