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Module 9 Cartoon stories Shrek MickySpider manSnoopy Nemo Kitty Snow WhiteRemember their names!Tintin Superman Monkey KingDo a guessing game!Guess the cartoon character12345cartoonheroesTintin Shrek SnoopyMonkey KingNemo monstercute/lovableACTIVITY4 : CHOOSE THE BEST SUMMARY(概要概要) FOR THE WHOLE PASSAGEa. Not all popular cartoons are recent; some have been popular for many years.b. The most popular cartoons are published as books and not as films.c. Many people who read cartoons today are children .d. Many cartoons which were created in the west have become very popular in China.Read Paragraph 1(1). What does “win the hearts of” mean? A. People love them. B. People dont love them.1. Choose the correct answer (2). Nemo is the name of a _. a) cute orange-and-white fish. b) big, fat cat which is very lazy黄黄 山山 Its a recent cartoon. Nemo is from America. coward kad Its a recent cartoon .Shrek is from America.Havoc in Heaven.Read Paragraph 2, find the answers2. What has become a common expression used by people when they see a mess? 1. How old is the Monkey King?He is more than 40 years old. 3.The Monkey King is a cartoon character which _. a). causes problems in heaven b). has travelled to the moonhvkThe Monkey King is from China. Its an old cartoon. Havoc in Heaven 大闹天宫大闹天宫It tells a monkey who leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperpor in heaven.emp()r hev()n 1. What is the story about?2.What did he do in the story?He flies into a peach garden and eats as many peaches as he likes.Havoc in Heaven 大闹天宫大闹天宫 He makes a mess in each room in heaven.a mess/in a messtidy or untidySo he is punished to be under the Wuzhi mountain for 500 years. “Havoc in Heaven” has become a common expression. 常用语常用语 Information about Tintin Who is the Cartoonist Where is the cartoonist from?When was it invented?When was the whole series published in ChinaRead Paragraph 3 Finish the information form about Tintin. HergBelgianin 1929in Dec. 1984Tintin is a reporter with red hair and a small white dog called White Snow.What does Tintin look like? Tintin is a Belgian cartoon. Its an old cartoon. (Tintin has travelled to.jungleseven the surface of the moonthe backstreets of Shanghai63Charles Schultz. Adults who have experienced life(有生活经历的有生活经历的).I am _years old now. 1.Who created Snoopy? 2.Who can understand snoopy stories better?Read Paragraphs 4 & 5 carefully, and find:Read Paragraphs 4 & 5 carefully, and find:3. Charles Schultz who created Snoopy thinks that: A. Cartoons are only for children. B. Cartoons are not only for children, but also for adults.I am 63 years old now.win the heart of.all over the worldHavoc in Heaventell a story of .a group ofagainst thr rulesmake a messcommon expressionever sincetranslate into.1.赢得赢得.的心的心2.全世界全世界3.大闹天宫大闹天宫4.讲一个讲一个.的故事的故事5.一组,一群一组,一群6.违反规则违反规则 7.制造混论制造混论8.常用语常用语9.从从.开始开始10.翻译成翻译成.1.有快乐的结局有快乐的结局2.想象做某事想象做某事3. 开某人玩笑开某人玩笑4.不是什么好笑的事不是什么好笑的事/嘲笑嘲笑5.使某人做某事使某人做某事6.使某人使某人的的7.和某人说几和某人说几句话句话8.那是好消息!那是好消息!9.给你给你10.处处于于(大大)麻烦麻烦/困境中困境中11. 陷入困境陷入困境/麻烦麻烦12.脱离困境脱离困境13.我喜欢的角色我喜欢的角色 have a happy ending imagine doing sth here you are be in (deep) trouble get into trouble get out of troublemake sb do sth make sb/sth +adj.have a word with sb. Thats good news! play a joke on sb. no laughing matter laugh at the character (that) I like1. The joke makes everyone _ (laugh). 2. The band Crazy Feet made everyone _ (excite) at the concert. 3.Tony and Daming played a joke on Linda and it made her _(angry).4. Last night Tony saw a sad film and it made him _ (cry). laugh excitedangrycryPRACTICE 1.theres no l_ matter in the story.2.-Where is the post office, Tom? - O_ there.3.The f_ cards are used in teaching.4.Itll be a cartoon which has a happy e_.5.The cartoons I like have lots of j_.6.The hero s_ three lives from the river yesterday.7.Most children like watching c_ films.aughingverlashndingokesavedartoon1.到我的办公室来,我想和你说几句话。Come to my office. I want to _ you.2.他有大麻烦了,不要再嘲笑他了。He is _. Dont laugh at him again.3.我们需要像超人那样能够拯救托尼的人。We need someone like Superman _ Tony.4.这像是一个卡通故事吗?_ it _ a cartoon story?5.那个笑话没能让我们笑起来。That joke cant _.6.你爷爷的腿有毛病,不要让他一个人外出。There is _ your grandpas legs, dont _ alone. have a word with in deep trouble who can saveIs like make us laugh something wrong with let him go outThe cartoons I like have lots of jokes.引导词在从句中作引导词在从句中作宾语宾语,此时引导词此时引导词which或或that 可以省略可以省略The cartoons (which) I like have lots of jokesI like the cartoons主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语Im looking for the photo which you took in Australia. 引导词在从句中作宾语可省略引导词在从句中作宾语可省略you took the photo in Australia. 主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语Im looking for the photo you took in AustraliaIt successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.引导词在从句中引导词在从句中作主语不可省略作主语不可省略the rich culture makes Beijing so famous主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语His father is the person who will be most unhappy.下面我们再看一个句子:下面我们再看一个句子:引导词在从句中作引导词在从句中作主语主语,此时不可省略此时不可省略The person will be most unhappy.主语主语谓语谓语表语Do you know Mr Zhang who(m) they like very much?they like Mr Zhang very much主语主语谓语谓语宾语引导词在从句中作引导词在从句中作宾语宾语,此时可以省略此时可以省略Do you know Mr Zhang they like very much?1.We need someone like Superman who can save Tony.2.The cartoons I like have lots of jokes. 3.This isnt one of those cartoons which make you laugh.4.And the characters I like are heroes like Superman or Batman.5.ive got a camera which has got his name on it.6.If Tony tells his dad that hes lost the camera he borrowed, hell be in deep trouble.7.How can we let Tony know that weve got his dads camera?8. But perhaps itll be a cartoon which has a happy ending.()()省略省略that/which,做宾语做宾语()()()宾语从句宾语从句()省略省略that/which,做宾语做宾语)(宾语从句宾语从句() Herohuman/animalNationalityCharactersRecent/old Tintin Nemo Shrek Snoopy Monkey King reporter fishgreen monster dogmonkeyBelgiumAmericaAmericaJapanChinabrave, kindugly, bravelovely, dreamyoldrecentrecentoldold clever,naughtycute, lovablefriendly kind hugeugly Appearances 外表外表Characters特性特性Peoples feelingsexcited Cartoons win the hearts of people all over the world. Why?Homework2.Create a cartoon hero after class, draw it and write a passage about it. You will introduce the cartoon next class.(选做)(选做)1.Write a short passage about your favourite cartoon hero.(必做)必做) Its a naughty monkey who can fly.Its a brave monkey who beats monsters.2Its an orange- and- white fish that is very cute and brave.11Its a huge green monster that falls in love with a princess(公主公主).3Its a lovable dog who lives in his own dream5Hes a reporter who experiences a lot of adventures.Hes a person with red hair and has a small dog.4Shrekthe Monkey KingSnoopyTintin
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