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Full enclosure or adjustable guarding must be provided around all rotating or moving parts.在所有旋转或移动的在所有旋转或移动的部件上安装护罩部件上安装护罩Proper guarding on moving component.在旋转部件上设置的正确护罩在旋转部件上设置的正确护罩-Chains链条-Collars轴-Couplings接合器-Blades刀具-Pulleys滑轮-Shafts传动杆-Other Rotating or Moving Parts其它移动或旋转设备HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 01Full enclosure or adjustable guarding must be provided around all rotating or moving parts.在所有旋转或移动的在所有旋转或移动的部件上安装护罩部件上安装护罩Proper guarding on rotating component.在旋转部件上设置的正确护罩在旋转部件上设置的正确护罩No guarding on chain drive.在链条上没有护罩在链条上没有护罩HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 02Proper guarding on rotating component.在旋转部件上设置的正确护罩在旋转部件上设置的正确护罩No guarding on pulley.在滑轮上没有护罩在滑轮上没有护罩HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 03Full enclosure or adjustable guarding must be provided around all rotating or moving parts.在所有旋转或移动的在所有旋转或移动的部件上安装护罩部件上安装护罩Proper Guarding正确的护罩正确的护罩No guarding on coupling.接合器上没有护罩接合器上没有护罩HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 04Full enclosure or adjustable guarding must be provided around all rotating or moving parts.在所有旋转或移动的在所有旋转或移动的部件上安装护罩部件上安装护罩Guarding must extend around the back side of rotating or moving parts.旋转或移动的部件反面也要有护罩保护旋转或移动的部件反面也要有护罩保护Proper Guarding正确的护罩正确的护罩No guarding on the back side of the pulley.滑轮的反面的没有护罩保护滑轮的反面的没有护罩保护HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 05Proper guarding around back sideof moving components.正确的护罩正确的护罩-保护到运动部件的后面保护到运动部件的后面No guarding on the back side of the drive.运动部件的后侧没有护罩运动部件的后侧没有护罩HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 06Guarding must extend around the back side of rotating or moving parts.旋转或移动的部件反面也要有护罩保护旋转或移动的部件反面也要有护罩保护Deflection guards must be provided on machinery with the potential to project chips, particles, sparks or kickbacks.对于那些对于那些在运转时有可能产生碎片,颗粒物,火花或其它后果的机器,必在运转时有可能产生碎片,颗粒物,火花或其它后果的机器,必须设置防护罩须设置防护罩Proper Guarding Grinder正确的护罩正确的护罩-砂轮机砂轮机Proper Guarding Machine正确的护罩正确的护罩机器机器HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 07Machine guards must be maintained in a clean and proper working condition.机器的护罩必须维机器的护罩必须维护在整洁和正常工作的状态护在整洁和正常工作的状态Proper Guarding正确的护罩正确的护罩HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 08Machine guards must not be modified to defeat the total protection of the guard.不能随意对机器护罩加以改造,不能随意对机器护罩加以改造,以致影响到护罩的整体防护功能以致影响到护罩的整体防护功能Improperly modified guard.不正确改造的护罩不正确改造的护罩Too Large开口太大开口太大HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 09Machine guards must be properly adjusted for the machine.机器护罩必须被正确调节机器护罩必须被正确调节Improperly adjusted guard.不正确调节的护罩不正确调节的护罩HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 10Fixed machine guards must be properly secured in place.固定式机器护罩必须正确地安装在机器上固定式机器护罩必须正确地安装在机器上Guard not properly in place.护罩没有正确地安装在位置上护罩没有正确地安装在位置上Guard missing from side of machine.护罩的一侧被拿走护罩的一侧被拿走MissingHAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 11Power presses must have appropriate control devices to prevent the operator from placing their hands into the machine during operation.冲压设备必须有适合的控制设施来防止操作者在操作时冲压设备必须有适合的控制设施来防止操作者在操作时将手放在机器内将手放在机器内Light Curtain光帘光帘Control Devices:-Two-Handed Tripping Devices-Light Curtains-Restraints-Barriers控制设施:-两只手操作的装置-光帘-抑制-屏障HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 12Two-handed tripping device.两只手控制的装置两只手控制的装置HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 13Power presses must have appropriate control devices to prevent the operator from placing their hands into the machine during operation.冲压设备必须有适合的控制设施来防止操作者在操作时冲压设备必须有适合的控制设施来防止操作者在操作时将手放在机器内将手放在机器内No guard preventing entry into sides of the press.没有防护设备妨止从侧面进入冲压设备没有防护设备妨止从侧面进入冲压设备Plexiglass barrier guard around all sides of the press.有机玻璃屏障置于冲压设备周围有机玻璃屏障置于冲压设备周围HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 14Power presses must have appropriate control devices to prevent the operator from placing their hands into the machine during operation.冲压设备必须有适合的控制设施来防止操作者在操作时冲压设备必须有适合的控制设施来防止操作者在操作时将手放在机器内将手放在机器内Abrasive wheel grinders must have appropriately adjusted tool rests and tongue guards.砂轮机必须有正确砂轮机必须有正确的可调节的靠垫和舌形的护罩的可调节的靠垫和舌形的护罩Properly adjusted grinder guard.正确调节的砂轮机护罩正确调节的砂轮机护罩HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 15Tool rest improperly adjusted.靠垫的间距调节不正确靠垫的间距调节不正确.No tool rest, tongue guard or side guard.没有靠山,舌形的护罩,侧面的护罩没有靠山,舌形的护罩,侧面的护罩HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 16Abrasive wheel grinders must have appropriately adjusted tool rests and tongue guards.砂轮机必须有正确砂轮机必须有正确的可调节的靠垫和舌形的护罩的可调节的靠垫和舌形的护罩Guards for machines with rotating or turning blades must be properly adjusted to cover the exposed portion of the blade.有旋转有旋转刀片的机器的护罩必须被正确的调节,以盖住刀片的暴露部分刀片的机器的护罩必须被正确的调节,以盖住刀片的暴露部分Open side to band saw blade.锯条的护罩一侧被打开锯条的护罩一侧被打开Properly adjusted band saw guardto stock height.正确调节的锯条护罩的高度正确调节的锯条护罩的高度HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 17Guards must be provided over foot activated control pedals to prevent inadvertent activation.对于可被脚打开的控制开关,必须对于可被脚打开的控制开关,必须安装护罩,以防止脚无意中开启设备安装护罩,以防止脚无意中开启设备Covered foot pedal.包住上面的脚踏开关包住上面的脚踏开关Covered foot pedal.包住上面的脚踏开关包住上面的脚踏开关HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 18Permanent equipment must be properly secured in place.永久使用的设备必须在工作场所安全的放置永久使用的设备必须在工作场所安全的放置Drill press not secured in place.钻床放置在不安全的现场钻床放置在不安全的现场Grinder not secured in place.砂轮机放置在不安全的地点砂轮机放置在不安全的地点HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 19Automatic machine guards must be properly functioning and not altered or modified.自动的机器护罩必须运转正自动的机器护罩必须运转正常,不能被改变常,不能被改变Properly functioning light curtain.正确运转的光帘正确运转的光帘Modified light curtain with tape on bottom half.被改变的光帘在下半部有带子被改变的光帘在下半部有带子HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 20Properly functioning interlock.正确运转的互锁装置正确运转的互锁装置Malfunctioning door interlock.有故障的门的互锁有故障的门的互锁HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 21Automatic machine guards must be properly functioning and not altered or modified.自动的机器护罩必须运转正自动的机器护罩必须运转正常,不能被改变常,不能被改变Emergency stop buttons must be properly labeled and color coded.应急停止按钮必须被正确的标识出,并且有应急停止按钮必须被正确的标识出,并且有色标色标Emergency stop button.应急停止按钮应急停止按钮Emergency stop button.应急停止按钮应急停止按钮HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 22Emergency stop buttons must be properly positioned and functioning on machines.应急停止按钮必须在正确地安装应急停止按钮必须在正确地安装在机器上,并且能正常运转在机器上,并且能正常运转Emergency stop button.应急停止按钮应急停止按钮Emergency stop button.应急停止按钮应急停止按钮HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 23Emergency stop cords must be properly identified and functioning.应急停止绳索必须被正确地标识出,并且运应急停止绳索必须被正确地标识出,并且运转正常转正常Properly functioning emergency stop cord.正常运转的应急停止绳索正常运转的应急停止绳索Properly functioning emergency stop cord.正常运转的应急停止绳索正常运转的应急停止绳索HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 24Emergency stop buttons and cords must not be modified to prevent the immediate activation of the device.应急停应急停止按钮和绳索不能被改变,以防止无意中开启止按钮和绳索不能被改变,以防止无意中开启Improper emergency stop button modification.不正确的应急控制按钮的改变不正确的应急控制按钮的改变HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Machine Guarding 25
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