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CloudcomputingWhatisthecloudcomputing1.The origin of Cloud computing ideas2.The 21st century vision of computingTheoriginofCloudcomputingideasComputing is being transformed to a model consisting of services that are commoditized and delivered in a manner similar to traditional utilities such as water, electricity, gas, and telephony.The21stcenturyvisionofcomputingToday, the latest paradigm to emerge is that of Cloud computing which promises reliable services delivered through next-generation data centers that are built on virtualized compute and storage technologies.ThePrincipleofCloudComputingCloudcomputingisanemergingbusinesscomputingmodelCloudComputingisadistributedprocessing,parallelprocessingandgridcomputingdevelopment,orcommercialimplementationofthesecomputerscienceconcepts.CloudServerCloud server is a set of clustered servers on virtual quasi-independent part of the server, cluster, each server has a mirror image of the cloud server. WidelyusedplatformsGoogle CloudIBM Blue CloudAmazon Elastic Computation Cloud (EC2)Microsoft Azure CloudThankyou!
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