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审题,结构和提纲1一、价值判断类型(should, important, necessary, prefer, better)People should insist on a challenging plan rather than a practical plan.Universities students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.A low-paid but secure job is better than a job with a high salary but easy to lose.2结构 回答why? 1. 背景+引出话题+我的观点 2. 中心句(原因一)(原因一)+举例分析+总结 3. 中心句(原因二)(原因二)+举例分析+总结 4. 中心句(原因三)(原因三)+举例分析+总结 5. 让步段(Admittedly中心句+分析+However中心句+分析) 6. 总结 若题目中仅有一个事物,让步段可写可不写。若写,则比较这个事物的优缺点。 若题目中有两个比较对象,最好有一个让步段比较这两个对象。3People should insist on a challenging plan rather than a practical plan.1. challenging plans2. propel society to move forward(the invention of planes, computers, internet)3. forster the value of perseverance(Edison, Nobel)4. bring happy accidents(the creation of gunpowder)5. Admittedly, practical plans are likely to succeed, but are seldom motivating. However, challening plans can motivate people, arouse enthusiam and promote creativity. 6. summary4People should insist on a challenging plan rather than a practical plan.1. practical plans2. accomplish the plan with high quality on time (homework)3. build up confidence to undertake tasks (marathon)4. ensure the steady progress of a business, an organization or even a society (a chain store expands too quickly to go bankrupt; great leap of economy)5. Admittedly, challenging plans are more exciting. However, challening plans can make people stressed, anxious and likely to make mistakes. 6. summary5Universities students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.1. should not2. cause more academic pressure (a medical student)3. unnecessary cost for students( hire more history teachers; the increased cost will be reflected in the tuition fee)4. Admittedly, taking history course can emulate succeful models, cultivate patriotism and a sense of reponsibility for the society. However, this knowledge can be acquired through many other means such as books, magazines, TV documentaries, the Internet, etc.5. summary6Universities students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.1. should 2. study history systematically (teacher, references which are reliable, but info from other means such as the Internet is not credible)3. get inspired by elites in history( A.Lincoln, Franklin)4. cultivate a patriotism and a sense of responsibilty for society (war, the progress of a society, the establishment of a country)5. Admittedly, taking history course takes time and energy. However, compared to the benefits, the efforts and costs are worthwhile.6. summary7A low-paid but secure job is better than a job with a high salary but easy to lose.1. a job with a high salary2. guarantees better material life (food, medicine, health; spiritual enjoyment)3. means better social status, i.e. respect and recognition from the society (doctors, business learders, high salary is equal to capability)4. Admittedly, secure jobs can make people feel less pressure, but without a high income, a person has to make to with the second best. 5. summary8A low-paid but secure job is better than a job with a high salary but easy to lose.1. a secure job2. less pressure (physical and mental health, teacher)3. more time and energy to pursue personal hobbies and interest (my aunt, not much money, but enjoy brush painting, growing flowers, enjoy life)4. more time to pend with family members to create a harmonious family(Liyang, the founder of Crazy English, high salary but on business, less time with family, less communication, break up )5. Admittedly, high salary can guarantee material life, but without enjoyment of life, its meaningless. 6. summary9二、现象证明类Advertisements make the products seem better than they really are.Technology makes peoples lives simpler or more complicated.Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on young people.10结构 回答How? 1. 背景+引出话题+我的观点 2. 中心句(分析一或拆分举例类别一)(分析一或拆分举例类别一)+举例分析+总结 3. 中心句(分析分析二二或拆分举例类别二或拆分举例类别二)+举例分析+总结 4. 中心句(分析三或拆分举例类别三)(分析三或拆分举例类别三)+举例分析+总结 (让步段可要可不要,想不够观点就要) 5. 总结11Advertisements make the products seem better than they really are.1. agree2. exagerated functions and effects (diet pills but not effective at all)3. celebrities (Jay chou, milk tea but not healty, nor that tasty; sports star, calcium pills but no help, sports wear but not extraordinary)4. misleading pictures (mouth-watering fried chips but of high calories, magical power which has nothing to do with the toy )5. summary12Technology makes peoples lives simpler or more complicated.1. more complicated2. computers (supermarket, out of power, cashiers desk is computer-based thus out of service.)3. the Internet (on-line shopping, some products can only be bought from on-line, xiaomi cellphone; giving away ones personal information; fraud, junkmail)4. nuclear energy (leakage, radiation, Japan nuclear power plant)5. summary13Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on young people.1. more positive effects2. widen horizon (expand outlook, know the world. Three Idiots, Around the word)3. educational (The World of Animals, learn zoology; The Leture Room, learn Chinese culture and history; Ted, motivating and inspiring)4. entertainment (relax, cartoons, talk shows, comedies, happiness, espace from heavy work, more energetic and efficient)5. Admittedly, negative effects, addiction, violence, unnecussary nuidity. However, with guidance, more advantages.6. summary143. 今昔对比类People are now easier to become educated than in the past.People in the past were eaiser to be happy and satisfied than they are today.In twenty years, there will be fewer cars in use than in today.15结构1. 背景背景+引出话题引出话题+我的观点我的观点2. 中心句中心句(变化因素一)(变化因素一)+现在情况现在情况+对比过对比过去情况去情况3. 中心句中心句(变化因素二)(变化因素二)+现在情况现在情况+对比过对比过去情况去情况4. 中心句中心句(变化因素三)(变化因素三)+现在情况现在情况+对比过对比过去情况去情况5. 总结总结16People are now easier to become educated than in the past.1. agree2. more shcools and better facilities. Now, private school, public schools, vocational schools, training center, summer school. Lab, library, etc. In the past, .3. diverse means of getting educated. On-line courses, open classes, various resources for self-study. Enlgish, video, audio, etc. In the past,.4. women have equal rights to have education. In the past, .5. better-off life, money to get education. In the past, .6. Summary 17People in the past were eaiser to be happy and satisfied than they are today.1. disagree2. better living standards free people of starvation, cold, etc. In the past, .grandma, 1942 starvation3. advanced medical conditions guarantee a longer life span. In the past, .supersition, witch doctors. 4. high-tech brings much convenience.In the past, .travel, get in touch, away from home, homesick5. Summary18In twenty years, there will be fewer cars in use than in today.1. agree2. less petroleum, higher oil prices. statistics. in 20 years, the general public may not be able to afford it. 3. the trend of low-carbon products, car emission, global warming, environment protection, in 20 years, environment problems are severe enough for citizens to take action immediately.4. the rapid development of public transportation systems, in 20ys, convenient and sophisticated system.5. summary194. 政府投资Governments should focus its budget more on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playground.Governments should focus its budget more on young children education than on universities.Governments should spend more money on environment protection than on economic development. 20结构1. 背景+引出话题+我的观点投资A2. 中心句(投资A的好处一/必要性一)+ 举例分析+总结3. 中心句(投资A的好处二/必要性二)+举例分析+总结4. 让步段,B也需要钱,但是钱有其它来源或其它方式解决,而A主要依赖政府给钱。5. 总结 21 Governments should focus its budget more on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playground.1. art museums and concert halls2. help preserve and spread culture. (zhangdaqian art museum, Chinese brush painting; concert halls introduce famous plays such as Romeo and Juliet)3. boost tourism and improve the image of a city (Dongfanghong concert hall, Zhengzhou Art Musuem attracts audience from surrounding cities)4. Although recreational facilities are needed, they are just entertainment. Besides, many businesses are running these things. So not necessary for the government to invest money.5. summary 22Governments should focus its budget more on young children education than on universities.1. young children edu2. improve teaching quality. status quo: lack qualified teachers. importance of teachers correct guidance for young children.3. improve teaching facilities. status quo: out-of-date equipment, poor studying conditions. need updated facilities.4. Admittedly, universities are costly. But they have alumni donation, can bring in investment by cooperating with businesses. While young children education does not have these advantages.5. summary23Governments should spend more money on environment protection than on economic development. 1. environment protection2. promote the health of general public. water pollution; cancer village. 3. ensure the long-term development of various industries. agriculture, tourism.4. watse treatment costs much. cannot rely only on factories.5. Admittedly, economic development can ., but once done, environment damage is usually irreversible or hard to recover. 6. summary 245. 幸福类Poeple who do not work because they have enough money are rarely happy.Peole will feel happier when they finish a difficult and challenging work than they finish an easy work.People today will be happier if they have fewer possesions.25结构 1. 背景+引出话题+我的观点 2. 中心句(原因一)(原因一)+举例分析+总结 3. 中心句(原因二)(原因二)+举例分析+总结 4. 中心句(原因三)(原因三)+举例分析+总结 (5. 让步段,有两者比较时) 6. 总结26Maslows hierarchy of needsbasic needs/ material lifemedical carelove from family, friendssocial status, respect, confidence, sense of achievement/ satisfaction, self-actualization, the realization of ones potential27Poeple who do not work because they have enough money are rarely happy.1. disagree2. they are happy because they do not need to worry about basic needs for living. ., while working class work arduously to earn money to cover their daily expenditures, car loan, house loan, water bill, etc. 3. they are happy because they can enrich their life by pursuing many interests which can not be realized without enough money or contribution of time and energy. painting, traveling around the world, etc.4. they are happy because they can use money to repay the society and acquire social recognition. charity, donation. help schools in remote rural ereas.5. summary28Peole will feel happier when they finish a difficult and challenging work than they finish an easy job.1. agree2. get much more reward other than the accomplishment of the work, such as money, experience, skills, proof of ones capability, promotion. my cousin, a journalist.3. gain confidence in overcoming difficulties. participate in a speech contest and win rewards 4. admittedly, an easy job, not stressful, easy to fullfil and get a good result, but it cannot help one make quick progress, nor can it distinguish one out of a group.5. summary296. 成功类Successful people take new things and take risks rather than the things that theyve done well.Future career success relies more on other people than studying hard at school.People who keep their room clean and tidy are more likely to be successful in the future.30结构 拆分举例/分析1. 背景背景+引出话题引出话题+我的观点我的观点2. 中心句中心句(举例类别一(举例类别一/分析一)分析一)+举例分析举例分析+总总结结3. 中心句中心句(举例类别二(举例类别二/分析二)分析二)+举例分析举例分析+总总结结4. 中心句中心句(举例类别三(举例类别三/分析三)分析三)+举例分析举例分析+总总结结5. summary31Successful people take new things and take risks rather than the things that theyve done well.1. agree2. take business world for instance. Alibaba, Ma Yun; Yu Minhong, New Oriental School.3. Scientific field. the invention of.4. sports area. gymnastics. Lining, a difficult action, 1984 LA Olympic Game, 3 gold medals. 5. artistic area. Zhang Daqian, employs expressionism in his traditional Chinese brush painting.6. Summary32Future career success relies more on other people than studying hard at school.1. disagree2. politician. social network. support from citizens. former chairman of China, his succes has little to do with his major in university 3. businessmen. connection to people in various related industries. the success of XX training school. classrooms and offices, advertisements, trainers, etc.4. actors / actresses Liu Yifei, Zeng Yike5. summary 33People who keep their room clean and tidy are more likely to be successful in the future.1. agree2. help foster patience and carefulness3. become well-organized4. be more independent5. summary347. 包含绝对词Only movies that can teach people something about real life are worth watching.The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers salary.Advertising is the only cause of unhealthy eating habits.35结构 不同意,举反例1. 背景背景+话题话题+观点观点2. 让步段让步段=题目说的有道理题目说的有道理+分析分析+但是还有但是还有其它很多方式其它很多方式3. 中心句(其它方式一)中心句(其它方式一)+举例分析举例分析+总结总结4. 中心句(其它方式二)中心句(其它方式二)+举例分析举例分析+总结总结5. 中心句(其它方式三)中心句(其它方式三)+举例分析举例分析+总结总结6. summary36Only movies that can teach people something about real life are worth watching.1. disagree2. Admittedly, movies that can teach people sth about real life can help people learn from other peoples experience, prepare for the real life. American Dreams in China. However, other kinds of movies can be worth watching too.3. comedies entertainment, Chaplin, The Smurfs4. cartoons fantasy, imagination, Kungfu Panda, Beauty and Beast, Cinderella, Rio, Ice Age5. science fiction movies, Matrix, Iron Man, Inception, Upside Down6. summary37The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers salary.1. disagree2. Admittedly, increasing teachers salary can motivate teachers to work harder and attract more talents to join in the education career. However, improving the quality of education should not rely only on the increase of teachers salary.3. give teachers proper training4. update school facilities5. summary38Advertising is the only cause of unhealthy eating habits.1. disagree2. Admittedly, advertising makes things seem better. instant noodles, chocolates and candies, milk tea, fast food. However, people eat unhealthy food for various reasons.3. eating fast food saves time4. instant food, or semi-manufactured food products, convenient to cook. many people cannot cook5. taste better6. summary398. 包含因果或条件关系Now we have too many sources of news and information that we cannot tell who is telling the truth.If parents want their children to perform well at school, they should limit their childrens time on watching television.People today can solve many important problems so they do not need help from the government. 40结构 因造不成果,果有其它因 1. 背景背景+话题话题+观点观点2. 中心句中心句(造成果的其它因素一(造成果的其它因素一/这个因造不这个因造不成果的分析一)成果的分析一)+举例分析举例分析+总结总结3. 中心句中心句(造成果的其它因素二(造成果的其它因素二/这个因造不这个因造不成果的分析二)成果的分析二)+举例分析举例分析+总结总结4. 中心句中心句(这个因造不成果的分析(这个因造不成果的分析/造成果的造成果的其它因素)其它因素)+举例分析举例分析+总结总结5. summary注:注:4 亦可与亦可与2调换位置。调换位置。41Now we have too many sources of news and information that we cannot tell who is telling the truth.1. disagree2. people can tell the truth through their common knowledge by analyzing info from various sources. a fire in XX store kills customers. 3. people can tell the truth by finding out info from reliable sources. LY domestic violence, through the video of the interview with LY.4. if people cannot tell the truth, it is because the sources are telling lies intentionally, not because of the abundance of sources.5. Summary42If parents want their children to perform well at school, they should limit their childrens time on watching television.1. disagree2. wacthing TV can bring benefits to the improvement of childrens performance: relaxation, adjust better to the next days study3. TV programs can be additional educatinal materials to aid childrens study4. childrens performance is determined by their hard work at school.5. as long as children are not addicted to watching TV, it is not necessary for parents to limit their time to improve childrens performance.6. summary43People today can solve many important problems so they do not need help from the government. 1. disagree2. social order3. the protection of peoles rights4. public facilities / infrastructure5. summary44列提纲:组织分论点金钱、经济、安全、方便、效率金钱、经济、安全、方便、效率 性格、心理健康、身体健康、享受、兴趣性格、心理健康、身体健康、享受、兴趣 竞争、压力、经验、社交、就业、责任、技能、竞争、压力、经验、社交、就业、责任、技能、成就成就 文化、传统文化、传统 环境环境 社会、信任社会、信任拆分举例:各行各业、衣食住行等拆分举例:各行各业、衣食住行等选出选出2-4个最有说服力的观点,列提纲个最有说服力的观点,列提纲45
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