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春晖学校 方涛Lets talk about what fruits/vegetables/sports you Lets talk about what fruits/vegetables/sports you like in pairs like this: like in pairs like this: l lA: Do you like strawberries?l lB: Yes, I do.l lA: What vegetables do you like?l lB: I like carrots.(3 minutes)Self-teaching aims1.New words: movie, kind, action movie, comedy, documentary, thriller, singular, plural.2.Grammar: singular and plural forms of nouns.3、Sentences:(1)-Do you want to go to a movie? -Yes, I do. I want to go to an action movie .(2)-What kind of movies do you like? -I like action movies and comedies . 4.Conjectives: and, but and or. New wordsl l singular plural l l电影电影 movie movies l l动作片 action movie action movies l l 喜剧 comedy comedies l l 纪录片 documentary documentaries l l 恐怖片 thriller thrillers l l种类 kind kinds 相关固定短语l l一,看电影常见表达法:(1).go to a movie, (2). go to the cinema,(3).see a film, (4).see a movie,(5). go to the movies;二,kind的常用短语:(1). a kind of “一种” (2). all kinds of “各种各样的”(3).different kinds of ”不同种类的”(4).many kinds of “许多种”(5).What kind of ”什么类型的”It is a comedy.comedycomedy They are comediescomediescomediesIt is an action movie.action moviesaction movie They are action moviesaction moviesaction moviesIts a documentary.documentarydocumentaryTheyre documentaries.documentariesdocumentariesIts a thriller.thrillerthrillerTheyre thrillers.thrillersthrillersMatch the words with the picturesaction movie thriller documentary comedyMatch the kindsof movies with the posters.1. action movie 2. comedy movie 3.romance 4.thrilleracdbListen and circlethe kinds of moviesin activity 1a youHear.1. action movie 2. comedy movie 3. romance4. thrillerThe girl wants to go to a movie, but she doesnt want to go to an action movie. She wants to go to a comedy.Tape scriptBoy: Do you want to go to a movie?Girl: Yes, I do.Boy: Do you want to go to an action movie?Girl: No, I dont. I want to go to a comedy.连词and, but和or的区别: (1).用来表示并列关系,意为”和,以及,而且”例如:This is a pen and that is a ruler.(and 用来连接三个以上的词或词语时,要在最后一个前面加and,其它用”,”隔开.)(2).but用来表示转折关系,其意为”但是,然而”,使其前后的词,短语或分句形成鲜明的对比.例如:I like movies but I dont like opera.(3).or用来表示选择关系,其意为”或者,还是”,表示两者之间选择其一.例如:Do you want two or three?Pair work: Sample:A: Do you want to go to a movie?B: Yes, I do. But I dont want to go to a thriller. I want to go to a comedyand documentary.Do pair work as the sample, using the following pictures:(另一人用第三人称的形式介绍B)根据以下示范进行对话;I like action movies and comedies.2a Listen to Ben and Sallys conversation.Number the kinds of movies in the order you hear them. comedies action movies documentaries thrillers3 12 4Ben: Do you want to go to an action movie?Sally: No. Ben: Sally: I like documentaries. What kind of movies do you like?Ben: ,too, and comedies .I dont like thrillers.Sally : You dont? Ben: No. Theyre scary. What kind of movies do you like? I like documentariesI dont like action movies.Fill in the blanks2b Listen again. In the chart, draw under the kinds of movies Ben and Sally like, and under the kinds of movies theydont like, and ? for “ I dont know.”comediesaction moviesdocumentariesthrillersBen?Sally?一,根据答语写出问句:l l1,A: Do you like action movies? l l B: Yes, I like action movies.l l2. A: What kind of movies does she like? l l B: She likes documentaries and thrillers.l l3. A: Do you like documentaries? l l B: No, I dont like documentaries.l l4. A: Does he want to go to a movie? l l B: Yes, he wants to go to a movie.l l5 A: Does she want to go to a movie? l l B: No, she doesnt want to go to a movie?二,根据汉语完成句子。二,根据汉语完成句子。l l1.她要去看纪录片吗?不,她不去。l l-Does she to see a documentary?l l-No, she .l l2. 你喜欢哪种电影?l l-What of do you like?l l3. 这个水果店卖各种各样的水果。l l-This fruit store sells of fruit.l l4. 她不喜欢恐怖片。l l She like .wantdoesntkindmoviesall kinds doesntthrillers根据句意用and, but和 or填空:l l1.Jim likes blue he likes green.l l2.My brother likes basketball he doesntlike baseball.3. I like action movies I like thrillers.4. Do you like comedies action movies?5.A: Do you like hamburgers? B: No, I dont. I like ice cream.andbutandorBut HomeworkOral work1.Listen (1a,2a) and recite the dialogues.Written work2. Collect the pictures of the movies that you like.3. Write a short dialogue about going to see a movie you like.
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