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Comic strips and WelcomeWhy do people like parrots?Because they can talk.Where do parrots come from?They come from hot countries.1.Does Eddie really like birdwatching?2.Where does Eddie think is the best place to watch birds?3. Why?No,it doesnt.At the market.Because it thinks at the market there are ducks and hens.让我们来听听让我们来听听Hobo和和Eddie在说什么:在说什么:It has many long things likelong necks and a long thin neck.has brown and grey feathers,small.It has white feathers, a long thin neck.It has broad wings and brown feathers.You want to find out which bird your partner likes best and why.Work in pairs . Take turns to ask your partner.Which bird do you like best?I like the parrot best.Why?Because it has colourful feathers. A Real Story
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