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广告学教程Advertising Directory We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. We believe that the power of advertising广告实战案例Advertising Real Case We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. 超越 在顶峰之后一汽大众“奥迪A6”上市传播 Agency:上海灵狮广告有限公司上海灵狮广告有限公司We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. 内敛内敛内敛内敛的品牌个性的品牌个性+ +“ “车、人车、人车、人车、人” ”辉映的传播形式辉映的传播形式 奥迪在广告策略中遵循延续进取而内敛的品牌个性和“车、人车、人”辉映的传播形式来突出产品的优势,更要映衬“人人”的卓越,提出源自产品高于产品、与目标群共鸣与目标群共鸣的先进理念和思想为品牌主张,在传播上也达到高度,彰显优势姿态。市场背景We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. 宝马宝马奥迪奥迪头把交椅头把交椅奔驰奔驰皇冠皇冠豪华车市豪华车市搏杀激烈搏杀激烈天籁天籁课题课题奥迪面对5年一度的产品大改变(机遇?挑战?)与灵狮6年的合作上市宣传 新产品形象的明晰 产品的改变与优势品牌资产的遵循与延展 原有品牌不良形象的转变传播策略与市场推广策略的配合三角度三角度分析法分析法竞争竞争环境环境公司公司/品牌品牌消费者消费者寻求三者的寻求三者的关联与发现关联与发现挖掘突破点挖掘突破点确定沟通核确定沟通核心、策略心、策略思考思考方法方法领导品牌 阻击追赶的最有效手段: 创新 (产品的创新 传播的传新)宝马宝马5系:系:动力与操控动力与操控驾驶乐趣驾驶乐趣自信自信外显外显锋芒毕露锋芒毕露竞争环境竞争环境奥迪奥迪A6:全新产品的突破全新产品的突破与创新与创新内敛的品牌个性内敛的品牌个性突出人的卓越突出人的卓越We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. 产品产品产品产品在设计和性能两方面都有突破性创新在设计和性能两方面都有突破性创新设计设计设计设计设计设计一体式梯形格栅前脸一体式梯形格栅前脸 尾部微翘尾部微翘加长车身加长车身 加长轴距加长轴距性能性能性能性能性能性能4.2升升V8+3.2升升V6TFSI发动机发动机 MMI多媒体交互系统多媒体交互系统Quattro全时四驱全时四驱 7速手自一体变速箱速手自一体变速箱自身产品自身产品自身产品自身产品与品牌与品牌与品牌与品牌整体整体整体整体整体整体设计与性能上革命性的突破与改变设计与性能上革命性的突破与改变品牌品牌品牌品牌品牌品牌全球产品定位:极致进取全球产品定位:极致进取 引领时代引领时代全球品牌口号:突破科技全球品牌口号:突破科技 启迪未来启迪未来策略思考总结We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. 产品产品产品产品产品定位:最进取的公、商务座驾产品定位:最进取的公、商务座驾设计与性能上的突破是支持点设计与性能上的突破是支持点品牌品牌品牌品牌品牌品牌内敛尊贵并彰显突破与改变的品牌个性内敛尊贵并彰显突破与改变的品牌个性品牌品牌品牌品牌品牌品牌主张主张主张主张主张主张突破与创新的新思维突破与创新的新思维传播执行规划2将上市传播划分为两个阶段将上市传播划分为两个阶段4推出全新奥迪推出全新奥迪A64.2/3.0高端产品高端产品 树立树立A6L的高档形象的高档形象 向市场要形象向市场要形象3 1以创想改变未来为主题贯穿始终以创想改变未来为主题贯穿始终3 3推出低端高技术的推出低端高技术的2 OTFSIWe believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. 第一第一阶段阶段传播计划:以告知上市和建立形象为主要目的传播计划:以告知上市和建立形象为主要目的传播手段:以电视形象广告为统领,系列形象平面广告为呼应传播手段:以电视形象广告为统领,系列形象平面广告为呼应第二第二阶段阶段传播计划:以提升销量和突出产品优势为目的,以产品广告为主传播计划:以提升销量和突出产品优势为目的,以产品广告为主传播手段:以产品卖点平面广告为主体传播手段:以产品卖点平面广告为主体创意表现第一第一阶段阶段全新奥迪全新奥迪A6L形象广告:一辩证的突破性思维,来诠释具有中国形象广告:一辩证的突破性思维,来诠释具有中国智慧的进取观。智慧的进取观。思路驰骋思路驰骋 道路篇犒赏篇道路篇犒赏篇第二第二阶段阶段全新奥迪全新奥迪A6L革命性的技术创新革命性的技术创新水滴篇雪坡篇获第二届中国汽车广告奖平面创意金奖水滴篇雪坡篇获第二届中国汽车广告奖平面创意金奖第一阶段平面广告第一阶段平面广告 道路篇道路篇奥迪A6水滴系列-火山篇(最佳创意奖)奥迪A6水滴系列-马奔篇(最佳创意奖)奥迪A6水滴系列-瀑布篇(最佳创意奖)广告效果We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. We believe that the power of advertising, we also believe that the brand strength, we believe that Chinas power! We hope to innovation, harmony, Chinas intention to create a super brands, Chinese multinational companies. 效果效果评测评测2005年年9月:实际销售月:实际销售3372辆辆2005年年10月:实际销售月:实际销售3228辆辆2005年年11月:实际销售月:实际销售5588辆辆创一汽大众奥迪历史销售最高纪录创一汽大众奥迪历史销售最高纪录成功成功核心核心在在“突破与创新突破与创新”思维的指导下,突破思维的指导下,突破“官车官车”的羁绊,的羁绊,成功转型为成功转型为“中国社会新崛起的时代精英中国社会新崛起的时代精英”对目标人群的新定位,赋予奥迪新的生命力!对目标人群的新定位,赋予奥迪新的生命力!完 The End
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