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1003201041;. vampires diary is American TV seriesIt is a collection of youth, fantasy, horror and drama2;. Elena Gilbert Damon Salvatore StefanSalvatore3;.Most attractive is the true love of the devil, just as the love between Wolf and the sheep ,so incredible but full of temptations.4;.I will start fresh.I predict this year is gonging to be kick ass .She took my breath away.Shes a dead ringer for Katherine.I am cool with it. Never better Always and forever Let bygones be bygones. 我要重新开始我预言今年将会是很了不起的一年她迷住我了她和Katherine一模一样 对此我很满意 很好 永远过去的就让它过去吧5;.电影字幕的特点:缩、直、 简电影字幕英译汉策略1、 以目的为先导,译语要在形式与意义上与英文字幕相契合,例如: It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.坚强的人只能救赎自己,只有伟大的人才能拯他人 Get busy living, Or get busy dying有的人忙活,有的人等死 两句英文字幕均出自 肖申克的救赎 ( The Shawshank Redemption),汉译字幕首先与原字幕 在形式上达到了契合 其次分别将原字幕所表达的“救赎”主题及人生意义完全传译 6;.2、在文化信息的处理上,以忠实地传达信息 圆满地完成交际为目的,套用汉语语言中喜闻乐见的文化标识来传译。(1)加注 Seven Deadly Sins 汉译名为 七宗罪 七宗罪:傲慢 嫉妒 暴怒 懒惰 贪婪 饕餮 欲望(2)语篇上归化,词语上异化 如飘( Gone with the Wind)中一句台词 I think its hard winning a war with words 译为: 我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用译文套用了中国家喻户晓的成语 纸上谈兵 ,能迅速为观众所接受,达到传情达意之功效。7;.Thank you8;.
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