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From where do we get the news?8. What is your favorite section? overseas news home news business sports entertainment travel art book review Do you know how to make the news ? What is the process ? Every morning the newspaper chief editor holds a meeting with the journalists to discuss the main events .Reporters are sent to do face-face interviews or do telephone interview .Photographers are sent to take the pictures Doing ones homework looking up information they need .Reporters type their stories into the computerThe stories are quickly handed to the editor .Photos are quickly developed .Editors decide which picture should be used and read some stories and make any necessary changes Editors write the headlines for each story and check that there is enough space.Newspapers are printed on fast moving printing machines .Newspapers are delivered by lorry and plane .Newspapers are sent to every home .How is a newspaper made?The_ editor hold a meeting.Journalists people and write stories Photos are quickly_Photographers _ photographs.Editors _ the report.Editors write the_. The newspapers are _ by train and truck. The newspapers are_.chiefinterviewdevelopedtakecheckheadlinesdelivered.printed.What are you going to be in the future? Warming upWhen you think about your future When you think about your future occupation, do you want to work for occupation, do you want to work for a newspaper? If you are offered a a newspaper? If you are offered a chance for a job at China Daily, you chance for a job at China Daily, you will need to do some research to will need to do some research to find out what kind of jobs they have. find out what kind of jobs they have. Look at a newspaper.Then discuss Look at a newspaper.Then discuss in pairs and fill in the chart below.in pairs and fill in the chart below.Types of jobsWhat it involvesReporter Interviews people or finds out about events from onlookersEditor Photographer Designer Printer Takes photos of important people or eventsMakes sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate checks factsPrints all the newspaperLays out the article and photosWhat are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have ? Discuss in groups and tick the boxes below . Please add more qualities if you like . Pre reading 1 1higher level of higher level of 2 2educationeducation2 work experience2 work experience3 good communication 3 good communication skills skills 4 curious / active 4 curious / active personalitypersonality5 hard-working5 hard-working6 enthusiasm for the 6 enthusiasm for the job job 7 prepared to work long 7 prepared to work long hours hours 8 ability to work in a 8 ability to work in a team team very important important not very important Reading MY FIRST WORK ASSIGNMENT “Unforgettable,says new reporter Read the text and answer the questions : Fast reading1. Where did the conversation happen?Who were talking?Zhou Yang talked with his boss, Hu Xin, at the office of China Daily2. Could Zhou Yang go out on a story alone immediately ? Why ( not ) ?3. What mistake must he avoid ?No , not until he was more experienced because there was a lot for him to learn and he must work in a team .He must avoid being rude and talking too much himself .4.How did Zhou Yang feel on his first day at work ? He felt excited ,curious and eager to go out on a story .5.What is the main idea of the text ? The passage tells us about the qualities needed to be a good reporter ,how to get an accurate story and how to protect a story from accusation. Divide the text into three sections,and find out the reporters duties from each section123 to work in a team how to get an accurate story how to protect a story from accusations1 Zhou can go out on a story immediately.2 Zhou took a notebook,a pen,a camera with himself.3 While interviewing, the reporter would just ask the questions prepared before hand.4 The footballer admitted he took the money .5 Zhou took a course of photography at mid-school.6 Zhou is very enthusiastic.True or FalseCareful readingChoose the correct explanation to the phrases1 what do I need to remember when I go out to cover a storyA. to go and interview somebody about an incident or happening B. to write a story C. to make up a story 2 a good reporter must have a “nose for a storyA. to have a sense about what is going to happenB. to be able to “smellwhen somebody is trying to hide a good story that may reflect badly on him/herself.C. to be able to ask the truth from the one who is interviewed.3 This is a trick of the tradeA something that cheats somebody B something that helps you do the job in a professional way. C something used to achieve secrets.4 We sometimes use small recorders to make sure that we get all your facts straightA.to make sure that the story is accurateB.to get the facts directlyC.to get the things specially1 In the reading passage several expressions are used in an idiomatic way .Find them and fill in the chart .expressions idiomatic meaning to report on an important event clever ways known to experts to present ideas fairlynot to understand an idea properly this is the story to get the story first cover a story trick of the trade get the facts straight get the wrong end of the stick this is how the story goesget a scoopComprehending 2 Li Lihong is one of the expert writers at the newspaper . She replies to readers questions . Today she needs to answer a letter from a high school student about how to become a reporter ,but she is very busy. So Zhou Yang has been asked to make notes for her to help her answer the questions . Can you work out Zhou Yangs notes ? Use the information from the reading passages to help you . Comprehending Questions about Zhou Yangs answers The skills needed The skills needed The importance of The importance of listening listening Stages in researching Stages in researching a story a story How to check facts How to check facts How to deal with How to deal with accusations of accusations of printing liesprinting lies1 be able to tell if 1 be able to tell if someone is telling the someone is telling the truth truth 2 be 2 be accurateaccurate 3 do 3 do research research 4 ask questions4 ask questions Get the detailed factsGet the detailed facts 1 ask questions1 ask questions 2 note reactions2 note reactions 3 check 3 check factsfacts 4 do 4 do researchresearchUse research and ask Use research and ask witnesses witnesses Use a tape recorder for the Use a tape recorder for the interview interview Comprehending Li Lihong is trying to help her readers see whether they would make good reporters or good photographers . Use the reading to work out which adjectives best describe what is required for these two jobs . Some may be needed in both jobs.patient imaginative well-organized technically good polite concise thorough creative curious carefulGifted professionaladjectives to describe a reporteradjectives to describe a photographeradjectives to describe a reporteradjectives to describe a photographerpatienpatient t well-organized well-organized patienpatient t well-well-organized organized thoroughthoroughcuriouscuriouscarefcarefululconciseconciseprofessionaprofessional lpolitepoliteprofessionaprofessional lcreativecreativeimaginativeimaginativegiftedgiftedtechnically good technically good A reporter needs to be _but a photographer needs to be _. I think I would make a good _ because _.Fill in blanksTo the reporters,its _for them to take a camera because they have _ with them. The reporters should be _ and they must have a _ for a story.They know how to _the information they need.While interviewing, they wont _,_, _. They will listen to the _ facts and ask new questions.There is a trick of the_,that is ,with the permission of the interviewer, they would use _ which could keep the evidence to help _their story. unnecessary professional photographers curious nose acquire be rudethey wont talk too much themselves and they listen to the answers carefully detailed small recorders supporttradeLanguage points1 occupation cn (1) job / employment 工作工作/ 职业职业Please state your name , age and occupationcn (2) activity that occupies a persons time /pastime Swimming and rowing are my favorite occupations .un (4) action of occupying / state of being occupied / taking and keeping possessionThe new house is ready for occupation .The country is under enemys occupation .新屋可居住了新屋可居住了.国家已被敌军占领了国家已被敌军占领了.他们对该农场有五年的占用期他们对该农场有五年的占用期.They have a five-year occupation of the farm .cn (3) period of time during which a house ,country ,etc. is occupied 2 fill in 填写填写 / 向向 提供最新消息提供最新消息/ 消磨消磨( 打发打发)时间时间 / 在在填色填色/ 临时替代临时替代 Dont forget to fill in your boarding cards Let me fill you in on whats been happening in the office over lunch . We have got some time to fill in before the show . Lets go for a drink .Sallys off sick . Can you fill in for her for a month?3 reporter : journalist an on-the spot reporter It s reported that report sb report to sb 现场记者现场记者据报道据报道揭发某人揭发某人向某人汇报向某人汇报4 personality (1)cn characteristics and qualities of a person seen as a whole 人格人格/ 个性个性(2)She has a very strong personality .We need a person with a lot of personality to organize the party .(2)u/cn distinctive , esp socially attractive ,qualities 特色特色 (3) cn famous person A lot of personalities from the film world attended the party .5 assignment She was sent abroad on a difficult assignment .The English assignment is a book report .task or duty that is assigned to sbhomework assign homework be assigned to a new post 留家庭作业留家庭作业 被派到新的工作岗位被派到新的工作岗位6 Never will Zhou Yang forget his first 否认词放在句首否认词放在句首,故用倒装把谓语的一局部位故用倒装把谓语的一局部位于主语之前于主语之前.类似词有类似词有:no / not / never / little / hardly / seldom / scarcely / neither nor / not only but also / no sooner than / hardlywhen/ by no means / in no time - I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible .- _.A Nor am I B Neither would I C Same with you D So do I B他很少去看电影他很少去看电影.在我一生中还未曾听说或见过这样的事呢在我一生中还未曾听说或见过这样的事呢 .Seldom does he go to the cinema .Never in my life have I heard or seen such a thing .7 influence have a good / bad influence on sb / sth have (no ) real influence over sb /sth use ones influence with sb under the influence of 对对 有好有好/坏的影响坏的影响对对.有有/没有真正的约束力没有真正的约束力利用与某人关系的影响力利用与某人关系的影响力在在的影响下的影响下8 go out on a storyon 加名词与加名词与come /go / set out 等动词连用可等动词连用可表示目的表示目的,表示去做某事表示去做某事他明天要动身去上海出差他明天要动身去上海出差.她打算下周去北京旅行她打算下周去北京旅行.He is leaving for Shanghai on business tomorrow .He is go on a visit to Beijing next week .9 Not on your own .Not till you are more experienced ! = You cant go on your own ! You cant go till you are more experienced !on your own = alone / without help / excellent Im all on my own today .Although her father was in the company ,she got the job on her own .When it comes to maths , Mary is on her own .by oneself of ones own 独立地独立地/ 单独地单独地excellent属于某人自己的属于某人自己的 10 experience un / cn /vtDo he has much experience ? He had many interesting experiences while travelling in Africa .learn by / from / through experiencea meeting to exchange experience a man of rich /much experience be experienced / skilled / expert in / at 11 The first time well send you with an the first time , “首先首先,第一次带从句表示第一次带从句表示“某某人第一次干某事人第一次干某事,the first time 可引导时间可引导时间状语状语,类似,类似,the moment / the second / the last time / immediately / every time / directly 注意:从句中将来的事要用一般现在时注意:从句中将来的事要用一般现在时 。首先首先,我们应当熟悉一下环境。我们应当熟悉一下环境。第一次来这的时候第一次来这的时候,我不适应这的气候我不适应这的气候.The first time , we should make ourselves familiar with the surroundings .The first time I came here ,I couldnt adapt myself to the climate here .他一回来我就告诉他这件事他一回来我就告诉他这件事.Ill tell him about the matter the moment he comes back .I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice _I picked up the phone .A next time B quickly C the first time D the moment Dthe first time 首次首次/ 第一次第一次,引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句for the first time 在句中单独做状语在句中单独做状语.It is /was the first time 后接句子后接句子,句子用完成句子用完成时时.12 Only when you have seen what he or she does Only if you ask many different questions will you Only+状语放在句首状语放在句首,主句倒装主句倒装,修饰名词和代词修饰名词和代词,句子不用倒装句子不用倒装.EX: 1只有这样你才能在英语学习上取得进步只有这样你才能在英语学习上取得进步.2直到他到学校时直到他到学校时,他才发现把课本落在家他才发现把课本落在家.3只有你能弄清真相只有你能弄清真相.1Only in this way can you make progress in your English .2Only when he reached school did he find out that he had left his textbook at home .3Only you can find out the truth .13 cover a story by yourself .He has been sent to cover the conference.Cover the table with a cloth .Our city has a beautiful park covering 1000 mu.Is that word covered in the dictionary ? We covered about 30 miles a day .Is the money enough to cover the tuition?1 report 2 place sth over or in front of sth 3 have as a size / take up 4 include / deal with 5 walk 6 afford 14 You find your colleagues eager to assist be eager for /after / about sth be eager to do sthbe anxious to do sth be anxious about sth Hows your father ? We are _ his health .A anxious about B thinking of C eager for D worried for A热切热切/兴奋的情绪兴奋的情绪焦虑的心情焦虑的心情15 concentrate vt- concentration n concentrated (adj )集中的集中的/浓缩的浓缩的/ 紧张的紧张的/ concentrate ones attention on sthconcentrate on (doing ) sth concentrate the / ones mind使某人急迫地使某人急迫地/认真地考虑某事认真地考虑某事The threat of going bankrupt is very unpleasant but it certainly concentrates the mind .即将破产的威胁虽令人极烦恼即将破产的威胁虽令人极烦恼,但但也能逼人开动脑筋也能逼人开动脑筋.专心于专心于concentrate on put ones heart into fix ones mind on / upon be occupied in pay attention to bend ones mind on / to我们应集中精力努力改进教育工作我们应集中精力努力改进教育工作.We should concentrate all our efforts on improving education.focus / fix ones attention on sth be absorbed in16 but I took a course She took a course in philosophy .Our course was straight to the south .It was one of those ideas that change the course of history .The first course was soup . n 课程课程,常与常与in/on 连用连用n 路线路线/ 方向方向un 过程过程/进程进程一道菜一道菜 17 of special interest to me of + 抽象名词抽象名词 (interest / importance / value / use / help / benefit ) = be + adj of + (the same) size / weight / height / length / color / kind /shape 等等上述结构可在句中做定语或表语上述结构可在句中做定语或表语. .这个会议很重要这个会议很重要 .The meeting is of great importance .= The meeting is very important .1 Each hour ,each minute ,each second is _for us .A of greatly valuable B great valuable C of great value D for much value .2 You will find this map of great _in helping you to get round London .A price B cost C value D usefulness C .C18 have a good nose for sth = have an eye for / have an ear for . 有眼光有眼光/ 对对.感兴趣感兴趣She has an ear for music .A good reporter has a nose for news .lead (sb ) by the nose have a good nose turn up ones nose at 牵着某人的鼻子走牵着某人的鼻子走嗅觉灵敏嗅觉灵敏鄙视鄙视/瞧不起瞧不起19 avoid : v keep oneself away from sb /sth stop sth happening / prevent avoid ( doing ) sth learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones avoid ones company 惩前毖后惩前毖后防止和某人往来防止和某人往来Such kind of accidents should be avoided .Though he made a mistake ,he wanted to avoid being punished .20 Here comes my list of .here / there / now / thus / then 等副词放在句等副词放在句首时首时,句子全部倒装句子全部倒装.There goes the bell .Now comes your turn .Here he comes 21 Meanwhile adv = in the meanwhile / in the meantime / at the same time 22 a trick of trade = clever ways known to expert 职业的诀窍职业的诀窍play a trick on sb = make fun of sb / play a joke on sb 23 If the person being interviewed .being interviewedbeing interviewed是现在分词的被动语态作是现在分词的被动语态作the person the person 的后置定语说明先行词的后置定语说明先行词the person the person 所承受的被动动作正在进行所承受的被动动作正在进行. .The building _in our school is for us The building _in our school is for us teachers . Though theres noise most of teachers . Though theres noise most of the day ,we still feel happy about it .the day ,we still feel happy about it .A being built B built C to be built D A being built B built C to be built D building building A24 Have you ever had a case where somebody accused your . case : situation , 句中句中where= in which 引导定语引导定语从句从句 I can think of many cases _students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay .A why B which C as D where Din case :in case of :in no case :in this / that case :in any case :连词连词, ,接从句接从句 假使假使/ / 免得免得/ / 以防万一以防万一, ,从句用一般现在时表将来从句用一般现在时表将来= if sth happens ,= if sth happens ,介词短语介词短语, ,接名接名词或名词短语词或名词短语. .假使假使 / / 万一万一决不决不, ,放在句放在句 首时首时, ,倒装倒装既然这既然这/ /那样那样无论如何无论如何, ,总之总之Youd better take something to read when you go to see the doctor _you have to wait .A even if B as if C in case D in order that C25 accuseaccuse sb of sth charge sb with sth blame / scold sb for sth 指控某人某事指控某人某事控告某人某事控告某人某事谴责谴责/ /责备某人某事责备某人某事26 getting the wrong end of the stick 弄错弄错/ 误解误解I had meant to tell you to come here at 3 oclock ,not at six ,you must get the wrong end of the stick .27 This is how the story goes . =This is the story.go :How does the new song go?I cant remember how the poem goes .Her hair is going grey .The company has gone bankrupt .as the saying goes俗语说俗语说28 deliberately. Adv deliberate adj 深思熟虑的深思熟虑的/蓄意的蓄意的/ 不慌不忙的不慌不忙的 vt / vi 仔细考虑仔细考虑/ 商议商议I believe the house was _ set fire to , not by accident .A readily B thoughtfully C deliberately D reasonably He is walking deliberately .他在不慌不忙地走着他在不慌不忙地走着.C29 so as to 为了为了./ 目的是目的是 so as to do sth - so as not to do sth 不用不用于句首于句首, 在句中作目的状语在句中作目的状语in order to do sth - in order not to do sth 用于句首或句末用于句首或句末 作目的状语作目的状语我们尽早启程以便午前赶到那里我们尽早启程以便午前赶到那里.We started early so as to get there before noon. We started early in order to get there before noon. = so that / in order that we can get there 30 admit - admission admit sb / sth into / toadmit doing sth / having doneadmit sth / that clauseadmit of sth 准许准许进入进入/参加参加成认成认容许某事物容许某事物31 supposesuppose sb / sth to be Its supposed that be supposed to be .be supposed to do sthbe not supposed to do sth I suppose so .What do you suppose + 陈述语气陈述语气Suppose/ Supposing / Provided / Providing that 认为某人认为某人/某物是某物是人们认为人们认为被认为被认为 /料想料想应该应该/理应做某事理应做某事我认为是这样我认为是这样.你认为你认为假设假设/倘假设倘假设引导条件从句引导条件从句,用一般时表将来用一般时表将来不许不许/不可做某事不可做某事他应该在一小时以前到达这里他应该在一小时以前到达这里人们普遍认为那幅画在战争期间就丧失了人们普遍认为那幅画在战争期间就丧失了.他乘他乘4点的火车本该到了点的火车本该到了,但他没有但他没有.He is supposed to be here an hour ago.The painting was widely supposed to have been lost during the war .He was supposed to have arrived on the four oclock train , but he didnt .be supposed to have done 表示动作已经表示动作已经完成或理应做过完成或理应做过( 但可能没有做但可能没有做)32 An article was written which suggested he was guilty .which 在句中引导定语从句在句中引导定语从句,为了防止头重脚轻为了防止头重脚轻,把关系代词放在谓语之后把关系代词放在谓语之后.Information has been put forward _ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities .A while B that C when D as B33 Later we were proved right .prove vt show sth is true or certain 证明证明/ 证证实实vi 系动词系动词 turn out (to be) 结果是结果是/ 原来是原来是prove sth to sb =prove to sb that prove sb (to be )+ adj prove oneself ( to be ) + adj It is proved that prove + (to be ) adj / n 向某人证明某事向某人证明某事证明某人是证明某人是证明自己是证明自己是事实证明事实证明结果是结果是/原来是原来是/被证明被证明是是Andy Lan , _ as one of the four Hong Kong pop kings ,once again _ his lasting charm with perfect dance moves in solo concert in Beijing on October 9,2004 .A recognized/ proved B recognizing / proved C recognized / proving D recognizing / proving ARetell the text by using the first person.
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