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Module 7 Australia Unit 1 Im looking for the photos that you took in Australia.EnglandAustraliaBeijing, ChinaHainan, ChinaWhere else did Tonys Dad visit ?What animals did he see?Listen again and complete the table. 1 2 3NameUluruPlacein the centre of AustraliaDetailspecial huge rockSydney Opera HouseSydneylike a huge sailingboatthe GreatBarrier ReefsharkPhotoAustraliaAnswer the questions:1. Why does Tony want his dads photos of Australia?Because he needs them to do his project on Australia.2. Does he know where to find them?No, he doesnt. 3. What does Tony think of the photos?Tony thinks they are great.4. Why does Tony want to borrow the camera?Because he wants to take photos for the school photo competition.5. Is Tonys dad surprised that Tony wants to win the photo competition?No, he isnt.6. Does Tonys dad lend him the camera at once?No, he doesnt.定语定语 从句从句: 用作定语的从句叫做定语从句用作定语的从句叫做定语从句.定语从句定语从句通常位于他所修饰的名词通常位于他所修饰的名词(或代词或代词)之后之后,这种名词这种名词(或或代词代词)叫做先行词叫做先行词. 是引导定语从句的关联词是引导定语从句的关联词. (1) Im looking for the photos you took in Australia.(2) Were doing a project about countries we want to visit.(3) There were kangarooswere jumping alongside the caron our way back from Uluru.(4) Well, theres a competition I want to win. thatthatthat thatthat 1.Read the dialogue frequently and remember the words.2.Finish the exercises in the workbook. Goodbye!
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