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Input Hypothesis徐静1Brief introductionThe theory of the Input HypothesisAdvantages and disadvantagesImplication of the Input Hypothesis for English classroom teachingDefinitioncharacteristics2Brief Introduction3Brief Introduction Stephen Krashen is an expert in the field of linguistics,specializing in theories of languageacquisition and development. Much of his research has involved the study of non-English and bilingual language acquisition. Krashens well-accepted theory of second acquisition has had a large impact on all areas of language research and teaching since the 1980s. His theory of second language acquisition consists of five main hypothesis:the Acquisition-learning Hypothesis, the Monitor Hypothesis, the Natural Order Hypothesis, the Input Hypothesis, and the Affective Filter Hypothesis.The Input Hypothesis is the central part of this overall system.4The Input Hypothesis is the most important one of Krashens theory of second language acquisition.The input hypothesis attempts to explain how learners acquire a second language.5The theory of the Input Hypothesis6Ways of getting input?How do we move from stage i,where i response current competence,to i+1,the next level in second language acquisition?The Input Hypothesis7The Input Hypothesis makes the following claim:a necessary (but not sufficient)condition to move from stage i to stage i+1is that acquirers understanding input that contains i+1,where “understanding” means that acquirers focus on the meaning but not the form of the message.According to this hypothesis,people require language best by understanding comprehensible input that is slightly beyond their current level(i+1),and when they acquire enough,they get the ability to speak fluently automatically.假如目前语言学习者的能力用i表示,那么语言输入(input)的水平既不能远远超过学习者现有的水平,即i+2或i+3(too difficult),也不可低于或接近学习者的现有水平,即i+0(too simple,no challenge)。最佳的语言输入只有稍高于i,即i+1(most appropriate),才会被学习者所接受,也才会收到理想的效果。只有当习得者接触到“可理解的语言输入”( comprehensive input ), 即略高于他现有语言技能水平的第二语言输入,而他又能把注意力集中于对意义或对信息的理解而不是对形式的理解时,就会自动产生习得。The best methods are therefore those that supply “comprehensible input” in low anxiety situations,containing messages that students really want to hear.These methods do not force early production in the second language,but allow students to produce when they are “ready”,reconizing that improvement comes from supplying communicative and comprehensible input,and not from forcing and correcting production.Krashen,19858IIIWhen the input is understood and there is enough of it,i+1 will be provided automatically.IIWe acquire language by understanding language that contains structures a bit beyond our current level of competence(i+1).IVProduction ability emerges, it is not taught directly.IThe Input Hypothesis relates to acquisition,not learning.Four points9Comprehensible可理解性Interesting and relevant趣味与关联Not grammatically sequenced非语法程序Sufficient “i+1”足够的摄入量Characteristics10Advantages and disadvantages11ABAdvantagesemphasize the importance of input,and provide one of the effective way of language learning.pay attention to the learners cognitive ability.121234It is hard to make sure the learners current level.And there is no lingustic criteria to judge whether the “i+1”input is just far enough beyond the learners current level.Krashen didnt offer a clear definition of comprehensible input.His input hypothesis lack a independent lingustic definition to explanation what is comprehensible input.It over stress the input but ignore the inportance of output.It is not benifitial for the cultivation of learners communicative ability,it also ignore the function of the individuals.Krashens input hypothesis received criticism later for he mistook”input” as “intake”(the actual share of input that has been internalized by the learner).Disdvantages13Implication of the Input Hypothesis for English classroom teaching14Modification of the teacher talkEstablishment of the student-centered teachering modeIntroduction of the revelant backgruond knowledgeApplication of the multimedia thchnology15Teachers have to explain either in native language or simple English,and bilingual teaching or pure English can be used for explanation appropriately.The rate of teacher talk is another very important factor,which can influence students comprehension on second language acquisition.The appreciate rate of teacher talk can aid students o understand the language input.Modification of the teacher talk16Establishment of the student-centered teachering modeTeachersould arouse the students activities and make them take part in class actvities on the basis of the “student-centered” teaching mode.“Student-centered”teaching mode makes students have more chances to gain enough comprehensible input to enhance their ability of applying English.FOR EXAMPLETeacher choose a topicask students to make dialogues in pairs or discuss in groupsask students to have a speech in front of the blackboard.17Introduction of the revelant backgruond knowledge To make students acquire more input,teachers should teach the language from the perspective of culture and keep the pace of language learning with the culture absorbing.Application of the multimedia thchnologyWith the help of the multimedia computers students can receive comprehensive,individualized instruction in all the skills stimultaneously and participate in their regular classroom assignments actively.18THANKS19
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