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Unit 3 Our animal friendsJaneMiss Brownoffice WhiteBillyBilly works at the airport.Billy _peoples bags to find dangerous thingsSuzySuzy is Janes pet dog. She helped Jane a lot when she was _.David thinks Suzy is _.WinnieWinnie appears on TV very often.She cannot act when she is _or_/bl/br/fl/fr/black blind blow bluebreakfast bright bring brotherflight floor flower flyFrance free friend from/gl/gr/kl/kr/glad glass glove gluegrade green grow greatclass clean clever clubcrazy create cross cry1./blu:m/ /bru:m/5./glu:/ /gru:/2./bli:d/ /bri:d/6./gl u/ /gr u/3./fli:/ /fri:/7./klu:/ /kru:/4./fl k/ /fr k/ 8./kl k/ /kr k/1.My friend Brian brought his brother a pair of glasses and some crayons.2.Claire is growing some nice blue flowers in her garden.I think.are very helpful animals. They help us.Without.,we cannot.We get.from.
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