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qualification qualified recommend recommendation requirement require occupy occupation apology apologize abundant abundance preparation prepare comfort comfortable requirement require acknowledge acknowledgement acknowledged lecture enterprise draft succeeded concentration confidence routine destination agent optional adjust to keep it up fit in as far as one is concerned be occupied with 日复一日日复一日 不可能的;不不可能的;不值值得得讨论讨论的的 (迁入新居、更迁入新居、更换换工作后工作后)安安顿顿下来下来 对对适适应应;习惯习惯 占用占用时间时间;占据空;占据空间间;继续继续 Id won since Id learnt to play chess when to get the money As far as grammar is concerned, so well that substitute强调“代替,顶替”。用法:substitute A for B“用A代替B”。指以一物代替另一物,一人代替另一人。replace强调“更换,替换”。用法:replace A with B“用B代替A”。用于简单的替代,尤指用新的取代旧的。
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