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LOGO第第3 章章描述性统计学描述性统计学 Descriptive Statistics:Tabular and Graphical MethodsAdd your company slogan2021/6/71Summarizing Qualitative DataSummarizing Qualitative Data Summarizing Quantitative DataSummarizing Quantitative DataExploratory Data AnalysisExploratory Data Analysis CrosstabulationsCrosstabulations and Scatter Diagrams and Scatter DiagramsContents2021/6/72.2021/6/73举重举重 射击射击 射击射击 跳水体操体操乒乓跳水体操体操乒乓球举重球举重乒乓球羽毛球举重乒乓球羽毛球乒乓球羽毛球举重乒乓球羽毛球举重举重跳水跳水跳水乒乓球举重举重跳水跳水跳水乒乓球跳水射击体操羽毛球柔道柔道跳水射击体操羽毛球柔道柔道举重田径羽毛球跆拳道举重田径羽毛球跆拳道中国体育代表团在悉尼中国体育代表团在悉尼奥运会上获金牌的项目奥运会上获金牌的项目STATSTAT统计学统计学第二章第二章 统计数据统计数据2021/6/74获金牌项目获金牌项目金牌数金牌数 占总数比例占总数比例跳水枚跳水枚 0.1786举重枚举重枚 0.1786乒乓球枚乒乓球枚 0.1429羽毛球枚羽毛球枚 0.1429体操枚体操枚 0.1071射击枚射击枚 0.1071柔道枚柔道枚 0.0714田径枚田径枚 0.0357跆拳道枚跆拳道枚 0.0357品质数列品质数列STATSTAT统计学统计学第二章第二章 统计数据统计数据2021/6/75获金牌项目获金牌项目金牌数金牌数 占总数比例占总数比例跳水枚跳水枚 0.1786举重枚举重枚 0.1786乒乓球枚乒乓球枚 0.1429羽毛球枚羽毛球枚 0.1429体操枚体操枚 0.1071射击枚射击枚 0.1071柔道枚柔道枚 0.0714田径枚田径枚 0.0357跆拳道枚跆拳道枚 0.0357变量值变量值x次数次数 f频率频率f /fSTATSTAT统计学统计学第二章第二章 统计数据统计数据2021/6/76圆形图(饼图圆形图(饼图 Pie)STATSTAT统计学统计学第二章第二章 统计数据统计数据2021/6/77STATSTAT统计学统计学第二章第二章 统计数据统计数据圆形图(饼图圆形图(饼图 Pie)2021/6/78STATSTAT统计学统计学第二章第二章 统计数据统计数据圆形图(饼图圆形图(饼图 Pie)2021/6/792021/6/7102021/6/711vBar Charts条状图条状图Bar charts provide an alternative to pie charts.The frequency (or relative frequency) of each category is represented by a vertical bar.vExample 2.3 - continued (Excel representation) 73523664282021/6/7122021/6/713STATSTAT统计学统计学第二章第二章 统计数据统计数据条形图条形图(Bar)2021/6/714田径跆拳道柔道体操射击羽毛球乒乓球跳水举重Count302826242220181614121086420Percent10090807060504030201002334455帕累托图帕累托图Pareto0-80% A类因素类因素80-90% B类因素类因素90-100% C类因素类因素2021/6/7153.3数值型数据的整理与展示数值型数据的整理与展示vFrequency Distribution频数分布vRelative Frequency and Percent Frequency Distributions相对频数和百分数vDot Plot打点图vHistogram直方图vCumulative Distributions累计分布图vOgive穹形图2021/6/716某年级某年级83名女生身高资料名女生身高资料 身高身高 人数人数(CM) (人)(人) 152 1 154 2 155 2 156 4 157 1 158 2 159 2 160 12 161 7 162 8 163 4 身高身高 人数人数(CM) (人)(人) 164 3 165 8 166 5 167 3 168 7 169 1 170 5 171 2 172 3 174 1总计总计 83 变量值变量值x次数次数f单值(项)数列单值(项)数列2021/6/717 身高身高 人数人数 比重比重 (CM) (人)(人) (%) 150-155 3 3.61 155-160 11 13.25 160-165 34 40.96 165-170 24 28.92 170以上以上 11 13.25 总计总计 83 100某年级某年级83名女生身高资料名女生身高资料组距数列组距数列次数次数f频率频率f/f2021/6/718某年级某年级83名女生身高资料名女生身高资料 身高身高 人数人数 (CM) (人)(人) 150-155 3 155-160 11 160-165 34 165-170 24 170以上以上 11 总计总计 83组距数列组距数列上组限上组限U下组限下组限L组距组距dd=U-L如:如:160-155=5组中值组中值xx=(U+L)/2如如:(165+170)/2=167.5开口组开口组d=邻组邻组d估计上组估计上组限为限为175估计组中估计组中值为值为172.52021/6/719单值数列单值数列组距为组距为2.5的的组距数列组距数列组距为组距为4的组距数列的组距数列组距为组距为6的组距数列的组距数列2021/6/720组数组数Sturges 经验公式经验公式最小最小K值法值法2021/6/721组距、组上限、组下限组距、组上限、组下限2021/6/722频数表频数表(用(用SPSS制作)制作)有效有效数据数据频数频数频率频率有效有效频率频率累计累计频率频率约约2/3的人身高不超过的人身高不超过165cm2021/6/723vRelative Frequency and Percent Frequency Distributions Relative Percent Cost ($) Frequency Frequency 50-59.04 4 60-69 .2626 70-79.3232 80-89 .1414 90-99.1414 100-109 .1010 Total 1.00 100Example: Hudson Auto Repair2021/6/724Dot PlotvOne of the simplest graphical summaries of data is a dot plot.vA horizontal axis shows the range of data values.vThen each data value is represented by a dot placed above the axis.2021/6/725Example: Hudson Auto RepairvDot Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . 505050 606060 707070 808080 909090 100100100 110110110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost ($)Cost ($)2021/6/726直方图直方图(Histogram)2021/6/727直方图直方图条形图条形图2021/6/728直方图直方图2021/6/729研究贫富差别的基本方法:将人口按研究贫富差别的基本方法:将人口按收入水平等分为收入水平等分为 5 组,观察收入差别。组,观察收入差别。20% 20% 20% 20% 20%中国九十年代:中国九十年代:最富的最富的20家庭家庭拥有全部财富的拥有全部财富的48,最穷的最穷的20家家庭拥有全部财富的庭拥有全部财富的4。2021/6/730Lorentz CurveLorentz CurveGA/(AB)ABCumulative relative percent of populationCumulative relative percent of income累计次数分布图2021/6/7312021/6/732Exploratory Data AnalysisvThe techniques of exploratory data analysis consist of simple arithmetic and easy-to-draw pictures that can be used to summarize data quickly.vOne such technique is the stem-and-leaf display.2021/6/733Stem-and-Leaf DisplayvA stem-and-leaf display shows both the rank order and shape of the distribution of the data.vIt is similar to a histogram on its side, but it has the advantage of showing the actual data values.vThe first digits of each data item are arranged to the left of a vertical line.vTo the right of the vertical line we record the last digit for each item in rank order.vEach line in the display is referred to as a stem.vEach digit on a stem is a leaf.2021/6/734Example: Hudson Auto RepairvStem-and-Leaf Display 5 2 7 6 2 2 2 2 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 7 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 8 0 0 2 3 5 8 9 9 1 3 7 7 7 8 9 10 1 4 5 5 92021/6/735Stretched Stem-and-Leaf DisplayvIf we believe the original stem-and-leaf display has condensed the data too much, we can stretch the display by using two more stems for each leading digit(s).vWhenever a stem value is stated twice, the first value corresponds to leaf values of 0-4, and the second values corresponds to values of 5-9.2021/6/736Example: Hudson Auto RepairvStretched Stem-and-Leaf Display 5 2 5 7 6 2 2 2 2 6 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 7 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 7 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 8 0 0 2 3 8 5 8 9 9 1 3 9 7 7 7 8 9 10 1 4 10 5 5 92021/6/737其它统计图表介绍其它统计图表介绍:象形图象形图2021/6/7382021/6/7392021/6/7402021/6/7412021/6/7422021/6/7432021/6/7442021/6/7452021/6/7462021/6/7472021/6/7482021/6/749LOGOThe end of chapter 22021/6/750LOGO部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!
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