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Lesson 27HIGHWAY ENGINEERING公路工程课件 Transportation has always been one of the most important aspects of civil engineering. One of the greatest accomplishments of Roman engineers was the high way system that made rapid communication possible between Rome and the provinces of the empire. Modern highways are built according to the principles laid down in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Generally speaking, alignment, subgrade, and pavement are the most basic three parts of the modern highways. 交通一直是土木工程中最重要的方面之一。一位罗马工程交通一直是土木工程中最重要的方面之一。一位罗马工程师的最伟大的成就是公路体系,其使快速通讯成为可能。现师的最伟大的成就是公路体系,其使快速通讯成为可能。现代公路的修建是根据十八和十九世纪初所定下的原则。一般代公路的修建是根据十八和十九世纪初所定下的原则。一般而言,线性,路基,路面是现代公路的最基本的三个部分。而言,线性,路基,路面是现代公路的最基本的三个部分。 IntroductionIntroductionaccomplishment成就成就alignment线性线性subgrade路基路基pavemen路面路面公路工程课件 The alignment of a road includes horizontal alignment and vertical alignment. The horizontal alignment of a road is shown on the plan view and is a series of straight lines called tangents connected by circular curves. In modern practice it is common to interpose transition or spiral curves between tangents and circular curves. So the elements of the horizontal alignment are tangent, circular curve, and transition curve, as shown in following Fig. 27-1. 公路线形包括平面线形和纵断面线形。公路线形包括平面线形和纵断面线形。道路的平面线形显示在平面图和一系列的直线称为圆曲线连道路的平面线形显示在平面图和一系列的直线称为圆曲线连接切线。目前在实际操作中,一般在切线和圆曲线之间插入缓接切线。目前在实际操作中,一般在切线和圆曲线之间插入缓和曲线或螺旋曲线。平面线形的组成是切线(直),圆曲线和和曲线或螺旋曲线。平面线形的组成是切线(直),圆曲线和过渡曲线,如图中下面的图过渡曲线,如图中下面的图27-1。1.Alignment(线形)(线形)horizontalalignment平面线形平面线形verticalalignment纵断面线形纵断面线形tangent切线切线circularcurve圆曲线圆曲线公路工程课件公路工程课件Curve lineStraight line公路工程课件 The vertical alignment of a road is shown on the cutaway view. The elements of the vertical alignment are tangents, vertical curves. Usually there are two type of vertical curve: convex vertical curve and concave vertical curve, as shown in following Fig. 27-2.道路的纵断面线形显示在剖视图。纵道路的纵断面线形显示在剖视图。纵断面线形的组成是切线,竖曲线。通常断面线形的组成是切线,竖曲线。通常有两种类型的竖曲线:垂直凸竖曲线和有两种类型的竖曲线:垂直凸竖曲线和凹竖曲线,如图以下所示凹竖曲线,如图以下所示27-2。cutaway剖面剖面convex 凸的凸的concave 凹的凹的公路工程课件公路工程课件 Alignment must be consistent. Sudden changes from flat to sharp curves and long tangents followed by sharp curves must be avoided; otherwise, accident hazards will be created. Likewise, placing circular curves of different radii end to end(compound curves) or having a short tangent between two curves is poor practice unless suitable transitions between them are provided. 线形必须一致(平面线形和纵断面线形)。必须避免平线形必须一致(平面线形和纵断面线形)。必须避免平地突然变化为急弯以及很长的切线后紧跟着锐曲线,否则地突然变化为急弯以及很长的切线后紧跟着锐曲线,否则就会产生事故风险。同样地把不同半径的圆曲线尾尾相连、就会产生事故风险。同样地把不同半径的圆曲线尾尾相连、或两条曲线之间插入短切线是不良做法,除非曲线之间有或两条曲线之间插入短切线是不良做法,除非曲线之间有适当的缓和曲线。适当的缓和曲线。 consistent一致一致likewise同样地同样地radii半径半径公路工程课件Long, flat curves are preferable at all times, as they are pleasing in appearance and decrease possibility of future obsolescence. Long, flat curves should be used for small changes in direction, as short curves appear as kink. Also horizontal and vertical alignment must be considered together, not separately. For example, a sharp horizontal curve beginning near a crest can create a serious accident hazard.在任何时候都长且平坦的曲线都是优选,因为它们在外观上在任何时候都长且平坦的曲线都是优选,因为它们在外观上令人愉悦并能减少将来报废的可能性。长,平面曲线应该用令人愉悦并能减少将来报废的可能性。长,平面曲线应该用于在方向上的微小变化,如短的曲线显示为于在方向上的微小变化,如短的曲线显示为“扭结扭结”。同时。同时平面线形和纵断面线形必须一起考虑,而不是分开。例如,平面线形和纵断面线形必须一起考虑,而不是分开。例如,一个锐的平曲线的开始接近高峰时可能会产生严重事故的危一个锐的平曲线的开始接近高峰时可能会产生严重事故的危险。险。obsolescence报废报废crest高峰高峰公路工程课件 A vehicle traveling in a curved path is subject to centrifugal force. This is balanced by an equal and opposite force developed through superelevation and side friction. From a highway design standpoint, both superelevation and side friction cannot exceed certain maximums, and these controls place limits on the sharpness of curves that can be used with a design speed. 车辆在弯曲道路行驶受到离心力。这个平衡通过大小相等车辆在弯曲道路行驶受到离心力。这个平衡通过大小相等方向相反的超高和侧向摩擦力来达到。从公路设计的观点来方向相反的超高和侧向摩擦力来达到。从公路设计的观点来讲,超高和侧向摩擦力都不能超过某个最大值,这些控制值讲,超高和侧向摩擦力都不能超过某个最大值,这些控制值设置了曲线锐度限值,曲线锐度限值可以与设计速度建立联设置了曲线锐度限值,曲线锐度限值可以与设计速度建立联系。系。vehicle车辆车辆centrifugalforce离心力离心力superelevation超高超高sidefriction侧向摩擦力侧向摩擦力公路工程课件 When roads intersect or a railroad spans across a road, the road intersections are needed. The intersection can be at-grade intersection and grade-separated junction. The freeways only adopt the latter intersection. The typical at-grade crossings are cross roads, T intersection, and rotary intersection, as shown in following Fig. 27-3. 当相交的道路或铁路横跨道当相交的道路或铁路横跨道路时,需要设置道路交叉口。路时,需要设置道路交叉口。交叉口可以是平面交叉的和立交叉口可以是平面交叉的和立体交叉。该高速公路仅采用后体交叉。该高速公路仅采用后者的交叉口。典型的平面交叉者的交叉口。典型的平面交叉口的十字路口,口的十字路口,T形交叉,及形交叉,及环形交叉,如图下所示环形交叉,如图下所示27-3。intersect交叉交叉junction连接连接rotary 环形环形公路工程课件 Clover-leaf Interchange Diamond InterchangeGrade-separated junctions Rotary Interchange Trumpet Interchange苜蓿叶苜蓿叶 菱形菱形 环形环形 喇叭形喇叭形 立体交叉口立体交叉口公路工程课件高速公路普通公路与高速公路的转弯线形的比较公路工程课件 When roads intersect or a railroad spans across a road, the road intersections are needed. The intersection can be at-grade intersection and grade-separated junction. The freeways only adopt the latter intersection. The typical at-grade crossings are cross roads, T intersection, and rotary intersection, as shown in following Fig. 27-3. 当相交的道路或铁路横跨道当相交的道路或铁路横跨道路时,需要设置道路交叉口。路时,需要设置道路交叉口。交叉口可以是平面交叉的和立交叉口可以是平面交叉的和立体交叉。该高速公路仅采用后体交叉。该高速公路仅采用后者的交叉口。典型的平面交叉者的交叉口。典型的平面交叉口的十字路口,口的十字路口,T形交叉,及形交叉,及环形交叉,如图下所示环形交叉,如图下所示27-3。intersect交叉交叉junction连接连接rotary 环形环形公路工程课件 The foundations under pavement of highways are subgrade, so highway subgrade(or basement soil) may be defined as the supporting structure on which pavement and its special under courses rest. The purpose of a pavement is to provide a smooth surface over which vehicles may pass under all climate conditions. Because natural terrains are uneven, to get smooth road, cutting and filling are needed to change the natural terrain. Subgrades are classified into embankment, cutting, and part-cut part-fill subgrade, 。作业:将下段英文翻译成汉语。作业:将下段英文翻译成汉语。公路工程课件在公路路面以下的基础是路基,所以路基(或基层土壤)可在公路路面以下的基础是路基,所以路基(或基层土壤)可被定义为支撑路面及其特殊下层的结构。路面的作用是提供一被定义为支撑路面及其特殊下层的结构。路面的作用是提供一个任何气候条件下车辆都可能通过的平滑的表面。由于天然地个任何气候条件下车辆都可能通过的平滑的表面。由于天然地形凹凸不平,为了让道路平顺,挖方和填方都需要改变自然地形凹凸不平,为了让道路平顺,挖方和填方都需要改变自然地形。路基被分类成形。路基被分类成路堤,路堑,半挖半填路基。路堤,路堑,半挖半填路基。 公路工程课件 In cut sections, the subgrade is the original soil lying below the special layers designated as base and subbase material. In fill sections, the subgrade is constructed over the native ground and consists of imported material from nearby roadway cuts or from borrow pits. 在挖方部分,路基是置于被设计为基座和底基层特殊层在挖方部分,路基是置于被设计为基座和底基层特殊层下方的天然土。在填方部分,路基建造于原土之上并由附下方的天然土。在填方部分,路基建造于原土之上并由附近公路挖方或从取土坑中的土这类外来材料组成。近公路挖方或从取土坑中的土这类外来材料组成。公路工程课件 The performance of the pavement is affected by the characteristics of the subgrade. Desirable properties that the subgrade should possess include strength, drainage, ease of compaction, permanency of compaction, and permanency of strength.在路面的性能受路基特性的影响。路基的理想性能,在路面的性能受路基特性的影响。路基的理想性能,应具有包括强度,排水,易压实性,压实的永久性和强应具有包括强度,排水,易压实性,压实的永久性和强度的永久性。度的永久性。drainage排水排水possess控制,具有控制,具有公路工程课件 Soils engineers agree that the properties of a soil mixture are influenced more by moisture than by any other cause. Soils that have ample strength and supporting power under one set of moisture conditions may be entirely unsatisfacory if the percentage of moisture changes. One difficulty with soils in highway subgrades is that they are subject to such moisture changes. 土力学工程师赞同湿度对土壤混合物性能的影响比其他土力学工程师赞同湿度对土壤混合物性能的影响比其他因素大。在一个湿度条件下有足够强度与支撑能力的土体,因素大。在一个湿度条件下有足够强度与支撑能力的土体,如果湿度的百分比发生变化,土体可能完全不能令人满意。如果湿度的百分比发生变化,土体可能完全不能令人满意。土体在公路路基中的一个困难是承受着湿度的变化。土体在公路路基中的一个困难是承受着湿度的变化。mixture混合物混合物moisture湿度湿度percentage百分比百分比公路工程课件 One difficulty with soils in highway subgrades is that they are subject to such moisture changes. That is the reason why drainage is an important consideration of subgrades. Since subgrade vary considerably, it is necessary to make a through study of the soils in place. 土体在公路路基中的一个困难是承受着湿度的变化。这也是土体在公路路基中的一个困难是承受着湿度的变化。这也是在路基中为什么需重点考虑排水的原因。由于路基的变化相在路基中为什么需重点考虑排水的原因。由于路基的变化相当大,很有必要采取一种方法研究做土壤取代物的研究。当大,很有必要采取一种方法研究做土壤取代物的研究。 subjectto受受.inplace替代替代公路工程课件Soil is a highly variable material; the interrelationship of soil texture, density, moisture content, and strength are complex, and behavior under repeated loads is difficult to evaluate. Because of the complexity of the problem, it is not possible to set down rules that will be suitable for all case.土壤是高度多变的材料;土壤的结构、密度、含水率及强度土壤是高度多变的材料;土壤的结构、密度、含水率及强度的内在关系是非常复杂的,在荷载重复作用下的状态是很难的内在关系是非常复杂的,在荷载重复作用下的状态是很难估计的。由于问题的复杂性,不可能制定适用于所有状况的估计的。由于问题的复杂性,不可能制定适用于所有状况的规则规则.interrelationship内在关系内在关系texture结构结构density密度密度evaluate估计估计公路工程课件For example, the supporting power of soils increases with density. A road constructed on a given soil may be entirely satisfactory if the soil is properly compacted. On the other hand, the road may fail if the soil is insufficiently compacted, particularly if the voids become filled with water.例如,随着密度的提高,土壤的支撑力增强。路修建例如,随着密度的提高,土壤的支撑力增强。路修建在被适当压实的给定土体上那会是完全令人满意的。在被适当压实的给定土体上那会是完全令人满意的。另一方面,如果土没有被充分压缩,特别是如果土体另一方面,如果土没有被充分压缩,特别是如果土体的孔隙充满了水,道路可能会失效。的孔隙充满了水,道路可能会失效。公路工程课件Translate the following sentences into Chinese.highway alignmentExercisesExercisesclover-leaf interchangecentrifugal forcecutaway viewmoisturetransition curveplan view4.苜蓿叶立体交叉苜蓿叶立体交叉5.缓和曲线缓和曲线8.离心力离心力2.公路线形公路线形6.平面图平面图3.路基路基1.湿度湿度subgrade7.剖面图剖面图公路工程课件1.路面2.平面交叉3.急弯,锐曲线4. 设计速度5.路堑Translate the following words into English.pavementat-gradeintersectionSharpcurvesdesign speedcutting公路工程课件1.In modern practice it is common to interpose transition or spiral curves between tangents and circular curves.2.必须避免平地突然变化为急弯以及很长的切线后紧跟着必须避免平地突然变化为急弯以及很长的切线后紧跟着锐曲线,否则就会产生事故风险。锐曲线,否则就会产生事故风险。2.Sudden changes from flat to sharp curves and long tangents followed by sharp curves must be avoided; otherwise, accident hazards will be created.1.目前在实际操作中,一般在切线和圆曲线之间插入缓和目前在实际操作中,一般在切线和圆曲线之间插入缓和曲线和螺旋曲线。曲线和螺旋曲线。3.因为自然地形是不平坦的,为了得到平坦的道路,需要因为自然地形是不平坦的,为了得到平坦的道路,需要挖方和填方来改变自然地形。挖方和填方来改变自然地形。3.Because natural terrains are uneven, to get smooth road, cutting and filling are needed to change the natural terrain.公路工程课件4.Soils that have ample strength and supporting power under one set of moisture conditions may be entirely unsatisfacory if the percentage of moisture changes.5.另一方面,如果土没有被充分压缩,特别是如果土体的另一方面,如果土没有被充分压缩,特别是如果土体的孔隙充满了水,道路可能会失效。孔隙充满了水,道路可能会失效。5.On the other hand, the road may fail if the soil is insufficiently compacted, particularly if the voids become filled with water. 4.在一个湿度条件下有足够强度与支撑能力的土体,如果在一个湿度条件下有足够强度与支撑能力的土体,如果湿度的百分比发生变化,土体可能完全不能令人满意。湿度的百分比发生变化,土体可能完全不能令人满意。公路工程课件2.In cut sections, the subgrade is the original soil lying below the special layers designated as base and subbase material.2.在挖方部分,路基是置于被设计为基座和底基层特殊层在挖方部分,路基是置于被设计为基座和底基层特殊层下方的天然土。下方的天然土。1. The horizontal alignment of a road is shown on the plan view and is a series of straight lines called tangents connected by circular curves.1.道路的平面线形显示在平面图上以及一系列的直线称之为道路的平面线形显示在平面图上以及一系列的直线称之为连接圆曲线的切线。连接圆曲线的切线。3. For example, a sharp horizontal curve beginning near a crest can create a serious accident hazard.3.例如,一个锐的平曲线的开始接近高峰时可能会产生严重例如,一个锐的平曲线的开始接近高峰时可能会产生严重事故的危险。事故的危险。公路工程课件4.Desirable properties that the subgrade should possess include strength, drainage, ease of compaction, permanency of compaction, and permanency of strength.4.路基的理想性能,应具有包括强度,排水,易压实,压路基的理想性能,应具有包括强度,排水,易压实,压实的永久性和强度的永久性。实的永久性和强度的永久性。5.Soil is a highly variable material; the interrelationship of soil texture, density, moisture content, and strength are complex, and behavior under repeated loads is difficult to evaluate.5.土壤是高度多变的材料;土壤的结构、密度、湿度含量及土壤是高度多变的材料;土壤的结构、密度、湿度含量及强度的内在关系是非常复杂的,在荷载重复作用下的状态强度的内在关系是非常复杂的,在荷载重复作用下的状态是很难估计的。是很难估计的。公路工程课件Answerthefollowingquestionsbriefly.1. What are the main parts of the modern highways? Generally speaking, alignment, subgrade, and pavement are the most basic three parts of the modern highways.2. Please list the elements of horizontal alignment and vertical alignments of highway. The elements of the horizontal alignment are tangent, circular curve, and transition curve, the elements of the vertical alignment are tangents, vertical curves. 3. For the freeway, which road intersection can be adopted? The freeways adopt the grade-separated junction.4. Why the drainage is an important consideration of highway subgrade? One difficulty with soils in highway subgrades is that they are subject to such moisture changes.公路工程课件公路工程课件
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