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Section A 2d-3cUnit 3 Is this your pencil? a pencil a book an eraser a schoolbag a dictionarya pencil boxWhats this in English?Its. Teacher: Hi, Anna. Are these your pencils?Anna: No, theyre Bobs. Teacher: And is this his green pen?Anna: No, it isnt. The blue pen is his.Teacher: What about this dictionary?Anna: Its Helens. And the green pen is hers, too.Teacher: And the eraser? Is that yours?Anna: Yes, it is.Teacher: Thank you for your help, Anna.Anna: Youre welcome.Role-play the conversation. 分角色表演对话。2dTeacherAnna1. Are these your pencils?2. What about the green pen?3. How about the blue pen?4. And the dictionary?5. And the eraser?No, theyre Bobs.Its Helens.Its Helens.Its Annas.Its Bobs.Answer the questions.PairworkA: Are these your pencil boxes?B: Yes, they are. Theyre mine. Are those your dictionaries?A: No, they arent. Theyre hers.hisminehishersBob: Hi, Gina. Is this _(you) ruler?Gina: No, its _(Mike).Bob: And is this _(he) black pen?Gina: No, it isnt. The red pen is his.Bob: What about the pencil box?Gina: Its Cindys. And the eraser is _(she), too. Bob: And the school bag? Is that _(you)?Gina: Yes, it is.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空Mikesyour hershisyoursPractice IA: Is this _(you) _? B: Yes, _ _. Its (I) _.yourit isrulerminePractice II A: _ that _ ( you ) _? B: _, it isnt. Its not (I)_. Its (he)_. IsyourNoschoolbagminehisA:_ these _ ( you ) _? B: No, they _. Theyre not (I)_. Theyre (she)_. Areyourarentpencil boxesminehersA: _ those _ ( you ) _? B: Yes, _ _. Areyourdictionariesarethey 根据句意、首字母或汉语提示,写出正确的单词1. My favorite最喜爱的color is y_.2. Please a_ my question, Jim.3. Whats your t_ number, Nick? Its 5790832.4. This is the k_ to the door门.5. Can you s_“ pen”? Yes, PEN, pen.6. Three and four is s_.7. Look at the g_(女孩). Her name is Gina Miller.8. My name is Nick Brown. Brown is my f_ name.9. Is this _(你的) ruler? No, it isnt. Its Jennys ruler.10. Nice to _(遇见) you, Eric.1.Thisismybook.areoverthere.A.YourB.YoursC.YouD.Mine2.Whosepenisit?Its.A.herB.hersC.sheD.his3.bagisnewandisnew,too.A.Our,heB.Ours,hisC.My,hisD.My,her4.Thisroomisours,andthatoneis.A.theyB.themC.theirsD.their5.Whosepencilsarethere?Theyre.A.myB.meC.mineD.our6.Isthenewwatch?Yes,its.A.you,meB.yours,mineC.your,myD.your,minePractice III7.Whoseshoesarethese?Theyare.A.meB.mineC.myD.I8.Sheisastudent,nameisHanMei.A.itsB.herC.hersD.his9.Itsadog.Idontknowname.A.itsB.itsC.itD.its10.schoolbagisbeautiful.Butismorebeautiful.A.Jims,myB.Jims,mineC.Jims,meD.Jims,I11.Ilikenewdress.A.SheB.herC.hersD.his12.Isthathat?No,itsnot.Its.A.your,my,TomsB.you,mine,TomsC.yours,mine,TomD.your,mine,TomsPut some things into the teachers box. Then take something out of the box and find the owner. You only have two guesses!把把东东西西放放进进老老师师的的箱箱子子里里,然然后后从从箱箱子子里里取取出出物物品品并并找找到到它它的主人,你只有两次猜测机会!的主人,你只有两次猜测机会!Find the owner(找主人找主人)
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