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电脑操作及要求电脑操作及要求一、电脑操作一、电脑操作 1. 双击文件名,打开文件双击文件名,打开文件 2. 点击屏幕左下角最上行的点击屏幕左下角最上行的小酒盅小酒盅样的图标:样的图标:意思是从当前幻灯片开始意思是从当前幻灯片开始 3. 开始做题,做完一张后。逐个点击左键开始做题,做完一张后。逐个点击左键 ,会显示每个题的答,会显示每个题的答 案,进行检案,进行检 查答案的正误查答案的正误 4. 检查完一张后,再点击一下左键,会出现下一张习题,再按检查完一张后,再点击一下左键,会出现下一张习题,再按 第第 3步继续进行步继续进行 5. 最好让父母帮你操作到第二步,自己开始做题。做完后再让父母最好让父母帮你操作到第二步,自己开始做题。做完后再让父母 操作第三步检操作第三步检 查查 二、要求二、要求 1. 要学会自我严格要求,做出质量要学会自我严格要求,做出质量 2. 前三页上的范文前三页上的范文会背会默会背会默 3. 有些题可反复多次做有些题可反复多次做 4. 最好让父母帮你操作最好让父母帮你操作 5. 最后三页下册内容假期中复习最后三页下册内容假期中复习Dear friend,I have a new pen pal. His name is Bob. He is twelve years old. He is from Australia. There are three people in his family. They are his father, his mother and he. His favorite sport is football. He thinks its very funny. He often play football after school. He likes English very much. He thinks its very interesting. He can speak English very well. (12句句65字,如不要求介绍家人,省去黑色两句,剩字,如不要求介绍家人,省去黑色两句,剩50字。字。) Best wishes TomLost:My school ID card.My name is Tony.Please call me at 123456Found:Is this your backpack?My name is Jack.Please call me at 654321.写一篇寻物启事和招领启事写一篇寻物启事和招领启事( 会背会默写会背会默写 ) (末考备考作文(末考备考作文1)Tom以信的形式给他的朋友介绍他的新笔友,包括笔友和以信的形式给他的朋友介绍他的新笔友,包括笔友和他的家人的情况,笔友喜欢的运动和学科及原因他的家人的情况,笔友喜欢的运动和学科及原因 ( 会背会默写会背会默写 ) (末考备考作文(末考备考作文2)( 以以- - -为题,要写为题,要写 标题标题 )以以 My favorite_ 为题,写一篇为题,写一篇50字左右的文章字左右的文章,说说出你的爱好及原因。出你的爱好及原因。 ( 会背会默写会背会默写 ) My favorite subjectMy favorite subject is English. I think English is interesting. I like to sing English songs. I can speak English very well. I like speaking English with my friends. We have English on every weekday. I like my English teacher Mr Gao. His English class is funny. He is very strict but kind. ( 9句句 53个字个字 )小短文填词小短文填词 1 (末考备考作文末考备考作文2) ( 会背会默写会背会默写 ) Dear Jack,Can you _ these things to school? _ my hat, my shoes and my watch. I need _. My hat _ on my bed. My shoes _ under the chair. My watch is _ the drawer Thanks Li DongbringTheyrethemisarein小短文填词小短文填词2 下面是个招聘广告下面是个招聘广告 ( 会背会默写会背会默写 ) Musicians _ you a musician? _ you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the drums _ the guitar? Can you _ good with the kids? Then you can _ in our music club. Please call Liu Li at 666-6668WantedAreCanorbebe期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p1 共共3页:页:根据汉语填词根据汉语填词1、I want _ _ ( 成为成为) an actor.2、Can he _ _ ( 相处的好相处的好 ) with us?3、_ _ ( 他最喜欢的他最喜欢的) subject is art .4、We _ _ (上生物课上生物课 ) on Wednesday morning.5、My favorite movies _ _ ( 是喜剧电影是喜剧电影 ).6、My _ _ ( 最喜欢的学科最喜欢的学科 ) are art and music.7、Here is _ _ ( 一套一套 ) of keys.8、_ _ ( 学校开始上课学校开始上课 ) at 8:00 pm.9、His _ of _ ( 出生日期出生日期 ) is on February 20th.10、_ _ ( 招聘音乐人招聘音乐人) are for our school.11、Please _ _ ( 给我们看看给我们看看 ) your photos.12、Can you _ _ ( 帮助帮助) sports? 13、I often go to a movie _ _ ( 在周末在周末) 。14、Jet Li _ _ ( 出演出演 ) this movie.15、He _ his _ ( 刷牙刷牙) before breakfast.to bebe goodHis favoritehave biologyare comediesfavorite subjectsa setSchool startsdate birthMusicians wantedshow ushelp withon weekendsis inbrushes teeth期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p2 共共2页:页:根据汉语填词根据汉语填词16、_ an _ ( 多么激动人心多么激动人心 ) time!17、_ _ ( 多么有趣多么有趣 ) the movie is!18、He works _ _( 整夜整夜)。19、He _ a _ ( 乘公交车乘公交车 ) to work.20、He goes to school _ _ ( 步行步行 )。21、The green sweaters are _ _ ( 促销中促销中)。22、We have shoes _ _ (运动鞋运动鞋) for only $ 20.23、_ can _( 任何人都能负担起任何人都能负担起 ) our prices。24、_ _ ( 跑步明星跑步明星 )eat _ _( 大量大量 ) healthy food. 25、I have a great _ _(体育收藏品体育收藏品)。26、He _ _ (进行体育活动进行体育活动) every day.27、_ _ (感谢感谢) helping me.28、_ _ (这里是这里是) my family photo.29、Please _ _ ( 拨打拨打 ) 6666666。What excitingall nighttakes bus on footon salefor sportsAnybody affordRunning starts lots ofsports collectionplays sportsThanks forHere iscall atHow funny期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p3 共共3页:页:根据汉语填词根据汉语填词30、Its exciting _ _(踢踢) soccer.31、My teacher tells me _ _ (带带) the photos here.32、I dont like big _ (城市城市)。33、Jim _ ( 和和 )Bob wants to the club.34、He often _ _( 听听 ) the teacher carefully.根据首字母填词根据首字母填词1、F_ is before sixth. 2、After eighth is n_.3、T_ is between eleven and thirteen. 4、His b_ is August twelfth.5、Mr Hand has two k_. They are Tom and Ann.6、There is l_ tea in the cup. Please give me some. to play to bring cities (big前没有前没有a,所以不是指一个大城市所以不是指一个大城市)( It is + 形容词形容词 + to do sth.)ifthinthwelveirthdayidsittlewithlistens to期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p4 共共10 页:页:一、改错一、改错1. Its a ID card. _2. Jet Li can does Chinese kung fu._3. His name is Jim Green. Jim is his family name._4. -I can play chess good. -That sounds well. _5. I have any apples, but I dont have some oranges._6. I dont like black. I like oranges. _7. We usually eat dinner at around 6:30 am. _8. There is a little tea in my cup, please give me some. _9. My favorites is thrillers and comedies. _10. She wants to buy a sweater to her daughter. _11. Because the movie is funny, so I like it. _andofirstwell / goodsome /anyorange (因因black指颜色指颜色)Breakfast 或或 pmlittleareforBecause期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p5共共10 页:页:一、改错一、改错1.He usually gets up at around 6:00 in Sunday morning. _2.2. This is a alarm clock. _3.3. Hes favorite subject is biology. _4.4. He does Chinese kung fu in an hour every day. _5.5. He eats breakfast, after he goes to school. _6.6. Hes twelfth. His twelve birthday is February 2nd,1996.7.7. There is a “h” in the word “hour”. _8.8. Can you take the bag to school? I need it. _9.9. What time do he does his homework?_onanHisforthen / beforetwelvetwelfthanbringdoes / doAa, Ee, Ff, Hh, Ii, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Rr, Ss, Xx期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p6共共10 页:页: 一、改错一、改错1.I and my mother is at home. _2.2. What do you spell “fifth”? _3.3. He cant play soccer and tennis. _4.4. Does he like math and biology? _5.5. 6.6. There are an actor, a teacher and two musicians there. _ 7.7. We have a swim club in our school. _8.8. He likes eating broccolis and rices. _9.9. This bag is big. I want the small bag._10.10. How much is the pants? Its $20 dollars. _11.11. They movie is funny, because I like it. _My mother and I / areororHowisarebroccoli and riceone/ They reswimmingso期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p7共共610页:页:一、根据句意和首字母完成单词一、根据句意和首字母完成单词1.My favorite c_ are Beijing and shanghai.2.2. H_ food is good for us.3.3. The movie is a s_ comedy.4.4. Her e-mail a_ is cindysohu.com.5.5. His f_ sport is basball.6.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空二、用所给单词的适当形式填空7.These _ ( be ) my cousins.8.2. I like _ ( they ) very much.9.3. Today is my friends _ ( nine ) birthday.10.4. He wants to _ ( be ) an actor.11.5. He likes singing and _ ( dance )itiesdanceinguccessfularethemninthbeddressavoriteealthy动词去动词去e再再+ ing期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p8共共10 页:页:一、根据句意填词一、根据句意填词1.I want to go to a movie. What / How _ you? Do you want to go _ me?2.2. He likes playing chess. He _ likes playing the guitar.3.3. The little boy cant play the piano, because he is _ five.4.4. You often say “Best _” to your teacher on Teachers Day.作文:作文:2008:写一篇介绍你父母生日、兴趣、爱好的文章。:写一篇介绍你父母生日、兴趣、爱好的文章。50字。字。2007:写一篇介绍你自己姓名、年龄、爱好、理由及联系方式的文章。:写一篇介绍你自己姓名、年龄、爱好、理由及联系方式的文章。50字。字。2006:看图写一篇介绍你朋友:看图写一篇介绍你朋友Jimmy的文章。图中有上课、吃午饭、体育活的文章。图中有上课、吃午饭、体育活 动、和做作业。动、和做作业。2005:请以:请以 “My favorite .” 为题,为题, 告诉我们你的爱好以及原因。告诉我们你的爱好以及原因。50字,字,2004:写一篇介绍你家人的工作。并说明是否喜欢与原因。:写一篇介绍你家人的工作。并说明是否喜欢与原因。(后两个练习写后两个练习写)今年作文复习期中和第二次月考作文。今年作文复习期中和第二次月考作文。 (记住单三动词和复数记住单三动词和复数 + s / es) aboutwithalsoonlywishes期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p9共共10 页:页:给句子配对给句子配对( ) 1. When is your birthday? A: Thank you.( ) 2. Whats your job? B: Here you are.( ) 3. You speak English very well. C: Is it on the chair? ( ) 4. Can he play the drums? D: Do you have a e-mail? ( ) 5. I cant find your book. E: December ninth.( ) 6. Yes. Cindy 123163.com. F: Yes, a little.( ) 7. Where are you from? G: I dont know.( ) 8. Can you speak English? H: A teacher. ( )9. I want a red sweater. I: China.EHAGCDIF想一想想一想4和和8的答的答案,为什案,为什么?么?BUnit 7 for p10 3a 购物对话购物对话A:_?B: Yes, please. I want the / these pants.A: _?B: Yes, I can. P-A-N-T-S.A: _?B: Black.A: _?B: 10 dollars.A: Here you are.B: _. Thanks.A: Youre welcome. Can I help youCan you spell themWhat color do you wantHow much are theyIll take them期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p11共共10 页:作文部分共页:作文部分共4篇:篇:2008年年一、在空白处填句子一、在空白处填句子 (要求写句子,必须用完整句,不能省略为一个或几个词要求写句子,必须用完整句,不能省略为一个或几个词)A: Good morning! _?B: Yes. I want to join a club.A: What club do you want to join? B: _.A: Can you play chess?B: Yes, a little. A: _?B: Oh, he is my friend. We are in the same class .A: _?B: No, he doesnt. He wants to join the English club.A: OK. _?B: My name is Joe. His name is David. A: Please fill the card / form. B: OK.Can I help you?I want to join the chess club.Who is he?Does he want to join the chess club, tooWhat are your names?期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p12共共10 页:作文部分:页:作文部分:2007年年一、在空白处填句子一、在空白处填句子 (要求写句子,必须用完整句,不能省略为一个或几个词要求写句子,必须用完整句,不能省略为一个或几个词)A: Hi! _?B: Yes, please. I want to join the art club.A: Good._?B: Cindy Jones.A: _?B: Yes, my e-mail address is cindy123163.xomA: _?B: Im 13 years old.A: Can you paint?B: Yes, but only a little. I want to learn more about it. A: Here is a card. Please fill in the card.B: OK. Thanks a lot. A: _.Can I help youWhats your nameDo you have an e-mailHow old are youYou are welcome期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p13共共10 页:作文部分页:作文部分一、在空白处填句子一、在空白处填句子 (要求写句子,必须用完整句,不能省略为一个或几个词要求写句子,必须用完整句,不能省略为一个或几个词)A: Good morning!_? B: Yes, I want a pair of shoes for my daughter.A: _? B: Twelve years old.A: Here are the shoes for girls of twelve. B: _. A: What color does she like? B: Red.A: _. B: Great._?A: Twenty yuan. B: OK. _.Can I help you?How old is sheShe doesnt like that color.How about these ones? / Here are the red shoes. These shoes are red. How much are theyIll take them期末备考复习期末备考复习-历次七年级上调考题选历次七年级上调考题选 p14共共10 页:作文部分:页:作文部分:一、在空白处填句子一、在空白处填句子 (要求写句子,必须用完整句,不能省略为一个或几个词要求写句子,必须用完整句,不能省略为一个或几个词) A:Good morning! B: _.A: Today is Sunday. Lets play tennis. B: Sorry, _.A: Well, lets play volleyball. B: _.A: How about playing basketball? B: That sounds good.A: _? B: No. Im in the soccer club. _.A: Me, too. Lets go.I like soccer very muchI dont have a racket.I dont like itAre you in the basketball clubGood morning!1. _ 6:20 10. _ a week2. _ Saturday 11. _ March 3. _ my birthday 12. _ winter 4._ School Day 13. _ 20095. _ August 8th,2008 14. _ night6. _ weekends 15. _ noon7. _ the morning / afternoon / evening 8. _ Sunday morning / afternoon / evening9. _ the morning / afternoon / evening of May 1st,2009附加附加 ing歌诀:一天开始歌诀:一天开始 beginning, 起床有起床有getting, 穿衣有穿衣有putting, 然后然后running, swimming 和和 shopping, 累了累了letting, stopping 去去 sitting月考月考2复时间前介词填空复时间前介词填空 p1 续下附页共续下附页共9页页 ( let the kids do them first, then slides )atononononononininoninininatat只有只有7小题小题这这一种情况用一种情况用in。 其它含有其它含有一一日三段日三段的短语的短语和含有和含有 day 的单词的单词和和短语短语都用都用on.一、一、take a bus to school = go to school by bus by + 交通工具:意思是交通工具:意思是“以以交通方式交通方式”,放在句尾作方式状语。放在句尾作方式状语。 by bus 乘公共汽车乘公共汽车 by train 乘火车乘火车 by plane 乘飞机乘飞机 by bike 骑自行车骑自行车 by ship 乘轮船乘轮船 by bike = ride a bike 骑自行车骑自行车 on foot = walk 步行步行 二、变成另一种形式:二、变成另一种形式: take a car to work = take a bus to Beijing = go to school by car = go to work by bus = walk to school = 三、三、Can you think what his job is? ( What is his job? 问职业三种形式问职业三种形式) 变句子:变句子:Can you think_?(?(What is her name?) Can you think_? (Where are the keys?)go to work by cargo to Beijing by bustake a car to schooltake a bus to workgo to school on footwhat her name iswhere the keys are在六点钟在六点钟在六点十分在六点十分在上午在上午在下午在下午在晚上在晚上在夜间在夜间在星期六在星期六在二月在二月Unit 11 短语作业续短语作业续p1:抄三遍带一遍汉语:抄三遍带一遍汉语一小时一小时 一件工作一件工作 喜欢做某事喜欢做某事 喜欢打喜欢打/ 玩玩 喜欢吃喜欢吃喜欢看电视喜欢看电视喜欢跑步喜欢跑步喜欢游泳喜欢游泳半小时半小时at six oclockat six tenin the morningin the afternoonin the eveningat night an hour a job like playing like eating like watching TV like running like swimminglike doing sth写英语:写英语:1. 在在上午上午,在,在下午下午,在,在晚上晚上,在,在夜间夜间2. 在在星期天上午星期天上午,在,在星期天下午星期天下午,在,在星期天晚上星期天晚上,在,在星期天夜间星期天夜间 3. 在在2009年年12月月9日上午日上午,在,在2009年年12月月9日下午日下午,在,在 2009年年12月月9日晚上日晚上on Saturdayin February half an hourUnit 11 p1 短语作业:抄三遍带一遍汉语短语作业:抄三遍带一遍汉语-下页续时间短语下页续时间短语起床起床 上床睡觉上床睡觉刷牙刷牙 回家回家洗澡洗澡 / 淋浴淋浴 看电视看电视吃早饭吃早饭 课后课后去上学去上学 / 工作工作 放学后放学后开始上课开始上课 向向-买某物买某物 进行体育活动进行体育活动 给给/为为-买某物买某物做作业做作业 把把-卖给某人卖给某人乘公共汽车乘公共汽车 在大约在大约6点钟点钟乘出租车乘出租车 向向-良好的祝愿良好的祝愿骑自行车骑自行车 步行步行 get upbrush ones teethtake / have a showereat / have breakfastgo to school / workclass startsplay sportsdo (ones) homeworkgo homewatch TVgo to bedtake a bus,/ by bus, take a taxi / by taxiride a bike / by bikeafter classafter schoolon foot = walkbuy sth from sb / spbuy sth for sbsell sth to sbat around 6 o,clockBest wishes to sb1. 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事 help sb. _ sth 2. 和和- -玩玩/ 玩某物玩某物 play _ sb / sth 3. 运动包运动包 bags _ sports4. 运动鞋运动鞋 shoes _ sports5. 和某人相处得好和某人相处得好 be good _ sb 6. 在一个好的价位在一个好的价位 _ a very good price 7. 学习关于历史方面的知识学习关于历史方面的知识 learn_ history8.知道关于某方面的知识知道关于某方面的知识 know_ sth8. 看一看某物看一看某物 have a look _ sth 9. 一点也不一点也不 not-_ all 10. 各种颜色的毛衣各种颜色的毛衣 sweaters _ all colors月考月考2复介词填空复介词填空 p1 共共9页页atwithwithforwithforatataboutinabout11. 用英语用英语/ 汉语汉语 _ English / Chinese12. 对某人要求严格对某人要求严格 be strict _ sb13. 告诉某人关于事告诉某人关于事 tell sb _ sth14. 把某物卖给某人把某物卖给某人 sell sth _ sb15.向某人向某人/某处买某物某处买某物 buy sth _ sp / sb 16. 为某人买某物为某人买某物 buy sth_ sb17. 忙于做某事忙于做某事 be busy_ sth18. 擅长谋事擅长谋事 be good_ sth19. 对对- - - 有好处有好处 be good _sb / sth改错改错: I think it isnt funny.I _think it _funny.把下面句子译成英语把下面句子译成英语他认为这部电影不激动人心。他认为这部电影不激动人心。inwithabouttofromforwithatfordont isHe doesnt think this movie is exciting. 月考月考2复习复习 p8 共共 9页页 -句子改错句子改错 ( )1. How much is the socks? 5 dollars _ A B C ( )2. - Do you like comedies? -Yes, its funny. _ A B C( )3. What kind of movies does his parents like? _ A B C ( )4. Can you help Tom and I . _ A B C ( ) 5.Look, they are many cats in her room. _ A B C( ) 6. He likes eat bananas. _ A B CBareCtheyreBdoCmeAthereBeating月考月考2复习复习 p9 共共 9页页 -句子改错句子改错( ) 7. He wants have a look at your photo._ A B C ( ) 8. Does sally has chicken for lunch. _ A B C ( ) 9. The five month of the year is May. _ A B C( ) 10. He favorite sport is soccer. _ A B C( ) 11. I sell the book from the bookstore. _ A B C( ) 12. I dont like pears of all. _ (本页后续一页)(本页后续一页) A B C( )13. Jakie Chen and Jet Li are my sisters movie s_.Bto haveBhaveAfifthAHisAbuyCatat续续p9 月考月考2复习复习-句子改错句子改错( ) 13. Can she is good with us? _ A B C( ) 14. Can he plays tennis well? _ A B C( ) 15. I can say English well. _ A B C( ) 16. Can you speak it in English? _ A B C( ) 17. There is a desk between you and I . _ A B C( ) 18. He can play the violin good. _ A B CJakie Chen and Jet Li are my sisters movie s_.AspeakAbeBplayBsayCC mewelltars1.J _is the first month of the year. 2.2. This book is boring. Do you have an i_ one?3. Broccoli is a kind of v_. 4. I can play the piano. I want to join the m_ club.5. My f_ sport is volleyball. I like it very much. 6. Please take the guitar to Tom. He n_ it.7. The date of someones birth is b_. 8. My parents eat lots of h_ food every day.月考月考2复习复习 根据句意完成单词根据句意完成单词-p2 共共9页页anuarynterestingegetablesusicavoriteeedsirthdayealthy9. My family usually have hamburgers for d_. 11. Ten, twenty, thirty-, the next number (下个数字下个数字) is f_.12. Mr Cool s_ skirts, pants in his store.13. The last month of the year is D_.14. N_ is between(在两者之间在两者之间) eighth and tenth 15. August is before(在(在-之前)之前) S_. 16. The a _ in this movie are very successful. 17. Mike often w_ to go to a movie. 18. Tom has l_ of money (钱钱), but I have l_.19. Who l_ comedies? 20. The comedies a_ funny and r_.月考月考2复习复习 根据句意完成单词根据句意完成单词-p3 共共9页页innerortyellsecemberinthctorseptemberantsotsittleikesreelaxing(单独一个问句单独一个问句 who, what 开头,动词用单数开头,动词用单数)月考月考2复习题,根据句意填词复习题,根据句意填词-p4 共共9页页1. The bags for sports are cheap, but the shoes _ sports are not.2. Action movies are _and the_ are scary.3. He likes soccer _ tennis, _I dont like them.4. He likes to play _ the cats. He thinks its funny.5. I often likes buying cards. Soon _ are many cards in my home.6. I dont have _ dictionaries.我可以看一看你的手表吗?我可以看一看你的手表吗?听起来有趣。听起来有趣。我一点也不喜欢恐怖片。我一点也不喜欢恐怖片。forexcitingthrillersandbutwiththereanyMay I have a look at your watch?That sounds interesting.I dont like thrillers at all.月考月考2复习题复习题, 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空-p5 共共9页页1.The people _ (be) good with kids.2.2. Eating healthy food is good for_ (we).3. He with his parents _(go) to movies on weekends.4. _ (Tom and Ann) parents are actors.5. Jerry has _(mother) and baby dogs.给句子选择适当的词给句子选择适当的词6. I can _( say, tell, speak ) a little English.7. Can you _( say, tell, speak ) it in English?7. May I _(see, watch, look, have a look at ) your pen?8. There are sixty minutes (分钟分钟) in _(a, an ) hour.8. The_ ( five, fifth ) lesson(课课) is interesting areusgoesTom and Annsmother_用所给词的适当形式填空二用所给词的适当形式填空二 : (初一上第二次月考复习初一上第二次月考复习) -p6 共共9页页he, comedy, be, China, you, interesting documentaries, like, see, five, goMike likes _very much. He wants _ a comedy this weekend. He _there with_mother. But the movie isnt a comedy. Its a documentary. Mike thinks _ are also_. He thinks he can learn about _ history from it. He _ very happy, because he _ Chinese history. Mikes mother says(说说) to him, “This is the _ time (次次) to see the movie with you. Im very busy (忙忙),come and see for _ next time (下次下次)”comediesto seegoeshisdocumentariesChineseislikesfifthyourselfinteresting用所给词的适当形式填空一用所给词的适当形式填空一 : (初一上第二次月考复习初一上第二次月考复习) -p7 共共9页页先跳跃读一遍短文,然后再试填,最后再读检查。先跳跃读一遍短文,然后再试填,最后再读检查。watch, one, run, dance, swim, fun, play, we, friend, good, birthdayTom is a good _. He likes running very much. He also likes_. He swims every afternoon. He can _ tennis_. And he often plays it with_. He _ TV on weekends. We are good _. His birthday is on October _. On his _, he asks(请请) his friends to his birthday party. They sing and _. Its very _.runnerswimmingplaywelluswatchesfriendsbirthdaydancefunnyfirstUnit 10 sec B1 p1 单项选择单项选择1.Are you good with _? 2. A. English B. sister C. us3.2. Can he _ good with his friend? 4. A. is B. be C. x5.3. I _ good at English? 6. A. be B. am C. is7.4. I can help them _ swimming. 8. A. doing B. with C. at9.5. Can you help him _ the piano? 10. A. plays B. playing C. play11.6. He often plays with _. A. we B. our C. usBCBBCC续二:续二:Unit 10 sec B1 p1 单项选择单项选择7. You can _ our swimming club. A. are in B. in C. be in8. There is _ tea (茶茶) in my cup. Please give (给给) me some. A. a little B. little C. lots of9. Im thirsty (渴渴). I want to drink(喝喝) _ water (水水). A. little B. a little C. no10. A musician wanted _ our Rock Band. A. with B. at C. for11. He cant play the guitar _ the violin. A. and B. or C. ofCBBCBUnit 10 p3( )1. Can you good with us? _ A B C( )2. He can is good at running._ A B C( )3. I can help they with English. _ A B C 补全对话补全对话A: _?B: I want to join the swimming club.A: _?B: Because I think it is interesting.A: _?B: Yes, I can swim well. be goodAAbeBthemWhat club do you want to joinWhy do you want to join the swimming clubCan you swim wellUnit 2 p3 用用an的名词归纳的名词归纳 (背会用背会用an 的名词)的名词)orangeappleerasereggEnglish bookauntuncle useful bookanHw: 抄三遍抄三遍an orangean applean eraseran eggan English bookan auntan uncle a useful book人称代词的用法人称代词的用法主格主格作主语作主语I youhesheitweyouthey所有格所有格作定语作定语myyourhisheritsouryourtheir宾宾 格格作宾语作宾语meyouhimheritusyouthem名词性物名词性物主代词主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs反身代词反身代词myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitselfourselvesyourselvesthemselves 歌诀:歌诀:人称主格放句首,动词紧紧跟其后,人称主格放句首,动词紧紧跟其后, 所有格作定语,名词位于它后头。所有格作定语,名词位于它后头。 宾格用来作宾语,宾格用来作宾语, 跟着动词、介词走。跟着动词、介词走。 例例1、 She is your mother. 主格作主语主格作主语 系动词系动词 所有格作定语在名词前所有格作定语在名词前 名词在所有格后名词在所有格后 例例2、 I give him my photo. 主格作主语主格作主语 动词动词 宾格在动词后宾格在动词后 所有格作定语在名词前所有格作定语在名词前 名词在所有格后名词在所有格后 例例3、 You look at me. 主格作主语主格作主语 动词动词 at是介词是介词 me是宾格跟在介词后是宾格跟在介词后Unit One 图图 5Helen: Frank: Helen: Frank:Helen: Frank: Helen: Frank: Helen: Frank:Helen:Frank:Hello, Frank!Good morning / afternoon / evening, Frank!Im fine / Im OK, thanks. / thank you.Whats this in English?Its _ orange.anSpell it, please.O-R-A-N-G-EHello, /Hi, Helen!Good morning / afternoon / evening Helen!How are you?/ Its _ map.a/ M-A-P仿例,写一篇仿例,写一篇5问问5答对话答对话Whats your_ _?382-1679telephone numberTim: Excuse me, Sonia. Whats this in English?Sonia: _. Tim: _.Sonia: B-A-C-K-P-A-C-K. Tim: Whats that in English?Sonia: _. Tim: Is this your English book? Sonia: _. Thank you. Tim: _?Sonia: _. Its his pencil. Tim: How do you spell it?Sonia: _.Tim: Thank you.Sonia: You are welcome.Unit 2 P5 做后做后as Hw: 补全对话补全对话Its a backpackSpell it, please.Its an English bookYes, it isIs this your pencil?No, it isntP-E-N-C-I-L初一下册初一下册 Unit 1Do you have a pen pal?Where is your pen pal from?=Where does your pen pal come from? Where does he live?What language does he speak?国家国家 城市城市 语言语言the United States New York Englishthe United Kingdom London EnglishCanada Toronto English and FrenchFrance Paris FrenchAustralia Sydney English Japan Tokyo Japanese be from=come from来自来自- - -,/ 是是- - -地方人地方人初一下册初一下册 Unit 2 P1在在- - -前面前面在在- - -内部内部的前面的前面在在- - -后面后面在两者之间在两者之间在在- - -对面对面挨着,紧靠挨着,紧靠向左转向左转向右转向右转向后转向后转在左边在左边在右边在右边直走直走沿沿/ 顺着这条街道走顺着这条街道走在附近在附近in front ofbehindbetween-and-across fromnext toturn leftturn rightturn backon the lefton the rightgo straightgo down the streetin the front ofin the neighborhood过桥过桥邮局邮局图书馆图书馆旅馆旅馆超市超市饭店饭店公园公园银行银行投币电话投币电话街道街道林荫大道林荫大道go over the bridgepost officelibraryhotelsupermarketrestaurantparkbankpay phonestreetavenue初一下册初一下册 Unit 2 p2享受享受/喜爱做某事喜爱做某事玩得很高兴玩得很高兴到达小地方到达小地方到达大地方到达大地方 Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? 这里附近有旅馆吗?这里附近有旅馆吗? = = = =Where is the hotel? 旅馆在哪里?旅馆在哪里?How can I get to the hotel? 我怎么能够到达旅馆呢?我怎么能够到达旅馆呢?Can you tell me the way to the hotel? 你能告诉我去旅馆的路吗?你能告诉我去旅馆的路吗?Which is the way to the hotel? 哪条路是去旅馆的路?哪条路是去旅馆的路?enjoy doing sthhave funhave a good timeenjoy oneselfarrive at sparrive in sp= get to spI think +宾语从句宾语从句 I think it is funny.I know +宾语从句宾语从句 I know he is happyI hope +宾语从句宾语从句 I hope you have funIf 引导条件状语从句引导条件状语从句If you are hungry, you can eat sth.When 引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句When Im busy, I cant go with you.
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