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2015年中考一轮复习课件年中考一轮复习课件 (9A Unit 4)教材梳理教材梳理基础精梳理基础精梳理 类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 词语词语联想联想1.leader n1.leader n领导者领导者 _ (_ (动词动词) )2 2simply adv.simply adv.仅仅;简直仅仅;简直 _ (_ (形容词形容词) )3 3national adj.national adj.国家的国家的 _ (_ (名词名词) )4 4succeed vi.succeed vi.成功成功 _ (_ (名词名词) )5 5achievement nachievement n成就,成绩成就,成绩 _ (_ (动词动词) )6.German adj.6.German adj.德国德国( (人人) )的的 _ (_ (名词名词) )7 7death ndeath n死,死亡死,死亡 _ (_ (动词动词) _ () _ (形容词形容词) )8 8thought nthought n想法,看法,主意想法,看法,主意 _ (_ (动词动词) )lead simple nation success achieve Germany die dead think类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 短语短语精选精选1.1.挂在心上;惦念挂在心上;惦念 _2 2一一就就 _3 3大量,许多大量,许多 _4 4参加参加选拔选拔( (或试演或试演) _) _5 5泄气,灰心泄气,灰心 _6 6改变主意改变主意 _7 7成功地做某事成功地做某事 _8 8注意,察觉注意,察觉 _9 9拒绝做某事拒绝做某事 _1010从那时起从那时起 _on ones mind as soon asa great deal (of) try out for sth lose heart change ones mindsucceed in doing sth take notice ofrefuse to do sth from then on 类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 短语短语精选精选11.对对感兴趣感兴趣 _12爆发爆发 _13躲藏起来躲藏起来 _14死于死于 _15失去生命失去生命 _16把把译成译成 _17为生命安全担忧为生命安全担忧 _18令某人惊奇的是令某人惊奇的是 _19在某人五十多岁时在某人五十多岁时 _20结果结果 _be interested inbreak out go into hiding die of/from lose ones life be translated intoin fear of ones life to ones surprisein ones fifties as a result 考点巧突破考点巧突破考点考点1 through prep. 以,凭借以,凭借拓展拓展 through作作介介词时,还有有“穿穿过;通;通过;从;从头至尾;遍及至尾;遍及”的的意思。意思。 through还可作可作副副词,意,意为“穿穿过;越;越过;自始至;自始至终;全部;全部”。典型例题典型例题你可以通过网络学习英语。You can learn English _ _ _. through the Internet考点考点2 a great deal of 大量,大量,许多多 点点拨 a great/good deal of 后通常接后通常接不可数名不可数名词。a great/good deal 可用作主可用作主语、宾语、状、状语 (修修饰动词或或形容形容词,尤其是比,尤其是比较级)。典型例题典型例题我在这项工作上花了不少时间。I spent _ _ _ _ time on this work. a great deal of考点考点3 force vt.强强迫,迫使迫,迫使 点点拨 force的用法:的用法: (1) force sb to do sth 强强迫某人做某事迫某人做某事(2)force sb into sth/doing sth 迫使某人做某事迫使某人做某事(3)forceon/upon sb 把把强强加加给某人某人 拓展拓展 forceful adj. 强强有力的;有力的;坚强强的的典型例题典型例题Mr Yang couldnt catch the last bus, so he was f_ to walk home. orced句意:句意:杨先生没能赶上最后一班先生没能赶上最后一班车,因此他被迫步行回,因此他被迫步行回家了。家了。be forced to do sth 意意为“被被迫做某事迫做某事”。 考点考点4 remain vi.保持不保持不变 点点拨 remain的用法:的用法:(1) 作作连系系动词,意,意为“一直保持,仍然一直保持,仍然处于某种状于某种状态”, 后可接多后可接多种成分作表种成分作表语。1) 接接名名词作表作表语2) 接接形容形容词作表作表语3) 接接过去分去分词作表作表语,表示主,表示主语所所处的状的状态或已或已经发生的被生的被动动作。作。4)接接现在分在分词作表作表语,表示正在,表示正在进行的主行的主动动作。作。5) 接接不定式作表不定式作表语,表示,表示将来的将来的动作作。 6) 接介接介词短短语作表作表语(2) remain 作作名名词时,表示,表示“剩余物剩余物”,一般用其复数形式。,一般用其复数形式。典型例题典型例题Whatever achievements youve made, you should_(保持) modest.remainhave sth to do意意为“有某事要做有某事要做”,其中其中to do作定作定语,修,修饰sth,与,与sth存在存在动宾关系关系,该不定式常不定式常用主用主动形式表被形式表被动含含义。have sb do意意为“让某人做某人做”,常用不含,常用不含to的不定式作的不定式作宾补,表示具体的一次性或,表示具体的一次性或经常性的常性的动作,作,sb发出出该动作作do。have sth done意意为“使某事被做,使某事被做,让/请某人做某事某人做某事”,sth与与done之之间存在着存在着被被动关系关系,done所表所表示的示的动作一般由作一般由别人人而不是主而不是主语发出;出;该结构构还可表示可表示“某人遭受某事某人遭受某事”,常指不幸,常指不幸之事,之事,这时候可用候可用get替代替代have。考点考点5 have sth done使使/让某事被完成某事被完成 辨析辨析 have sth to do/have sb do/have sth done 典型例题典型例题BHe wants to have his TV _. A. repairingB. repaired C. to repairD. repair考考查动词have的用法。的用法。have sb/sth doing 意意为“让某人某人/某物一直做某事某物一直做某事”;have sth done 意意为“要要别人做某事人做某事”,含有被,含有被动意意义。根据句意根据句意“他想修他想修电视”可推知,他的可推知,他的电视被被别人修理人修理,故,故用用have sth done结构。构。考点考点6 in ones fifties 在某人五十多在某人五十多岁的的时候候点点拨 (1)表示整十的数表示整十的数词变成复数,用在成复数,用在“in ones数数词复数复数”短短语中,表示中,表示“某人的年某人的年龄处于某段于某段时间”。 (2)表示整十的数表示整十的数词变成复数,也可以用在成复数,也可以用在“in the数数词复数复数”短短语中,表示中,表示“在某个年代在某个年代”。in the nineties 在九十年代。在九十年代。典型例题典型例题 海伦二十几岁时就出国深造了。 Helen went abroad for further study _ _ _.in her twentiestimes智能双提升智能双提升基础过关基础过关.根据根据汉语提示完成句子提示完成句子1. People wear different clothes at different _ (时代代)2. Ill discuss it with you _ (无无论何何时) you like.3She got the position _ (凭借凭借) her elder brother.4. Hes done a great _ (很多很多) of travelling.5. Do you have enough _ (勇气勇气) to tell others you are wrong?whenever throughdealcourageforce6. Some people _ (强强迫迫) their information on you.7. Im sorry Im late.It doesnt _ (要要紧) this time. But come to school earlier next time.8. Debbie is only eleven years old and she hopes to set up a new world _ (记录)9. The only way you can achieve _ (胜利利)is to rely on your own strength alone!10. He is writing an email to his _ (德国德国的的) friend.matterrecord victoryGermanplaces. 用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. My father has been to many different _ (place)2. The invention of the computer is a great _ (achieve)3Could you tell me the _ (high) of Qomolangma?4. I _ (simple) cant believe it.5. You cant read books while _ (walk)6. Li Na is a famous tennis _ (play)7. He is much _ (small) than the other students in his class.8. His little dogs _ (dead) made him sad.9. Tom, your hair is too long, and you should have it _ (cut) this weekend.10. The young man _ (live) alone since he graduated from college.achievementheightsimplywalkingplayermoredeath has livedcut broke up.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空go into hiding, break out, have no courage, die of, in fear of1. I was in a nightclub in Brixton and a fight _2. I _ to share with my friends my worries.3. Why did you _? 4. He is _ snakes.5. Some people even kill themselves, and some _ a broken heart. have no courage go into hiding in fear of die of as soon as. 根据根据汉语意思完成句子意思完成句子1. 我一我一读完完这本本书就就还给你。你。I will return the book to you _ _ _ I _ _ it.2. 那那样的的话,当你遇到困,当你遇到困难时,你不会感到吃惊,也不会失去信心。,你不会感到吃惊,也不会失去信心。That way, you wont be surprised and _ _ when you encounter obstacles. 3. 两天后他改两天后他改变主意了。主意了。Two days later he _ _ _. 4. 在老在老师的帮助下,他成功地的帮助下,他成功地弹奏了奏了钢琴。琴。With the help of his teacher, he _ _ _ the piano.5. 她在街上从我身她在街上从我身边经过,但是没理我。,但是没理我。She passed me in the street,but _ _ _ _ me.6. 五十多个男孩来五十多个男孩来竞争参加足球争参加足球队。Over fifty boys came to _ _ _ the football team. finish readinglose heart changed his mind succeeded in playing took no notice of try out forB中考透视中考透视.单项选择1. 2014孝感孝感 My brother _ to move the heavy box, but I didnt give up.A. reminded B. refused C. agreed D. considered考考查动词辨析。辨析。句意:我弟弟拒句意:我弟弟拒绝搬箱子,但是我没有放弃。搬箱子,但是我没有放弃。remind 意意为“提醒提醒”; refuse 意意为“拒拒绝”;agree 意意为“同意同意”; consider 意意为“考考虑”。故。故选B。B2. 2014龙东 Tom, why are you in such a hurry?Oh, my bike is broken. Im going to have it _A. repairing B. repaired C. to repair考查动词的用法。考查动词的用法。句意:句意:“汤姆,你为什么如此匆忙?汤姆,你为什么如此匆忙?”“哦,我的自行车坏了,我打算请人修它。哦,我的自行车坏了,我打算请人修它。”表示表示“请人做某事请人做某事”用用have have sthsth done done。故选。故选B B。D32014绵阳阳 Will you please give the Readers Times to Jane?Sure, Ill give it to her _ she comes back.A. before B. untilC. because D. as soon as考查连词的辨析。句意:考查连词的辨析。句意:“请你把这本请你把这本读者时代读者时代给简好吗?给简好吗?”“”“当然当然可以。她一回来我就给她。可以。她一回来我就给她。”beforebefore意为意为“在在之前之前”,引导时间状语从句;,引导时间状语从句;untiluntil意为意为“直到直到”,引导时间状语从句;引导时间状语从句;becausebecause意为意为“因为因为”,引导原因状语从句;,引导原因状语从句;as soon as soon asas意为意为“一一就就”,引导条件状语从句。,引导条件状语从句。题干中缺少引导条件状语从句的连接词。根据句意可知答案为题干中缺少引导条件状语从句的连接词。根据句意可知答案为D D。C42014哈哈尔尔滨 The sweet smell of the flowers in the garden comes in _ the open window, making us feel in a good mood(心情心情)A. on B. with C. through考查介词的用法。考查介词的用法。句意:花园里甜甜的花香句意:花园里甜甜的花香透过开着的窗户透过开着的窗户飘进飘进来,让我们感觉心情不错。来,让我们感觉心情不错。表示从某个物体的表示从某个物体的空间空间中穿过,用中穿过,用throughthrough。 C 52014台州台州 My mother prefers to take a bus to her office _ she has a car on her own.A. if B. becauseC. although D. until考查连词的辨析。考查连词的辨析。句意:我妈妈更喜欢坐公共汽车去办公室,尽管她有自己的汽车句意:我妈妈更喜欢坐公共汽车去办公室,尽管她有自己的汽车ifif 意为意为“如果如果”;becausebecause 意为意为“因为因为”;althoughalthough 意为意为“虽然虽然”;untiluntil 意为意为“直到直到”。结合句意可知选。结合句意可知选C C。C62014安安顺 What did Mr Green say to his son?He told him _A. didnt smoke B. dont smokeC. not to smoke D. not smoke考考查非非谓语动词。句意:句意:“格林先生跟他儿子格林先生跟他儿子说什么了?什么了?”“他告他告诉他不要吸烟。他不要吸烟。”tell sb not to do sth意意为“告告诉某人不要做某事某人不要做某事”。故。故选C。 A72014济南南 Would you like _ Emily and Carol?Of course. I hear they are twins and play the piano well.A. to meet B. meetsC. met D. meet考考查非非谓语动词。句意:句意:“你想你想见艾米艾米丽和和凯洛洛吗?”“当然,我听当然,我听说她她们是双胞胎,而且是双胞胎,而且钢琴琴弹得很好。得很好。”would like to do sth意意为“想要做某事想要做某事”,是固定搭配。,是固定搭配。故故选A。C82014山西山西 What are you busy doing these days, Mr Zhao?I _ my newborn baby. You cant imagine how busy I am!A.look after B. looked after C. am looking after Wherever. 根据中英文提示完成句子根据中英文提示完成句子1. 2014连云港云港 _ (无无论在哪里在哪里) someone falls ill, Doctor Mei often rides for hours to see the patient in the mountainous area.22014连云港云港 _ (幸运地幸运地) for the villagers, the firemen put out the big fire in time.32014荆州州 What do you think of that clever boy?He is a very _ (succeed) student, because he is interested in study. 42014南京南京 Many students are _ (happy) with too much homework. They need more time for their hobbies.Luckilyunhappysuccessful
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