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必修必修 Unit 1 Cultural relics1. _ vi. 下沉;沉没下沉;沉没2. _ vi. 属于属于_n. 所所有物;有物;财产3. _ adj. 木制的木制的_n. 木材;木木材;木头4. _ n.&vt. 设计;构思;构思_n. 设计师sink belongbelongings(常用复数常用复数)woodenwood designdesigner 重点单词重点单词5. _adj. 非正式的非正式的(反反义词) _adj. 正式的正式的6. _ n.&vt. 怀疑疑_ adj. 可疑的;令人生疑的可疑的;令人生疑的7. _ vt. 移移动;搬开;搬开_n. 免免职;移;移动;排除;消除;排除;消除informalformaldoubtdoubtfulremoveremoval8. _ n.&vt. 争争论;争;争辩;辩论_n. 讨论者;者;辩论家家9. _ n. 入口入口_vt.进入入(反反义词) _ n. 出口出口10. _ adj. 稀有的;稀罕的稀有的;稀罕的_adv. 很少地;罕有地;很少地;罕有地;难得得debatedebaterentranceenterexit rarerarely11. _adj. 值得的得的 n. 价价值(反反义词) _adj. 无价无价值的;不的;不值钱的的12. _ vi. 爆炸爆炸_ n. 爆爆炸炸_adj. 易爆的易爆的 worthworthlessexplodeexplosionexplosive13. _ vt. 挑挑选;选择_n. 选择;挑;挑选_adj. 选择性的性的14. _ n. 证据;根据据;根据_ adj. 明明显的的_adv. 显然;然;明明显地地selectselectionselective evidenceevidentevidently(obviously)15. _ adj. 文化的文化的_n. 文化文化_adv. 从文化角度;文化意从文化角度;文化意义上上16. _ vi. 幸免;幸存;生幸免;幸存;生还_n. 幸存;生存幸存;生存_n. 幸存者;生存者幸存者;生存者17. _ adj. 奇特的;异奇特的;异样的的 vt. 想象;想象;设想;想;爱好好_n. 空想家;空想家;爱好者好者culturalcultureculturally survivesurvivalsurvivor fancy(注意与注意与fantasy的区别的区别)fancier18. _ vt. 装装饰;装修;装修_n. 装装饰;装修;装修_adj. 可作装可作装饰的;装的;装饰的的19. _ vt. 使吃惊;惊使吃惊;惊讶_adj. 令人吃惊的令人吃惊的_ adj. 吃惊的;惊奇的吃惊的;惊奇的_n. 惊异;惊惊异;惊愕愕20. _ adj. 以前的;从前的;前者的以前的;从前的;前者的(反反义词) _adj. 后者的;后面的;后者的;后面的;较后的后的decoratedecorationdecorativeamazeamazingamazedamazementformerlatter1. 寻找找(介介词短短语)_ 2. 属于属于_3. 作作为报答答/回回报_ 4. 处于交于交战状状态_5. 少于少于_ 6. 拆开拆开_7. 看重;高度看重;高度评价价_in search ofbelong to in returnat war less than(反义词组反义词组:more than) take apart think highly of 重点短语重点短语8. 对感到惊感到惊讶_9. 从从中挑中挑选 _ 10. 装装饰有有 _11. 值得做得做_ 12. 为设计_13. 一群;一一群;一队_ 14. 充当;用作充当;用作_be amazed at selectfrombe decorated with be worth doing be designed for a troop of serve as 15. 给增加增加细节_ 16. 被被认为是是_ 17. 放放进里面里面_ 18. 关注;在乎关注;在乎_19. 而不是而不是_ 20. 借助借助的光的光线_add more details tobe considered as/to beput inside care about rather than by the light of1. Look at the pictures below and discuss _ they are and _ they are cultural relics or not. 看下列看下列图片片讨论它它们是什么并判断它是什么并判断它们是否是文化是否是文化遗产。2. This was a time _ the two countries were _ _. 这正正值两国交两国交战时期。期。whatwhetherwhenat war优美句子优美句子3. _ _ _ _ _ the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. 毫毫无疑无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥运往哥尼斯堡。尼斯堡。4. For example, _ can be proved that China has more people than any _ country in the world. 比如,中国的人口比比如,中国的人口比世界上任何一个其他国家的人口都多,世界上任何一个其他国家的人口都多,这是可以得到是可以得到证实的。的。There isnodoubt that itother5. _ _ _ think they should give it to any government. 我也我也认为他他们不不应该把它把它交交给任何政府部任何政府部门。6. In a trial, _ judge must decide which eyewitnesses _ (believe) and which not to believe. 在在审判中,法官必判中,法官必须判定哪判定哪些些证人可以相信,哪些人可以相信,哪些证人不能相信。人不能相信。 Nor do Iato believe In September 1941, the Nazi army was near St Petersburg. This was a time the two countries were war. Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects the Amber Room. However, some of the Nazis (secret) stole the room itself. whenatfromsecretly课文语法填空课文语法填空In less than two days 100,000 pieces_ (put) inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. There is no doubt the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. After that, _happened to the Amber Room remains _mystery. thatwhichwhat awere put1. design n. 设计;图案;构思案;构思 vt. 设计;计划;构思划;构思自我自我检测 填入一个适当的填入一个适当的词或完成句子。或完成句子。(1) The fancy style of the _ _(设计和和装修装修) of the house attracted my attention.design anddecoration (2) The series of books _ _ (为高三学生而高三学生而设计的的).(3) The building _ (为了了而而设计的的) accommodate the disabled.was designed toare designed forthe Senior 3 students be designed for 为设计的的be designed as 作作为而而设计的的be designed to do 为了做了做而而设计的的归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻翻译合并下列句子。合并下列句子。(1) 这座座古城堡古城堡是由一位著名的是由一位著名的设计师所所设计的。的。This ancient castle was designed by a famous designer.(2) 这座座古城堡古城堡重建于重建于2013年。年。This ancient castle was rebuilt in the year of 2013.(用用过去分去分词短短语作后置定作后置定语)合并:合并:This ancient castle designed by a famous designer was rebuilt in the year of 2013.2. doubt n.& v. 怀疑;不信疑;不信自我自我检测 用适当的关用适当的关联词填空或完成句子。填空或完成句子。(1) _ (毫无疑毫无疑问), women can hold up half the sky.(2) We _(不不怀疑疑) his talent.Without any doubthave no doubt about/of (3) I never doubt _ he is an excellent teacher.(4) I doubt _ he will keep his promise.(5) _ (毫无疑毫无疑问) his plan is quite practical.that whether/ifThere is no doubt thatin doubt 怀疑地;不能肯定的疑地;不能肯定的without/beyond doubt 毫无疑毫无疑问; 不容置疑不容置疑have no doubt about/of 不不怀疑疑/相信相信There is no doubt that 毫无疑毫无疑问提醒:提醒:肯定句中,后接肯定句中,后接whether或或if引引导的的从句;否定句或疑从句;否定句或疑问句中,后接句中,后接that从句。从句。归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻翻译合并下列句子。合并下列句子。(1) 毫无疑毫无疑问,文化文化遗产是人是人类的的宝宝贵财富。富。There is no doubt that cultural relics are valuable wealth of human beings.(2) 我我怀疑疑是否有必要重建是否有必要重建圆明园明园 (the Yuanmingyuan Park)。I doubt whether it is necessary to rebuild the Yuanmingyuan Park.(用并列复合句用并列复合句)合并:合并:There is no doubt that cultural relics are valuable wealth of human beings but I doubt whether it is necessary to rebuild the Yuanmingyuan Park.3. worth n. 价价值 adj. 值钱的;的;值得的得的自我自我检测 用所用所给词的适当形式填空或完成的适当形式填空或完成句子。句子。(1) Is it worth _ (take) down all that the teacher says in class?taking(2) Without doubt, this brave boy is _ _ (值得表得表扬).(3) It is worthwhile _ (improve) the status of women. worth praising/worthy to be praised/to improveworthy of being praised/ worthy of praise be (well) worth doing/n. 值得做得做/值be worthy of sth./being done 值得得be worthy to be done 值得得its worthwhile to do/doing 做某事是做某事是值得的得的归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻翻译合并下列句子。合并下列句子。(1) 那那时,我意,我意识到到这个事个事实。Then I realized the fact.(2) 这个事个事实就是并非所有的就是并非所有的书都都值得得看。看。The fact is that not all books are worth reading.(用用only倒装句型和同位倒装句型和同位语从句从句)合并:合并:Only then did I realize the fact that not all books are worth reading.4. in search of 为了搜了搜寻;寻找找自我自我检测 根据括号内的根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。提示完成句子。(1) Scientists are _ (寻找找) a new kind of energy.(2) Those rescue workers are _ _ (在在废墟墟中中寻找找) survivors.searching for/in search of searchingthe ruins forsearch for. 搜搜寻search+某人或某地某人或某地+for 为找到找到而搜而搜查某地或搜某人的身某地或搜某人的身归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻翻译合并下列句子。合并下列句子。(1) 那几个那几个水手水手旅行到一个旅行到一个神秘的神秘的岛屿寻找真找真龙。The several sailors travelled to a mysterious island in search of real dragon.(2) 那个那个岛屿位于太平洋位于太平洋(the Pacific Ocean)中心。中心。The island is located in the center/heart of the Pacific Ocean.(3) 他他们最后以最后以失失败而告而告终。They ended up with failure in the end.(用过去分词短语作后置定语和并列复合句用过去分词短语作后置定语和并列复合句)合并:合并:The several sailors travelled to a mysterious island located in the center/heart of the Pacific Ocean in search of real dragon but they ended up with failure in the end.5. in return 作作为回回报自我自我检测 根据括号内的根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。提示完成句子。(1) The boy is always ready to help others. _(作作为回回报), he is liked by all of his classmates.In return(2) I invited him to dinner _ (作作为的的报答答) his help.(3) The students answered the teachers questions _(依次依次).in return for in turnin return for 作作为的的报答答in turn 反反过来;依次;来;依次;轮流地流地归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻翻译合并下列句子。合并下列句子。(1) 那个那个目目击者成功者成功地帮助警察找到了地帮助警察找到了证据据。The eyewitness succeeded in helping the police find the evidence.(2) 作作为回回报,警察,警察给了他了他1000元元奖金金。In return, he was given a bonus of 1,000 yuan by the police.(用并列复合句用并列复合句)合并:合并:The eyewitness succeeded in helping the police find the evidence, and in return, he was given a bonus of 1,000 yuan by the police.6. less than 少于;不到;不超少于;不到;不超过自我自我检测 根据括号内的根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。提示完成句子。(1) The number of the artists present at the meeting are _(不到不到) thirty.(2) In my opinion, English is not as difficult as Japanese is. = In my opinion, English is _(不如不如那么那么难) Japanese is.less thanless difficult than提示:提示:lessthan 不如不如less than反反义词组:more than多多于于(=over)归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻翻译合并下列句子。合并下列句子。(1) 在在不到不到两个月的两个月的时间里,他的英里,他的英语从从50分分提高提高到了到了90分。分。In less than two month, his English is raised from 50 to 90 points.(2) 这对于我于我们大家来大家来说是是难以置信的以置信的。It is unbelievable to all of us.(用非限定性定用非限定性定语从句从句)合并:合并:In less than two month, his English is raised from 50 to 90 points, which is unbelievable to all of us.7. think highly/much/well of 高度高度评价;价;赞赏自我自我检测 根据括号内的根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。提示完成句子。(1) I dont understand why he _ (如此看重如此看重) other peoples attitudes.(2) As a rule, a successful person _ _ (认为失失败没什么没什么).thinks so highly ofthinks nothingof failurethink little/nothing of 不重不重视;认为没什么了不起没什么了不起归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻翻译合并下列句子。合并下列句子。(1) 他工作非常努力。他工作非常努力。 He worked so hard.(2) 他受到了老板的高度他受到了老板的高度赞扬。He was thought highly of by his boss.(用用结果状果状语从句从句)合并:合并:He worked so hard that he was thought highly of by his boss.1. could never have imagined 从没有从没有想到想到(1)亨利从来也不会想到他会在中国有如亨利从来也不会想到他会在中国有如此一段神奇的旅程。此一段神奇的旅程。Henry could never have imagined that he would have such a magical trip in China.(2)人们从来也不会想到菲尔普斯竟然能人们从来也不会想到菲尔普斯竟然能在在2008年的奥运会中获得那么多金牌。年的奥运会中获得那么多金牌。People could never have imagined that Phelps would win so many gold medals in the 2008 Olympics.2. the way+定语从句定语从句 说明说明 the way 后引导定语从句后引导定语从句的关系词的关系词that/in which 常省略常省略(作作主语除外主语除外)。 Plants need water _ _ (就像他们需要阳光一样就像他们需要阳光一样).运用运用 根据汉语提示完成英文句子。根据汉语提示完成英文句子。 We dont like _ _(他跟他父母谈话的方他跟他父母谈话的方式式).the way he talksto his parentsthe way theyneed sunlight3. This/That is/was a time when. 正值正值的时期的时期(1)这是一个科技迅猛发展的时期。这是一个科技迅猛发展的时期。运用运用 根据汉语提示完成英文句子。根据汉语提示完成英文句子。This is a time when science and technology develop very rapidly. That was _ _ (电视机很罕见的时电视机很罕见的时代代).a time when televisionswere rarely seen4. . take/ took sb. some time to do 做做某事花了某人多少时间某事花了某人多少时间说明说明 此结构也可替换为此结构也可替换为it takes sb. some time to do sth. This bridge over the river _ _ (花了花了工人们两年时间工人们两年时间). It _ _ (花了我们两天时间去做这花了我们两天时间去做这个实验个实验).运用运用 根据汉语提示完成英语句子。根据汉语提示完成英语句子。took theworkers two years to buildtook us two days to do theexperiment(2) 毫无疑问毫无疑问, 他会赢得这场比赛。他会赢得这场比赛。_.(1) 毫无疑问毫无疑问, 她是我们班最优秀的学生。她是我们班最优秀的学生。_运用运用 翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。There is no doubt that she is the best student in our class.There is no doubt that he will win the game5. (there is) no doubt that . 毫无疑问毫无疑问
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