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Language notes:2. make a telephone call1. how often how old how long how tall how many how much how far 3. understand understood - understood4. You have many friends who speak English.5. would like/love to do sth. Would you like/love to ? Sorry, Sure. Id like/love to.6. have an idea have a good idea You have a friend who speaks English.Language notes:3. I have a friend who would like to speak to you.1. phone/telephone/call/ring sb. (up)4. No problem!5. You speak English very well. You speak very good English.6. She repeats the sentence more slowly.8. have a good talk2. encourage sb.7. Pardon?9. Now Wang Mei has an English-speaking friend. = Now Wang Mei has a friend who speaks English.When you make telephone calls, you can say:2. 你是你是吗?吗?Is it/this/that (speaking)? 3. 是的,我是是的,我是Yes, (this is) (speaking). 4. 不是。他不是。他/她此刻不她此刻不在。在。No, it isnt. He/She isnt here at the moment.5. 请问,我可以和请问,我可以和讲话吗?讲话吗?Can/May/Could I speak to , please?6. 当然可以。当然可以。 请稍等。请稍等。Certainly/Sure/Of course.Hold on, please./A moment, please./Wait a minute, please.7. 恐怕他恐怕他/她这会儿不在。她这会儿不在。 Im afraid he/she isnt here right now.1. 你是谁?你是谁?Who is it/this/that?2. Why are people all over the world learning English?Think about it!4.What are the main languages at the United Nations? Make a guess.3. What do you think of learning English?1.Do you like English? Why do you learn English?Read carefully and answer the questions:1.What do you think of learning English?2.What do people speak in Mexico?3.How many people can speak English in the world?4.How many countries speak English as official language?5.What languages are used as the main languages at the United Nations?6. What is the United Nations?7. What does “United Nations” mean?Spanish.More than 450 million people.English, Chinese and French.Language notes:1. Welcome to the world of English!2. all over the world across the world throughout the world I am so _ to watch the _ football game. 4. Learning English helps people all over the world (to) talk to each other. each other “互相,彼此互相,彼此” 被看作代词词组,常作动词被看作代词词组,常作动词 或介词的宾语。或介词的宾语。3. exciting excitedexcitedexcitinghelp each other learn from each other write to each otherLanguage notes:1. think of “想,想起,记起,考虑,想到(某人或某事想,想起,记起,考虑,想到(某人或某事)2. more than = over “超过,多于超过,多于”3. The United Nations is a place where the countries of the world meet. think of = think about 考虑,想到(某人或某事)考虑,想到(某人或某事)3. I still dont understand.4. What do you mean by “United Nations”? = What does “United Nations” mean? = Whats the meaning of “United Nations”? mean meant- meant v. meaning n.用所给单词的适当形式填空:用所给单词的适当形式填空: say, tell, speak, talk 1. He _ good morning to me every day. 2. _ him Im out. 3. Hello, may I _ to Jenny, please? 4. He _ the children a story yesterday. 5. We _ about music last night. 6. Do you _ French? 7. Jim _ he lived in New York. 8. Who are you _ to/with?saysTellspeaktoldtalkedspeaksaidtalking 选择最佳答案:选择最佳答案:1.We have friends _ the world. A. all from B. all above C. all over D. all in 2. Li Lei always thinks _ others more. A. with B. of C. at D. to3. What do you mean _ “language”? A. for B. of C. at D. by4. The _ of “nation” is “country”. A. mean B. means C. meant D. meaning5. The basketball game is so _. A. exciting B. excited C. excite D. excitesCBDDA A discussion:Why is it important to learn English? A task:In a small group, talk about why it is important to learn English.
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