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TasksI.TranslationII.Cloze transltion1. 我很高兴获悉你们需要几个兼职英文记者。我很高兴获悉你们需要几个兼职英文记者。2. 我对此十分感兴趣我对此十分感兴趣;我认为我适合这个工作我认为我适合这个工作3. 作为一个学生,我阅读广泛,知识面广。作为一个学生,我阅读广泛,知识面广。4. 我爱好英语,在说和写方面做得很好。我爱好英语,在说和写方面做得很好。5.我很容易与别人相处并愉快地共事。我很容易与别人相处并愉快地共事。6. 我曾经作为一名记者为我校广播站工作。我曾经作为一名记者为我校广播站工作。7. 我确信若能得到这一职位,我就能够做好我确信若能得到这一职位,我就能够做好 这这 一工作。一工作。8. 我期待着你的答复。我期待着你的答复。1.我很高兴获悉你们需要几个兼职英文记者。我很高兴获悉你们需要几个兼职英文记者。Im glad to learn that you want a few part-time English reporters.Im quite interested in it,and I think Im fit for the job. 2.我对此十分感兴趣,我认为我适合这个工作。我对此十分感兴趣,我认为我适合这个工作。3.作为一个学生,我阅读广泛,知识面广。作为一个学生,我阅读广泛,知识面广。4.我爱好英语我爱好英语,在说和写方面做得很好。在说和写方面做得很好。Im fond of English and do well in both speaking and writing.As a student, Ive read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields. 5我很容易与别人相处并愉快地共事。我很容易与别人相处并愉快地共事。Im easy to get along with and enjoy working together with others. 6.我曾经作为一名记者为我校广播站工作我曾经作为一名记者为我校广播站工作 I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. 7.我确信若能得到这一职位,我就能够做好这一我确信若能得到这一职位,我就能够做好这一 工作。工作。 Im sure I can do the job well if I get the position. 8.我期待着你的答复。我期待着你的答复。Im looking forward to your reply. Im glad to learn that you want a few part-time English reporters. Im quite interested in it, I think Im fit for the job. As a student, Ive read a lot have much knowledge in many fields. Im fond of English and do well in both speaking and writing. Im easy to get along with and enjoy working together with others. I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. Im sure I can do the job well if I get the position. Im looking forward to your reply.andandBesides, 文章回顾文章回顾1. 我很高兴获悉你们需要几个兼职英文记者。我很高兴获悉你们需要几个兼职英文记者。2. 我对此十分感兴趣我对此十分感兴趣;我认为我适合这个工作我认为我适合这个工作3. 作为一个学生,我阅读广泛,知识面广。作为一个学生,我阅读广泛,知识面广。4. 我爱好英语,在说和写方面做得很好。我爱好英语,在说和写方面做得很好。5.我很容易与别人相处并愉快地共事。我很容易与别人相处并愉快地共事。6. 我曾经作为一名记者为我校广播站工作。我曾经作为一名记者为我校广播站工作。7. 我确信若能得到这一职位,我就能够做好我确信若能得到这一职位,我就能够做好 这这 一工作。一工作。8. 我期待着你的答复。我期待着你的答复。 Task IIStep 1. Discussion:Discuss the answers and your difficulties in your group. Pay attention to 39, 41, 42, 45,46,47,answers: 36 CDCAD 41 BADBC 46 ADBCA 51 CBADB错题启示错题启示 及努力方向及努力方向 1完形填空要把叙和议有机地结完形填空要把叙和议有机地结合起来:合起来:39 2.固定搭配要形义兼顾,重视语固定搭配要形义兼顾,重视语境:境: 453. 词的用法记忆要准确:词的用法记忆要准确: 41, 42,47 Step2 长难句释义长难句释义1. After all, Eds idea of exercise has always been nothing more effort-making than lifting a fork to his mouth. Ed认为体育锻炼就象把叉子放在嘴边一样毫不费认为体育锻炼就象把叉子放在嘴边一样毫不费力力.2. As a result, at the point in our game when Id have predicted(预计)(预计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor, it was instead 7 to 9 and Ed was leading . 结果结果, 我原先预料我与他之间的比赛结果会是我原先预料我与他之间的比赛结果会是9:1时时,而结果却是而结果却是7:9, Ed 领先领先.3 When the score was 16 up, I was having serious doubt about staying alive until 21 years old, Let alone scoring that many points. 当比分到达当比分到达16平时平时, 我真的怀疑是否能我真的怀疑是否能活到活到21岁岁,更不用说得那么多分数了更不用说得那么多分数了.每一个每一个更不用说更不用说so Step 3 拓展回顾拓展回顾1 since 与与 as long as2 let alone3 speechless1 As long asYou may borrow this book as long as you promise to give it back. 只要只要I havent known him as long as you. 与与- 一样长一样长2 Since He went to Turkey in 1956 and has lived there ever since.Where have you been since I last saw you?Since weve no money, we cant buy it.It is just a week since we arrived here.1.表示表示“自从自从-以来以来” 主句一般用完成时主句一般用完成时,从从句用一般过去时句用一般过去时.2. 可表可表“既然既然”3 Its +一段时间一段时间+since 从句从句 辨析:辨析:用用since, as long as 填空填空1 You can go where you like _ you get back before dark.2 He hasnt been home _he graduated.so /as long assince3let alone:Not to mention; 至于至于. 更不必说更不必说, 更别说:更别说:连我们的地方都不够,更不必说六条狗了。连我们的地方都不够,更不必说六条狗了。There isnt enough room for us,let alone six dogs.4 speechlessunable to speak ,esp because of deep feelingHe was speechless with surprise.他因为惊讶说不出话来他因为惊讶说不出话来. step 4 整体回顾整体回顾 I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most surprising and _games Ive _had. When Ed first phoned and _ we play, I laughed quietly, _ on an easy victory._, Eds idea of exercise has always been nothing more effort-making than _a fork to his mouth. _I can remember, Eds been the least physicallytiringeversuggestedfiguringAfter allliftingAs long as_member in the family. and strangely _of himself. His big stomach has always ballooned _between his T-shirt and trousers. _the family often joked about that, Ed _ to buy a larger T-shirt _to lose weight. So when Ed _for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt _inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could _ notice . I was so surprised that I was _. fitproudoutAlthoughrefusedorarrivedgatheredhardlyspeechlessMy cousin must have made an _to get himself into shape. As a result , at the point in our game when Id have predicted(预计)(预计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my_, it was instead 7 to 9 and Ed was_. The sudden realization was_. We continuted to play like two _men. When the score was 16_. I was having serious _about staying alive until 21 years old, _scoring that manyeffortfavorleadingpainfulmadupdoubtlet alonepoints. When the game finally_, both of us were _flat on our backs, too _to move._, I think we both won: I the game, but cousin Ed my_ .endedlyingtiredIn a wayrespect
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