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U8 Life in the future Reading:Whatdoyouknowabout?根据首字母,填写单词I am looking for a place to live in. Can you r_ a good hotel?After her parents death, her life changed f_.You have to forget the past and start living in the p_.We should use the most modern t_ to make such products.The river is about 20 metres w_.I have seen her many times r_ but we havent talked much with each other.Without proper treatment, she will c _ die.Mr White likes to r _ on the sofa with a newspaper.Nothing can s _ him. He is always complaining. Thereisac_aroundthecorner.Thecoffeethereisgood.ecommandoreverresentechnologyideecentlyertainlyelaxatisfycafe读the Hotel Whale部分,回答问题(1)WhereistheHotelWhale?_(2)WhatdoestheHotelWhalelooklike?_(3) Whatdoesthehotelhave?_Itsunderthewater.Ithas50bedrooms,acafandashoppingcentre.Itsintheshapeofawhale.Characteristics ( 特点特点 ) Supporting detailsGreen_a.There is a glass outside and heat is held under the glass.b.The medicine in the bathroom is corrected to your doctors computer.c.Heat is used as energy for each house.d.Your smart fridge is connected to the supermarkets computer.Smart_ReadtheHotelWhale,choose Supporting detailsa,b,dcCharacteristics( 特点 )Supporting detailsA hydrogen car The hydrogen in the car is _ with oxygen from air to make _ for the car.With an electronic map Computer- map You tell the computer _ to go. Then you _ back and _ as the car take you there.ReadTheCJ3,fillintheblanksElectricitymixedrelaxsitwhereA. Im helping protect the environment B. we were using more energy C. my children watched the fish outside their bedroom windowD. I was polluting the city 2 nd Reading choose A.B.C.D. into the blanksMrsPeng:“Whenwewerestayingatthehotelrecently,_.Theywereneverbored!”MrYu:“Whenwewerelivinginouroldhouse,_.IwouldcertainlyrecommendForeverGreenHousestomyfriends.Theywillsatisfyeveryone.”MrHu:“WhileIwasdrivingmyoldcar,_.Now,withthenewtechnologyinmyCJ3, _”Im helping protect the environment I was polluting the city we were using more energy my children watched the fish outside their bedroom window3 rd reading Q & A1.WhycanMrsPengschildrenwatchfishswimoutsidetheirbedroomwindow?2.WhydidMrWhitesay“Theywillsatisfyeveryone”?3.HowdoestheCJ3helpprotecttheenvironment?Because the hotel is under the water.Because the hotel is under the water.Because Forever Green Houses are green and smart.Because Forever Green Houses are green and smart.It uses hydrogen and oxygen to make electricity and it It uses hydrogen and oxygen to make electricity and it doesnt cause pollution.doesnt cause pollution.Post reading Fill in the blanks TheHotelWhaleThisunderwaterhotelisinthes_ofwhale.Ithas50bedrooms,ac_andashoppingcenter.MrsPengstayedatthehotelwithherchildrenr_andtheyhadgreatfun.hapeecentlyafForeverGreenHousesThesehousesareboth“g_”and“s_”.Theenergyisenvironmentallyfriendlyandtheappliancesandintelligent.MrYuc_recommendsthesehousesbecausetheywills_everyonereenatifyertainlymartTheCJ3Thecarm_thehydrogeninitwithoxygenfromtheairtomakeelectricity.Ithasane_mapandisdrivenbyacomputer.MrYuhelpsprotecttheenvironmentbydrivingtheCJ3becauseofthenewt_ixeselchnologylectronicDescribe the characteristics of the three products in your own words. The Hotel Whale Forever Green Houses The CJ3 B:Lifeinthefuture,thehotelwilllooklike_.Itwillbebuilt_.IcanenjoyLifeinthefuture,thecarwilllooklike_.It_hydrogenwithoxygentomakeelectricity/itisusedsolar_.Itdoesntcause_.Itcanrunnotonlyonthelandbutalsoonthe_.Italsocan_inthesky.IcanenjoyComprehension Comprehension In 2050, hotels in our city will be be under under the the water/on water/on the the MoonMoon.Computers of the future will be be smaller smaller than than they they are are now/be able to think for themselvesnow/be able to think for themselves.Kitchens in the future will be be controlled controlled by by computers/be computers/be linked to the supermarkets computerslinked to the supermarkets computers.In 2050, people will go on holiday by by helicopter/to helicopter/to the the MoonMoon.Cars of the future will run run on on hydrogen/not hydrogen/not pollute pollute the the airair.Homework 1.根据主根据主阅读篇章的插篇章的插图和和课堂上堂上总结的表格,复述三件的表格,复述三件产品的特点。品的特点。 2.完成完成英英语(八年(八年级 下册)下册)B 第第137至至138页Reading B,C的的练习。3.Reading in News paper 49th.4.Copy the new words.A & AItisunderthewater.Theyareboth“green”and“smart”.Becauseitisdrivenbyacomputer.1st readingCharacteristics( 特点 )Supporting detailsspecial1. The Hotel Whale is built _ the water.2. It is in the _ of whale.Readparagraph1,fillintheblanksundershape
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