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Unit 5 Life in the Unit 5 Life in the futurefuture语法填空语法填空1.First aid is_ temporary form of help _(give)to someone _suddenly falls_(illness)or gets injured _a doctor can _(find).2.Often the illness or injury is not serious, but there are other times _ _(give) first aid quickly can save _(life).3.The skin is _essential part of your body and its _ (large) organ. angivenwhoill beforebe foundwhengivinglivesanlargest4. You have three _(layer) of skin _ act as a barrier _ disease, poisons and the suns _(harm)rays. The functions of your skin are also very complex:it_(keep) you warm or cool; it _(prevent) your body from _(lose) too much water; it is_ you feel cold, heat or pain and it _(give) you your sense of touch.5.So _ you can imagine, _ your skin gets burned _ can be very serious. First aid is a very important first step in the _(treat) of burns.layerswhichagainstharmfulkeepspreventslosingwheregivesasifittreatment6. Burns are called first ,second or third degree burns,_(depend on )which layers of the skin are burned.7. Examples include mild sunburn and burns _(cause) by _(touch) a hot pan, stove or iron _ a moment.8. The cool water stops the _(burn) process, _(prevent) the pain _(become)_(bear) and reduces _(swell).dependingcausedtouchingforburningpreventsbecomingunbearableswelling9. For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by _(put) them back in _basin of cold water,_(squeeze) them out and _(place) them _the _(burn) area over and over again for about _hour _the pain is not so bad.10. Cover the _(burn) area _a dry, clean bandage _will not stick to the skin.puttingsqueezingaplacingonburnedanuntilburnedwiththat
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