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Module 3 BodyUnit 6Touch your headhairhairheahead deyeeyefacefaceleglegfootfoothanhand dmouthmouthnosenoseearear规则:看图,并说出下列图片缺少的身体部位。The ears.The eyes.The hands.The mouth.The legs.Whats missing?The foot.eyeeyeLook at me . This is my eyeeye.close your eyeearearLook at me . This is my earear .touch your ear .nosenoseLook at me . This is my nosenose .touch your nose .mouthmouthLook at me . This is my mouth mouth .open your mouth .facefaceLook at me . This is my faceface .touch your face .headheadLook at me . This is my headhead .touch your head .Children, letChildren, let s play a game.s play a game.Touch your nose .Touch your nose .OkOk. .Touch your ear .Touch your ear .OkOk. .Touch your head .Touch your head .Your head , Jiamin, not your hand.Your head , Jiamin, not your hand.Listen and sayListen and sayChildren, letChildren, let s play a game.s play a game.Touch your nose .Touch your nose .OkOk. .Touch your ear .Touch your ear .OkOk. .Touch your head .Touch your head .Your head , Jiamin, not your hand.Your head , Jiamin, not your hand.听老师的指令,做出相应的动作;听老师的指令,做出相应的动作;看老师做动作,说出指令。看老师做动作,说出指令。A, B, C, D, E.Touch your ears, touch your ears.F, G, H, I, J.Touch your face, touch your face.K, L, M, N, O.Touch your nose, touch your nose.P, Q, R, S, T.Touch your feet, touch your feet.a, r, eeard, a, e, hheadt, h, u, o, mmoutho, e, s, nnoseg, l, elego, o, t, ffootABCDEF作业作业:抄写抄写Unit6单词单词一个一行一个一行
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