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晨读快线C佳作模板句式升级典例一句多译晨读快线C句式升级佳作模板一句多译典例晨读快线C句式升级佳作模板一句多译典例晨读快线C佳作模板句式升级一句多译典例对不起,我没有及时回复你的来信。(1)I am sorry that I didnt reply without delay.(2)I am sorry that I didnt reply in time/immediately.(3)I am sorry that I didnt answer your letter at once.晨读快线C佳作模板句式升级一句多译典例Unit 3A healthy life 目录ONTENTSC1基础盘点自测基础盘点自测 2考点讲练互动考点讲练互动 4 微微 课课 助助 学学 makemake的用法的用法的用法的用法3课时规范训练课时规范训练 目录ONTENTSC1基础盘点自测基础盘点自测 2考点讲练互动考点讲练互动 43课时规范训练课时规范训练 微微微微 课课课课 助助助助 学学学学 makemake的用法的用法的用法的用法单词盘点 基础盘点自测Cabusebanduequiteffectdesperateawkwardaccustomautomaticmental单词盘点 基础盘点自测Cstrengthenstressstressfulstressedadolescentadolescenceaddictedaddictionaddictiveaddict单词盘点 基础盘点自测Cdisappointeddisappointingdisappointdisappointmentashamedshameshamefulshameless短语回放基础盘点自测Cdue toaddicted toaccustomed todecide onfeel like(doing)in spite oftake risks(a risk)get intoat riskthat isreachformanage to do句型搜索基础盘点自测C解读:解读: as good a teacher as 句型搜索基础盘点自测C解读:解读: Every time I help others句型搜索基础盘点自测C解读:解读: as was expected 句型搜索基础盘点自测C解读:解读: it was in Beijing that句型搜索基础盘点自测C解读:解读: so is our friendship目录ONTENTSC1基础盘点自测基础盘点自测 2考点讲练互动考点讲练互动 43课时规范训练课时规范训练 微微微微 课课课课 助助助助 学学学学 makemake的用法的用法的用法的用法考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动Cunder a lot of stress 考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动Cdue for 考点讲练互动Cdue to口语和正式用语中皆常用,侧重“起因于”,在句中多作表语,有时作状语和定语。一般不置于句首。owing to正式用语,常用于正式的通告或公开声明,可以与due to换用,但在句中多作状语。thanks to非正式用语,尤用于解释某件好事发生的原因或过程,突出一种感激之情,含“多亏”之意。在句中通常作状语。because of常用于口语中,着重强调某种原因的理由,在句中通常作状语。考点讲练互动CThanks to 考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动CAddicted to 考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动Caccustomed to getting up 考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动Ccome into effect 考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动Cat risk 考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动Cget down to 考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动CIn spite of all his efforts 考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动C答案: 跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练 1.mental2.desperate3.awkward4.strengthened5abused1She was suffering from physical and m exhaustion.2His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take d measures.3He wanted to have a dance with her,but he thought himself too clumsy and a .4Her position in the Party has (加强)in recent weeks.5He felt they had (滥用)his trust by talking about him to the press.考点讲练互动C答案: 跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练 1.In spite of2.feel like考点讲练互动C答案: 跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练 3.due to4.at the risk of考点讲练互动C答案: 跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练 5got into考点讲练互动C答案: 跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练 1.stressful;stress2.mental;mentally3.automatic;automatically考点讲练互动C答案: 跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练 4.ashamed;shameful5.comprehended;comprehension;comprehensive考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动Cas expensive a car as 考点讲练互动C考点讲练互动Cimmediately 考点讲练互动C答案: 1.too difficult a problem for the beginners 2.As was expected3.Every time he came back home跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练 考点讲练互动C答案: 4.It was his words5.He did finish跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练 考点讲练互动C答案: 1.along跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练 考点讲练互动C答案: 2.an3.swimming4.to meet跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练 考点讲练互动C答案: 5.it6would7.from8.change9.must be used10.How跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练 Tom:Now that you mentioned 5 ,it 6 be nice to get away 7 the computer center for a 8 ,and I really should get some more exercise.Look,Ive got so fat.In heigh school I had a lot more time to do sports activities.Now the little spare time I have 9 (use) in doing exercise.Did you say youre going tomorrow night.Mary:Yeah.Tom:OK,Ill come,too. 10 about meeting me in front of the cinema at eight,and well catch the bus there.Mary:Sure,see you then.考点讲练互动C【写作素材写作素材】【.微写作微写作】1我想强调的是我们每一个人应该学会多倾听。2即使你不喜欢也要对不同的观点持有开放的心态。3总之,好好倾听真的能让我们彼此之间拉近距离。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)答案:答案: What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. Be openminded to different opinions even though you dont like them. In a word,good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.
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