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At first, lets enjoy a short movie. Then tell me, what can you see in the movie?Where are they? What are they doing?What are they talking about?Do you know the movie? And have you seen it? Under the SeaUnit 3 主角是一对可爱的主角是一对可爱的小丑鱼小丑鱼(Clownfish)(Clownfish)父子。父亲玛林父子。父亲玛林( (Marlin) )和儿子尼莫和儿子尼莫( (Nemo) )一直在澳洲外海大堡礁中过着一直在澳洲外海大堡礁中过着安定而安定而 幸福幸福 的平静生活。鱼爸爸玛林一直谨小慎微,行的平静生活。鱼爸爸玛林一直谨小慎微,行事缩手缩脚,虽然已经身为人父,却丝毫不会影响它成为事缩手缩脚,虽然已经身为人父,却丝毫不会影响它成为远近闻名的胆小鬼。也正因为这一点,儿子尼莫常常与玛远近闻名的胆小鬼。也正因为这一点,儿子尼莫常常与玛林发生争执,甚至有那么一点瞧不起自己的父亲。直到有林发生争执,甚至有那么一点瞧不起自己的父亲。直到有一天,一直向往到海洋中冒险的尼莫,游出了他们所居住一天,一直向往到海洋中冒险的尼莫,游出了他们所居住的珊瑚礁。正当尼莫想要舒展一下小尾巴的时候,一艘渔的珊瑚礁。正当尼莫想要舒展一下小尾巴的时候,一艘渔船毫不留情地将欢天喜地的尼莫捕走,并将它辗转卖到澳船毫不留情地将欢天喜地的尼莫捕走,并将它辗转卖到澳洲悉尼湾内的一家牙医诊所。洲悉尼湾内的一家牙医诊所。在大堡礁的海底,心爱的儿子突然生死未卜的消息,在大堡礁的海底,心爱的儿子突然生死未卜的消息,对于鱼爸爸玛林来说却无异于晴天霹雳。尽管胆小尽管怕对于鱼爸爸玛林来说却无异于晴天霹雳。尽管胆小尽管怕事,现在为了救回心爱的孩子,玛林也就只有豁出去了。事,现在为了救回心爱的孩子,玛林也就只有豁出去了。它决心跟上澳洲洋流,踏上寻找自己儿子的漫漫征程。它决心跟上澳洲洋流,踏上寻找自己儿子的漫漫征程。海底总动员海底总动员Finding Nemo 途中玛林与大白鲨布鲁斯几次惊险追逐途中玛林与大白鲨布鲁斯几次惊险追逐, ,幸运的是幸运的是, ,玛玛林遇到了来自撒马力亚林遇到了来自撒马力亚(Samaritan)(Samaritan)的蓝唐王鱼的蓝唐王鱼(Regal (Regal Blue Blue TangTang) )多瑞多瑞(Dory)(Dory)。多瑞是一只热心助人、胸怀宽广。多瑞是一只热心助人、胸怀宽广的大鱼。有多瑞在身边做伴的大鱼。有多瑞在身边做伴, ,玛林渐渐地明白了如何用勇玛林渐渐地明白了如何用勇气与爱战胜自己内心的恐惧,也懂得了一生中有一些事情气与爱战胜自己内心的恐惧,也懂得了一生中有一些事情的确是值得自己去冒险去努力的道理。的确是值得自己去冒险去努力的道理。就这样,两条鱼在辽阔的太平洋上的冒险使它们交到就这样,两条鱼在辽阔的太平洋上的冒险使它们交到了形形色色的朋友,也遭遇了各式各样的危机。鱼爸爸玛了形形色色的朋友,也遭遇了各式各样的危机。鱼爸爸玛林也终于克服万难,与儿子团聚并安全地回到了自己的家林也终于克服万难,与儿子团聚并安全地回到了自己的家乡。过去那个甚至连自己儿子都瞧不起的胆小鬼玛林,经乡。过去那个甚至连自己儿子都瞧不起的胆小鬼玛林,经过这次的考验后成为了儿子眼中真正的英雄!一场亲情团过这次的考验后成为了儿子眼中真正的英雄!一场亲情团聚的大戏,就此在充满泪水的眼睛中落下了帷幕。聚的大戏,就此在充满泪水的眼睛中落下了帷幕。 The movie is about the life under the sea. Under the SeaUnit 3Words preview snorkelaquariumanecdoteannualvi. 戴潜水通气管潜泳戴潜水通气管潜泳n. (潜水艇或潜水者潜水艇或潜水者)通气通气管管n. 水族馆;养鱼缸水族馆;养鱼缸n. 轶事;奇闻轶事;奇闻adj. 每年的;每年的; 按年度计算的按年度计算的n. 年刊;年鉴年刊;年鉴Today, were going to take a look at the world under the sea.So, are you ready?Now, we are on a snorkeling trip under the sea.Well come across a great variety of marine animals. Come on!Dolphins 海豚海豚What are they?Turtle 海龟海龟Look. Its coming towards us.Sea horse海马海马Whats this? Squid 鱿鱼鱿鱼Sea star 海星海星This looks beautiful!Coral 珊瑚珊瑚Angel fish 天使鱼天使鱼Different kinds of little fishAnemone fish 海葵鱼海葵鱼Clown fish小丑鱼小丑鱼A shark is coming. Look out! Its dangerous.He noticed us. Wed better leave him alone before its too late.Bye, Mr Shark!We are safe now.And I caught a sea star near the shore.If you like, where can you go to see more about the ocean life? on a boat tripin books, on the Internet, in the Ocean Park, on TV etc.at an aquarium In groups, make a list of plants and animals that live under the sea that you and your classmates have seen in any of the ways listed above. Share what you know about these plants and animals.Whats it?whaleWhales are huge, intelligent sea mammals(哺乳动物哺乳动物). They breathe air through blow-holes(鲸头顶的呼吸孔鲸头顶的呼吸孔) into lungs (unlike fish who breathe using gills鳃鳃). Whales have smooth, shiny, streamlined(流线型流线型)bodies that move easily through the water. What is a whale? There are two types of whales alive today:toothed whales (齿鲸类齿鲸类) and baleen whales (须鲸须鲸类类). Toothed whales have teeth and a single blowhole. They feed on eating fish and other sea mammals. Baleen whales are larger than toothed whales. They are filter feeders (滤食滤食者者) that use baleen to sieve (过滤过滤) food, and have two blowholes. Classification of whales Baleen whalesThis group includes the largest known animal species, the Blue Whale. Killer whales (虎鲸虎鲸) belong to toothed whales, who are the biggest carnivore(食肉动物食肉动物) of the sea, killing all kinds of animals, even the huge blue whale.They usually work in a team.Killer whales虎鲸也属于齿鲸类。它体长近虎鲸也属于齿鲸类。它体长近1010米,重米,重7 7吨吨8 8吨,雌吨,雌的略小一些,也有的略小一些,也有6 6米米8 8米。虎鲸胆大而狡猾,且残暴贪米。虎鲸胆大而狡猾,且残暴贪食,是辽阔海洋里食,是辽阔海洋里“横行不法的暴徒横行不法的暴徒”。虎鲸的英文名称。虎鲸的英文名称有杀鲸凶手之意。不少人在海上屡屡目睹虎鲸袭击海豚、有杀鲸凶手之意。不少人在海上屡屡目睹虎鲸袭击海豚、海狮以及大型鲸类的惊心动魄的情景。海狮以及大型鲸类的惊心动魄的情景。虎鲸的口很大,上、下颌各有二十几枚虎鲸的口很大,上、下颌各有二十几枚1010厘米厘米1313厘厘米长的锐利牙齿,牙齿朝内后方弯曲,上下颌齿互相交错米长的锐利牙齿,牙齿朝内后方弯曲,上下颌齿互相交错搭配,与人的两手手指交叉搭在一起的形式相似。这不仅搭配,与人的两手手指交叉搭在一起的形式相似。这不仅使被擒之物难逃虎口,而且还会撕裂、切割猎物。虎鲸很使被擒之物难逃虎口,而且还会撕裂、切割猎物。虎鲸很好辨认好辨认: :在它的眼后方有两个卵形的大白斑,远远看去,在它的眼后方有两个卵形的大白斑,远远看去,宛如两只大眼睛;其体侧还有一块向背后方向突出的白色宛如两只大眼睛;其体侧还有一块向背后方向突出的白色区域,使它独具一格。区域,使它独具一格。 虎鲸身体强壮,行动敏捷,游泳迅速,每小时可达虎鲸身体强壮,行动敏捷,游泳迅速,每小时可达3030海里。游泳时,雄鲸高达海里。游泳时,雄鲸高达1.81.8米的背鳍突出于水面上。虎米的背鳍突出于水面上。虎鲸是名符其实的海中猛虎。鲸是名符其实的海中猛虎。 有人在一头虎鲸的胃里发现十几头海豚和同样数量有人在一头虎鲸的胃里发现十几头海豚和同样数量的海豹。其实即便是动物之王的蓝鲸若遇到一群虎鲸围的海豹。其实即便是动物之王的蓝鲸若遇到一群虎鲸围猎,它也难逃被猎杀的厄运。猎,它也难逃被猎杀的厄运。围攻蓝鲸时,虎鲸分工十围攻蓝鲸时,虎鲸分工十分精密:一些虎鲸在它的两侧,两头虎鲸在它的前面,分精密:一些虎鲸在它的两侧,两头虎鲸在它的前面,另外两头在它的后面,阻挡蓝鲸逃跑;另一些虎鲸则迫另外两头在它的后面,阻挡蓝鲸逃跑;另一些虎鲸则迫使蓝鲸沉在水下,不让它突出水面呼吸;还有一些虎鲸使蓝鲸沉在水下,不让它突出水面呼吸;还有一些虎鲸在它的腹部底下监视,防止它潜水溜掉。在它的腹部底下监视,防止它潜水溜掉。蓝鲸先被咬去蓝鲸先被咬去背鳍,尾叶又被撕碎,使它无法游动。这时虎鲸们一哄背鳍,尾叶又被撕碎,使它无法游动。这时虎鲸们一哄而上,大块大块地撕咬蓝鲸的肉,共享美餐。而上,大块大块地撕咬蓝鲸的肉,共享美餐。此外此外, ,虎鲸还有一种奇特的嗜好,即最喜欢吃鲸的唇虎鲸还有一种奇特的嗜好,即最喜欢吃鲸的唇和舌。一头巨鲸被捕鲸炮击毙,在海面漂浮或被船拖行和舌。一头巨鲸被捕鲸炮击毙,在海面漂浮或被船拖行时,虎鲸会趁火打劫,钻到死鲸口中,将巨鲸的唇、舌时,虎鲸会趁火打劫,钻到死鲸口中,将巨鲸的唇、舌掠食一空。值得一提的是掠食一空。值得一提的是, ,虎鲸虽然凶残异常,但从未目虎鲸虽然凶残异常,但从未目击或听到虎鲸伤害人类的事例,而且经过驯养的虎鲸,击或听到虎鲸伤害人类的事例,而且经过驯养的虎鲸,性情温顺,甚至会表演许多精彩节目。性情温顺,甚至会表演许多精彩节目。 Killer whalesWhat do you think is happening in the picture?Read the introduction of the passage on page 19 and then fill in the chart below. WriterVocationStyleTimePlaceMain idea Clancy A whalerAnecdotesAt the beginning of the 20th century Southeastern coast of AustraliaThe killer whales helped the whalers kill baleen whalesBrief introduction of the passageUnit 3Old Tom The Killer Whalewitness accommodation shoreoffshoreopposite yellvt. 当场见到当场见到;目击目击n. 目击者目击者;证人证人n. 住所;住宿住所;住宿 n. 岸;海滨岸;海滨adv. &adj. 近海的近海的;离岸的离岸的prep. 在在对面对面 adj.相对的相对的;相反的相反的vi. 大叫大叫;呼喊呼喊 n. 叫声叫声;喊声喊声Words preview pause telescopeteamwork dive flee drag depth vi. & n. 暂停;终止暂停;终止n. 望远镜望远镜n. 协作;配合协作;配合vi. & n. 跳水;潜水;俯冲跳水;潜水;俯冲vi. 逃避;逃跑逃避;逃跑 vt. 逃离逃离vi. 拖;拉;扯拖;拉;扯n. 深(度);深处深(度);深处lip urgeabandonsharkn. 一片嘴唇;(容器一片嘴唇;(容器 或洞的)边,口或洞的)边,口 vt. 催促;极力主张;驱策催促;极力主张;驱策vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃放弃;遗弃;抛弃n. 鲨鱼鲨鱼1. The first story is mainly about _.A. a hunting experience of Old Tom B. how Old Tom helped with whale huntingC. how the whalers killed a whaleD. how killer whales killed a whaleSkimming2. The second story was told to _.A. show killer whales were cruel huntersB. entertain readersC. show killer whales could protect and save people in dangerD. show killer whales never harmed or attacked people.4. According to the second story, the killer whales can protect men from being attacked by_. A. whales B. tigers C. enemies D. sharks5. _ killed the whale at last.A. Old Tom B. The killer whales C. The whalers D. The author3. Old Tom throws itself out of the water and then crashes 3. Old Tom throws itself out of the water and then crashes down in order to _. down in order to _. A.A.give the whalers the information about a whale give the whalers the information about a whale give the whalers the information about a whale B.B.tell the whalers it is hungry tell the whalers it is hungry tell the whalers it is hungry C.C.informinforminform the whalers to run away the whalers to run away the whalers to run away6.We can infer from the text that_. A.The killer whales may be trained by the whalers.The killer whales may be trained by the whalers.B.The killer whales want to help man catch the whales The killer whales want to help man catch the whales themselvesthemselvesC.The killer whales need no training for helping the The killer whales need no training for helping the whalerswhalers( ) 1.The killer whale guided the team to the hunt. ( ) 2.Glancy and his men killed the baleen whale with the help of the killers.( ) 3.Clancy arrived at the whaling station. ( ) 4.The men returned for the baleen whale the next day.Put the following sentences into correct order.( ) 5.He heard a loud noise coming from the bay. ( ) 6.He saw a huge animal in the water, which was Old Tom, the killer whale.( ) 7.The men went to the boat and headed out for a whale hunt.( ) 8.The killers ate the lips and tongue of the baleen whale. Answer: 5 6 1 8 2 3 4 71.What evidence was there that Old Tom was helping the whalers out? 2. What other animals did the author compare the killer whales with? Why do you think the killer whales behaved like this?In pairs answer the following questions. In pairs answer the following questions. scanning3. Why did George think that the killer whales worked as a team? Old Tom let the whalers know that there was a baleen whale nearby; he showed them the way to the whale. Dogs. Because they knew that, together with the whalers, they would soon kill the baleen whale and get a good feed.Because he could see that some of the killers were throwing themselves on top of the whales blow-hole while others were preventing it from diving or fleeing out to sea.4. Why did the whalers allow the killer whales to drag the whale away?5. How did Old Tom help James? Why do you think he did this? Because they knew the killer whales would leave the rest of the body to them.Old Tom prevented James from drowning. Old Tom wanted to help his human friends.6.In groups, describe the relationship between Old Tom 6.In groups, describe the relationship between Old Tom and the whalers. What other animals help out humans in and the whalers. What other animals help out humans in hunting?hunting?Old Tom had a strong relationship with the whalers. There was obviously a great deal of understanding and cooperation between them. There are many other animals that help out humans in hunting such as dogs, cormorants(鸬鹚鸬鹚), otters(水獭水獭) and ferrets(雪貂雪貂). Discussion The last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978. Whales are now an endangered species and protected by an international ban, but some countries oppose the ban. In groups discuss the reasons for and against banning whaling.Working at the _ station, I had_ whales being attacked many times. On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I _ (sort 短语短语) my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. Running down to the shore in time, we saw an _ (huge 同义词同义词) animal.whalingwitnessedwas sorting outenormousSummary“It is called Old Tom, the killer,” George said as he ran ahead of me. _ the distance, we could see that something was happening. As we _ (draw), I could see a whale_ by a _ of about six killers. Being badly wounded, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was _ by the killers down into the _ of the sea.In drew nearerbeing attackedpackdepthsdragged
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