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Unit 3Unit 3I like playing badminton.I like playing badminton.1. Which sport is she playing?1. Which sport is she playing?2. What sports do you like playing?2. What sports do you like playing?Look at the picture and discuss:Look at the picture and discuss:Youll be able to:1. describe a healthy lifestyle;2. talk about sports.Warming up听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。Listen and match.1Key sentences:Key sentences:play ping-pongplay basketball play badminton go hiking go swimminggo joggingWarming up go hiking go hiking去徒步旅行去徒步旅行Warming upgo swimminggo swimming去游泳去游泳Warming up play badminton play badminton打羽毛球打羽毛球Warming upplay basketballplay basketball打篮球打篮球Warming upplay ping-pong play ping-pong 打乒乓球打乒乓球Warming upgo jogginggo jogging慢跑慢跑2. Kate goes jogging every morning.1. Mike plans to go hiking this weekend.迈克打算这周末去徒步旅行。迈克打算这周末去徒步旅行。凯特每天早上慢跑。凯特每天早上慢跑。2Look and tick.看图,选出有益于健康的活动和习惯。看图,选出有益于健康的活动和习惯。eat fast foodwatch TVride a bikeWarming upgo dancingListening and Speaking1听录音,学习下列词语。听录音,学习下列词语。Listen and learn. play tennis take a naptake a walkplay ping-pong打网球打网球打盹儿打盹儿散步散步打乒乓球打乒乓球2Listen and practice.听录音,练习谈论课后活动。听录音,练习谈论课后活动。Sam: What do you usually do after school, Amy?Amy: I usually play tennis with my sister. Its a lot of fun.Sam: Great! But I like playing ping-pong.Amy: Who do you often play with?Sam: Mary, my cousin.参考译文参考译文Listening and Speakingtennis:网球;网球;table tennis:乒乓球,对话中用的乒乓球,对话中用的ping-pong是同样的是同样的意思。意思。萨姆:埃米,你放学后通常做什么?萨姆:埃米,你放学后通常做什么?埃米:我经常和我姐姐打网球。好玩儿极了。埃米:我经常和我姐姐打网球。好玩儿极了。萨姆:真好!不过我喜欢打乒乓球。萨姆:真好!不过我喜欢打乒乓球。埃米:和谁打呢?埃米:和谁打呢?萨姆:玛丽。我表姐。萨姆:玛丽。我表姐。3Listen again and act.再听录音,根据提示表演对话。再听录音,根据提示表演对话。S1: What do you usually do after school, Amy?S2: I usually do shopping with my sister. Its a lot of fun.S1: Great! But I like doing reading.S2: Who do you often read with?S1: Mary, my cousin.Listening and Speakingdo shoppingdo reading3Listen again and act.再听录音,根据提示表演对话。再听录音,根据提示表演对话。Listening and Speakingplay basketballplay footballS1: What do you usually do after school, George?S2: I usually play basketball with my brother. Its a lot of fun.S1: Great! But I like playing football.S2: Who do you often play with?S1: My classmates.4Listen and fill.听录音,补充听录音,补充萨姆萨姆周末一天活动的信息。周末一天活动的信息。Listening and Speakinghave breakfasthave dancing classestake a napplay ping-pong have lunch watch TV take a walkListening and Speaking5Read and discuss.根据示例谈论根据示例谈论萨姆的活动。萨姆的活动。What is Sam doing at 8:00 in the morning? He is having breakfast. 该句是现在进行时态,表示在说话的时候或现该句是现在进行时态,表示在说话的时候或现阶段正在发生的动作或情况。阶段正在发生的动作或情况。Listening and SpeakingWhat is Sam doing at 10:00 in the morning?He is having dancing classes.5Read and discuss.根据示例谈论根据示例谈论萨姆的活动。萨姆的活动。Listening and SpeakingWhat is Sam doing at 12:00 at noon?He is having lunch.5Read and discuss.根据示例谈论根据示例谈论萨姆的活动。萨姆的活动。Listening and SpeakingWhat is Sam doing at 1:00 in the afternoon? He is taking a nap.5Read and discuss.根据示例谈论根据示例谈论萨姆的活动。萨姆的活动。Listening and SpeakingWhat is Sam doing at 3:00 in the afternoon? He is playing ping-pong.5Read and discuss.根据示例谈论根据示例谈论萨姆的活动。萨姆的活动。Listening and SpeakingWhat is Sam doing at 7:00 in the evening?He is taking a walk.5Read and discuss.根据示例谈论根据示例谈论萨姆的活动。萨姆的活动。Listening and SpeakingWhat is Sam doing at 8:00 in the evening? He is watching TV.5Read and discuss.根据示例谈论根据示例谈论萨姆的活动。萨姆的活动。Reading and Writing 1Read and compare.读下文,比较埃米和杰克读下文,比较埃米和杰克 Amy usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning. Then she goes jogging for about 30 minutes. She usually has breakfast at 7:30. She often has milk, an egg and some bread for breakfast. Jack often watches TV until midnight. He usually gets up late. He often eats popcorn and fast food. He never plays sports or does any outdoor activities.参考译文参考译文的生活习惯。的生活习惯。midnight: :午夜,半夜午夜,半夜1212点;点;until midnight: :直到午夜直到午夜。 埃米通常每天早上六点半起床,然后去慢跑三埃米通常每天早上六点半起床,然后去慢跑三十分钟。她一般七点半吃早饭,早饭经常喝牛奶,十分钟。她一般七点半吃早饭,早饭经常喝牛奶,吃一个鸡蛋和一些面包。吃一个鸡蛋和一些面包。 杰克经常看电视到半夜,早上通常起得很晚。杰克经常看电视到半夜,早上通常起得很晚。他经常吃爆米花和快餐,从来都不运动,也不做户他经常吃爆米花和快餐,从来都不运动,也不做户外活动。外活动。2Read again and fill.再读上文,填写下表。再读上文,填写下表。eats popcorn and fast foodwatches TV until midnightgoes jogging for about 30 minuteshas breakfast at 7:30Reading and Writing gets up at 6:30gets up lateAmy Amy Jack Jack never plays sports or does any outdoor activitieshas milk, an egg and some bread for breakfast3Read and find. 读下文,了解下列三人各自的问题。读下文,了解下列三人各自的问题。 I like staying at home, reading books, watching TV and listening to music. I dont like exercising and doing things outdoors.参考译文参考译文Reading and Writing LisaLisa莉萨:我喜欢待在家里,看书、看电视、听莉萨:我喜欢待在家里,看书、看电视、听 音乐。我不喜欢运动和户外活动。音乐。我不喜欢运动和户外活动。 I often eat hamburgers and drink a lot of coke. I dont like fruits and vegetables.参考译文参考译文Reading and Writing PaulaPaula3Read and find. 读下文,了解下列三人各自的问题。读下文,了解下列三人各自的问题。葆拉:我经常吃汉堡包,喝可乐。我不喜欢(吃)葆拉:我经常吃汉堡包,喝可乐。我不喜欢(吃) 水果和蔬菜。水果和蔬菜。 Im a good basketball player. But I have no time to play now because Im always too busy at work.参考译文参考译文Reading and Writing WilliamWilliam3Read and find. 读下文,了解下列三人各自的问题。读下文,了解下列三人各自的问题。威廉:我篮球打得很好。但是我现在没有时间打威廉:我篮球打得很好。但是我现在没有时间打 (篮球)了,因为我工作总是特别忙。(篮球)了,因为我工作总是特别忙。4Read and fill. 再读上文,再读上文, 为他们寻找解决问题的办法。为他们寻找解决问题的办法。 Reading and Writing Suggestions:Suggestions:find time to playexercise moreeat fruits and vegetablesdo things outdoorsdevelop healthy hobbiesLisa Lisa Lisa Lisa William William William William Paula Paula Paula Paula 5Read and learn.读下文,了解睡眠的益处。读下文,了解睡眠的益处。 Sleeping is good for our health. It helps us stay healthy and improve our memory. It even helps us reduce stress and lose weight. A good nights sleep makes us feel fresh and bright. Sleeping is even more important for teenagers. It helps them grow taller and stronger. Therefore, teenagers should get at least eight hours of sleep every day. They should go to bed early and get up early. If teenagers want to stay healthy, they should get enough sleep every night.参考译文参考译文Reading and Writing 为了引起人们对睡眠重要性及睡眠质量的关注,世为了引起人们对睡眠重要性及睡眠质量的关注,世界睡眠医学学会发起了界睡眠医学学会发起了“世界睡眠日世界睡眠日”(World Sleep Day)。)。 睡眠对我们的健康非常重要。它有助于我们保持健康睡眠对我们的健康非常重要。它有助于我们保持健康的体魄,提高记忆力。睡眠甚至可以帮助我们减轻压力和的体魄,提高记忆力。睡眠甚至可以帮助我们减轻压力和减肥。良好的夜间睡眠会让我们感觉神清气爽。睡眠对青减肥。良好的夜间睡眠会让我们感觉神清气爽。睡眠对青少年尤其重要。睡眠可使他们长得更高、更强壮。所以,少年尤其重要。睡眠可使他们长得更高、更强壮。所以,青少年每天至少要睡八个小时。他们应该早睡早起。青少青少年每天至少要睡八个小时。他们应该早睡早起。青少年要想保持身体健康,每天必须有充足的睡眠。年要想保持身体健康,每天必须有充足的睡眠。6Think and fill.根据你的睡眠状况,填写下表。根据你的睡眠状况,填写下表。when to go to bedhow longhow do you feelReading and Writing More Activities1Make a survey. 调查班里同学的生活习惯。调查班里同学的生活习惯。4. Which sport do you like best?A. 8A. 2A. YesB. NoA. basketballB. ping-pongC. badminton2. How many hours do you exercise every day?3. Do you like fast food?1. How many hours of sleep do you have every day?More Activities2Make a report. 根据调查结果,完成报告。根据调查结果,完成报告。fast foodFor example:Forty students answered thequestions. For Question 3, 30students like fast food, only 10students dont like fast food.3010Yes No Around the World参考译文参考译文 Mall walks are a craze sweeping the US. The walks are aimed at young people who dont normally walk very much but want to improve their fitness. Mall walks provide an excellent opportunity for them to exercise and socialise in a safe, secure, warm and dry environment. 商城步行是一个风行美国的热潮。这种步行最适合商城步行是一个风行美国的热潮。这种步行最适合那些平时走路不多,但是想提高自身身体素质的人。商那些平时走路不多,但是想提高自身身体素质的人。商城步行提供了一个绝佳的良机,使人们能在一个安全、城步行提供了一个绝佳的良机,使人们能在一个安全、可靠、温暖而且干燥的环境中锻炼身体,并进行社交。可靠、温暖而且干燥的环境中锻炼身体,并进行社交。 Remember the games you used to play in the playground? Games like “hide and seek” arent just good fun, but also are excellent exercise too. Playing games in a park is an ideal way for all the family to get active, have fun and keep fit.参考译文参考译文Around the World 还记得你曾经在操场上玩儿过的游戏吗?像还记得你曾经在操场上玩儿过的游戏吗?像“捉迷捉迷藏藏”这样的游戏不仅好玩儿,还是很好的锻炼身体的运这样的游戏不仅好玩儿,还是很好的锻炼身体的运动。公园是做游戏的理想场所,在公园里做游戏可以让动。公园是做游戏的理想场所,在公园里做游戏可以让全家人变得有活力,获得乐趣,同时还能强身健体。全家人变得有活力,获得乐趣,同时还能强身健体。Around the World参考译文参考译文 Military-style fitness class is a trend at the moment in parks all over the country. Just plan your routine: try mixing running with a series of exercises such as squats, running upstairs and push-ups. Want to have a try? 在公园里开展具有军事风格的健身课正风靡全国。在公园里开展具有军事风格的健身课正风靡全国。把常规的活动项目计划好即可,可以尝试把下蹲、跑楼把常规的活动项目计划好即可,可以尝试把下蹲、跑楼梯、俯卧撑等一系列锻炼与跑步结合起来。想试试吗?梯、俯卧撑等一系列锻炼与跑步结合起来。想试试吗?Fun Time Tongue TwistersThe dirty girls dirty skirt is dirty.The dirty girls dirty skirt is dirty.about / The bottom of the butter The bottom of the butter bucket is the buttered bottom.bucket is the buttered bottom.1girl /:/Fun Time A Joke Mike: Excuse me for my coming late, Miss.Miss Black: What made you late? Mike: I watched a football match in my dream. Neither team could win the game, so it lasted a long time. 2参考译文参考译文 迈克:对不起,我迟到了。迈克:对不起,我迟到了。布莱克小姐:你为什迟到了?布莱克小姐:你为什迟到了? 迈克:我在梦里看了一场足球比赛。两个队迈克:我在梦里看了一场足球比赛。两个队 迟迟不分胜负,所以比赛的时间拉得迟迟不分胜负,所以比赛的时间拉得 很长。很长。笑话My Progress CheckI can talk about sports and a healthy lifestyle with:I can talk about sports and a healthy lifestyle with:go swimming play badminton play basketball play ping-pong play tennis play football ride a bike go dancing take a naptake a walk until midnight outdoor activitiesI like playing ping-pong.Sleeping is good for our health.A good nights sleep makes us feel fresh and bright.Great! I want to learn more!Great! I want to learn more!
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