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Copyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究PEPPEP小学英语四年级上册小学英语四年级上册Unit 1 My classroomPA Lets learn第一课时第一课时Copyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究Hey, Dola. Whats in your bag?one booktwo pencilsone penone book, two pencils and one pen are in my bag.Copyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究Look, a classroomWhats in the classroom?Copyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究deskone=atwosthreefoursevenmanyCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究chairone=atwosthreefourmanyCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究andchairsmany desksCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究deskchairWhats in the classroom?many desks and chairs Copyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究one doorOpen the door Copyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究two lightslightTurn on the lightCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究windowClose the windowCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究picturePut up the pictureCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究blackboardClean the blackboardCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究whats in the classroom?One blackboard,one TV,many desks and chairs are in the classroom.Copyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究Open the door.Turn on the light.Close the window.Put up the picture.Clean the blackboard.Do as I sayCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究pictureCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究picturewindowblackboardclassroomdoorlightPut up the starCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究Listen and number .51342Copyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究Whats in the classroom?Pair workCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究Practice一、单项选择。一、单项选择。( )1. Six _ are in the classroom. A. window B. lights C. door ( ) 2. Whats _the classroom, Li Yang? A. in B. on C. under ( ) 4._the picture, Linda. A. Open B. Close C. Put up ( ) 5.Turn on the _, Lili. A. door B.TV C. windowCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究Our classroom is our home We should keep it neat and tidy.Copyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究Homework:1.A lets learn 新单词读熟练并新单词读熟练并抄一遍;抄一遍;2.画一张自己理想的教室,向画一张自己理想的教室,向大家描述它是什么样子的。大家描述它是什么样子的。Copyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!
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