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Module 5Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient ChinaReading and Vocabulary()1.Learn some language points of this text.2.Learn about Chinese philosophers and their ideas.Learning aimsLeading - in 1. Who is keeping _(秩序)秩序)on the spot?2. He _(辞辞职)from the company in order to take amore challenging job.3. Boys and girls are _(平等平等), and thus they shouldbe treated fairly.4. I believe that man _(性本善性本善).5. It was my grandma who _(把我把我抚养大)养大).orderresignedequalis born goodbrought me upLanguage points1. be at war with 在交在交战Ancient China was a place where states were often at war with each other. 古代中国各古代中国各诸侯国之侯国之间经常常发生生战争。争。In 1920 Poland and Russia were still at war.在在1920年,波年,波兰和俄国仍在交和俄国仍在交战。【知知识拓展拓展】 “at+不不带冠冠词的名的名词” 表示表示“从事某种从事某种工作或工作或处于某种状于某种状态”。 He is at work. = He is working. 他在工作。他在工作。The family are at breakfast. =The family are having breakfast. 这一家人正在吃早一家人正在吃早饭。2. stress v.强调,着重强调,着重 n.压力;强调压力;强调He stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society. 他强调仁爱、职责和秩序在社会中的重要性。他强调仁爱、职责和秩序在社会中的重要性。She cant stand the stress of public life.她忍受不了公共生活的压力。她忍受不了公共生活的压力。【知识知识拓展拓展】完成句子完成句子1.The boy stole the bread _hunger.那个男孩出于饥饿偷了面包。那个男孩出于饥饿偷了面包。2. My father always _.【即学即即学即练】under the stress of 父亲总是强调工作的重要性。父亲总是强调工作的重要性。stresses the importance of work3. order n. 秩序秩序;命令;命令; v. 命令;点(菜等);订货命令;点(菜等);订货Since the war broke out, the whole society has been totally out of order.战争爆发后,整个社会完全陷入混乱状态。战争爆发后,整个社会完全陷入混乱状态。out of order 混乱,无秩序混乱,无秩序【拓展拓展】in order 有秩序,有条理有秩序,有条理【知识拓展知识拓展】1.order/command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事命令某人做某事2.order/command that 命令命令(从句中谓语动词用(从句中谓语动词用“should+动词原形动词原形”, should可以省略)可以省略)The doctor ordered him to take a rest for a week or two.The doctor ordered that he (should) take a rest for a week or two.医生命令他休息一两周。医生命令他休息一两周。【即学即即学即练】完成句子。完成句子。1. Its time we _. 我们该点餐了。我们该点餐了。2. The elevator is _. weve got to go up the stairs. 电梯故障了。我们必须爬楼梯了。电梯故障了。我们必须爬楼梯了。3. He ordered that all of us to leave at once.(改(改错)ordered dinnerout of order4. influence n. & v. 影响影响Chinese society was influenced by these ideas for more than 2,000 years. 中国社会受这些思想的影响达中国社会受这些思想的影响达2,000多年。多年。Influenced by my teacher, I took up the study of medicine.受我老师的影响受我老师的影响,我选择了学医。我选择了学医。5. Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius. 孟子是一位思想家,他的学说与孔子的学说很相似。孟子是一位思想家,他的学说与孔子的学说很相似。(1) be similar to 与与类似类似 Your views on education are similar to mine.你对教育的观点和我的相似。你对教育的观点和我的相似。【知识拓展知识拓展】 have an influence on / upon 对对有影响有影响 under the influence of 在在的影响下的影响下influential adj. 有影响力的有影响力的be influential in doing sth. 对做某事有影响对做某事有影响 【即学即练即学即练】完成句子完成句子那些事实对解决问题有重大的影响。那些事实对解决问题有重大的影响。Those facts _the problems. 她的粗暴行为着实吓坏了那个小男孩。她的粗暴行为着实吓坏了那个小男孩。Her violent behavior _the little boy.were influential in solvinghad such an influence on【知识拓展知识拓展】in a similar way 按同样的方式按同样的方式 be similar in sth. 在在方面相似方面相似 similarity n.similarly adv. Gold is similar in color to brass.金子在颜色方面和黄铜相似。金子在颜色方面和黄铜相似。(2) those 代替前面提到的可数名词复数代替前面提到的可数名词复数,that用来代用来代替可数名词单数或不可数名词。例如:替可数名词单数或不可数名词。例如:The apples on the tree look nicer than those in the basket.树上的苹果比篮子里的苹果看起来要好。树上的苹果比篮子里的苹果看起来要好。The climate here is nothing like that in Lanzhou.这里的气候与兰州的气候完全不一样。这里的气候与兰州的气候完全不一样。1. one 用来替代同名异物可数名用来替代同名异物可数名词单数数, 其复数其复数为ones。2. those 用来替代同名异物可数名用来替代同名异物可数名词复数复数, 可与可与the ones 换用。用。3. it 用来替代同名同物名用来替代同名同物名词, 不能不能带修修饰语。【辨析辨析】【即学即练】【即学即练】1.I want to have a pen friend, hopefully a girl in her early twenties, and with interests similar _ mine. 2. The two houses are similar_ size.to in 6. born v. 出生出生 adj. 天生的(可作定语)天生的(可作定语)Mencius was born in 372 BC.孟子生于公元前孟子生于公元前372年。年。a born teacher/ poet 一个天生的教师一个天生的教师/诗人诗人【知识拓展知识拓展】be born 后接后接 adj. / n. / to do. 意思是意思是“生来就是生来就是”。He was born rich. 他生来就富有。他生来就富有。【即学即练】【即学即练】翻翻译句子:句子:1.她被看成是天生的她被看成是天生的电影明星。影明星。 2.她注定会成功的。她注定会成功的。 She was considered a born movie star. She was born to succeed. 7. bring up 抚养、养育;提出;呕吐抚养、养育;提出;呕吐 His father died when he was young, and he was brought up by his mother. 父亲在他年幼时去世,母亲把他父亲在他年幼时去世,母亲把他_。He drank too much and brought up his supper.他喝得太多,把晚饭都他喝得太多,把晚饭都_了。了。The school has brought up many good students.这所学校这所学校_了许多好学生。了许多好学生。A new plan was brought up at the meeting.在会上,一个新的计划被在会上,一个新的计划被_。抚养成人抚养成人吐出来吐出来培养培养提出提出bring about引起;引起;产生;生;导致;致;带来来bring sth. back带回某物;使想起回某物;使想起bring down让降下来;使倒下降下来;使倒下bring forward提前提前bring in引入引入【知识拓展知识拓展】 【即学即练】【即学即练】用用bring短语完成句子。短语完成句子。1.Though Tom was born and _ in America, he can speak fluent Chinese.2. The accident was _by Johns carelessnessbrought up brought about 8. For many years he travelled from state to state, teaching the principles of Confucius. 多年来,他一直周游列国,宣扬孔子的学说。多年来,他一直周游列国,宣扬孔子的学说。(1) from + n.+ to + n. 从一个从一个到另一个到另一个from house to house from beginning to endfrom side to side from morning to nightfrom time to time from head to footfrom generation to generation(2) v.-ing 作状语作状语He was seated there,reading a novel.他正坐在那里,他正坐在那里,读一本小一本小说。Fill in the blanks using the words in the box.用方框内的用方框内的单词填空。填空。9. resign vi. 辞职辞职 vt. 辞职辞职, 放弃放弃, 使顺从使顺从However, when he saw that the ruler was not following his advice, he resigned. 然而当他看到统治者并不接受他的意见时,他辞职了。然而当他看到统治者并不接受他的意见时,他辞职了。He decided to resign his claim to the copyright. 他决定放弃对版权的要求。他决定放弃对版权的要求。 I wont resign to his will. 我不会屈从于他的意志。我不会屈从于他的意志。 【知识拓展知识拓展】 resign from 从从辞去辞去职务resign oneself to (doing) sth. .听从,听从,顺从从resign.to 把把托付托付给resigned adj. 已辞已辞职的,已放弃的的,已放弃的resignation n 辞呈,辞辞呈,辞职【即学即练即学即练】1. After working at the firm for two years,Mary _ (辞辞职) from her positionand went abroad for further study.resigned2. They refused to resign themselves _ defeat(不不甘心失败甘心失败).to10. The reason whyis that 的原因是的原因是Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good. 孟子认为,人之所以不同于动物,是因为人性本善。孟子认为,人之所以不同于动物,是因为人性本善。The reason why he was late was that he missed the train.他迟到的原因是他错过了火车。他迟到的原因是他错过了火车。why 引引导限制性定限制性定语从句,从句,that引引导表表语从句。从句。【即学即练】【即学即练】完成句子。完成句子。1.I dont know the reason _.我不知道他来得那么晚的原因。我不知道他来得那么晚的原因。2. _they were not accepted is that they didnt receive enough education. 他他们没被接受的原因是他没被接受的原因是他们没有受到足没有受到足够的教育。的教育。 why he came so lateThe reason why Dont treat me as a child any more. Ill treat you to a simple lunch. Dont worry. The doctor will treat you soon. 11. treat v.对待,看待;请客,招待;治疗对待,看待;请客,招待;治疗They hated the state when it treated people badly. 他们痛恨那种对人民残暴的国家。他们痛恨那种对人民残暴的国家。不要再把我当小孩子看了。不要再把我当小孩子看了。我要请你吃顿简单的午餐。我要请你吃顿简单的午餐。别担心。医生很快就会给你治疗。别担心。医生很快就会给你治疗。12. equal adj. 相同的相同的, 同等的;胜任的同等的;胜任的 n.同等的人,相等的人同等的人,相等的人 Mozi believed that all men were equal. 墨子认为,所有的人都是生而平等的。墨子认为,所有的人都是生而平等的。Women demand equal pay for equal work.妇女要求同工同酬。妇女要求同工同酬。Im not the equal of Mary in beauty.我比不上玛丽美丽。我比不上玛丽美丽。【辨析辨析】equally, be equal to be equal to 表示表示“等于,能胜任,能应付等于,能胜任,能应付”等,等,其中的其中的 to 是介词是介词(其后接动词时应用动名词其后接动词时应用动名词)。equally adv. “相等地相等地,相同地相同地”。equal用作动词用作动词意为意为“等于,比得上等于,比得上”等,是及物动词;不要受等,是及物动词;不要受其形容词用法的影响,在其后误加介词其形容词用法的影响,在其后误加介词 to。用作。用作名词意为名词意为“相等的事物,相等的事物,(地位等地位等)相同的人相同的人”等,等,是可数名词。是可数名词。He is equal to (the job of) running the office. 他能胜任管理办公室他能胜任管理办公室(的工作的工作)。No man equals him in strength.没有谁的力气比得上他。没有谁的力气比得上他。但不说但不说 No man equals to him in strength.The teacher is popular because he treats the students as (his) equals.这位教师受人欢迎,因为他平等地对待学生。这位教师受人欢迎,因为他平等地对待学生。【即学即练】【即学即练】完成句子。完成句子。1.Everyone, male or female, rich or poor, _.每个人,不管男女,每个人,不管男女,贫富,都生来平等。富,都生来平等。2. (2016北京高考)北京高考)Learning to deal with the social world _.学学习融入社会也同等重要。融入社会也同等重要。is born equalis equally important1. Is this the reason why he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? 2.The reason for his going to France was because he got a new job there. Class exercises改错。改错。that3.Young children should be brought out to be honest and equal.4.All the countries in the world should be equal with each other.up toHomework1. Review language points we have learned this class.2. Preview the next class after the class.After a storm comes a calm. 雨过天晴。雨过天晴。
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