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Talk about what you like and what you dont like. I like red very much. I like yellow and blue a little. But I dont like black at all. I want to have a pet. I like dog very much. I like cat a little. But I dont like pig at all. Listen and answer the questions.1. Who is Kitty?2. Who is Zhou Lan?3. Does Zhou Lan like Tommy?Its my cat.She is my classmate.Yes, she does. she likes Tommy a lot.(影片(影片1)Read aloud and pay attention to the key information. Ihaveapetathome.Itisacat.Itsnameiskitty.Ilikeitverymuch.Myclassmate,ZhouLan,hasapet,too.Itisadog.ItsnameisTommy.ZhouLanlikesTommyalot.Doyouhaveanypetsathome?Doyoulikethem?a petcatdogat homeinZhous homeTalk about your pets and write a passage. 1. Do you have pets? 2. Whats your favorite pet? 3. Do you have a pet at home? 4. Whats the name of your pet? 5. What does your pet look like? I IlikelikepetpetsverymuchandIsverymuchandIhaveapet.Itsadog.Itshaveapet.Itsadog.ItsnamenameisisDiandianDiandian. .Itisblackandwhite.Itisblackandwhite. ItIthasbigearsandbigeyes.Buthasbigearsandbigeyes.Butitsmouthissmall.itsmouthissmall.I Ilikeitverylikeitverymuch.much.DoyouhaveanypetsatDoyouhaveanypetsathome?Doyoulikethem?home?Doyoulikethem?Like this:Listen and pay attentionSubject pronounObject pronounI meyouyouhehimshe herIt itweusyou youthey themWere in the same class. I like it very much. He lives in England. She is a doctor. so I often help her. Are they your friends? Do you like them? Please help us find him. (录音(录音1)CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORDS TO FILL IN THE BLANKS.(1) We are new here, Could you help _? ( we/ us )(2) Mr. Liu is our English teacher. We like _ very much. ( he / him)(3) _ are our good friends. We like _ very much. ( they / them )(4) Could you help _ find her bag? ( she / her )(5) Could you give the letter to _. ( I / me )Could you please tell me your name?I dont know him.And I help her study Chinese.I like it very much.Please help us find him.Nice to meet you.Do you like them?He wants to visit the Great Wall.Do you want a pen pal?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Does he speak Chinese?Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.Does Lucy like China?Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.Present Simple to like/want/speak .Questions and answers with do/does: Do you come from the U.S.A.? Yes, I do./No, I dont. Does he speak Chinese ? Yes, he does./No, he doesnt. Does Jane like China? Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt. 翻译题do/does开头的一般疑问句:(1)你经常去购物吗?(2)你在这有好朋友吗?(3)你的朋友喜欢英语吗?(4)她讲英语吗?(5)他帮助你学汉语吗?Useful expressionsExcuse me, could you tell me your name? Sure. My name is Jane.Could you help me with it ? No problem.Do you like English ? Yes, I like it very much/a lot /a little.No, I dont like it at all. (录音(录音2)翻译题(1)她很喜欢中国,想来游览长城。(2)-她说汉语吗?-不, 她说英语。(3)她的汉语不好。她要找一个笔友帮她学汉语。(4)-你能帮她找一个笔友吗?- 没问题。(5)我和我的同学互相学习,互相帮助。Project: Organize an English Corner.Project: Organize an English Corner.Project: Organize an English Corner. Work in pairs.storieswordsexpressionsdrawinggamestalk about the ways to memorizemake a dialog about like or dislikegame:hand in handdraw your petstell a shortEnglish story音标:_词汇:_ 语法知识:_交际用语:_1. Review Section D: Learn new words, phrases and sentence patterns by heart. Recite 2a. Finish off Sd exercises.2. Preview U3 T2 Section A.
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