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晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC 高考高考临近,近,许多家多家长用金用金钱、旅游等承、旅游等承诺鼓励孩子努鼓励孩子努力学力学习,考上一所好大学。假定你是高三学生李,考上一所好大学。假定你是高三学生李华,请根根据所提供的有关信息,据所提供的有关信息,给某英文某英文报社写封短信。社写封短信。 内容要点:内容要点:(1)许多家多家长用金用金钱、旅游等承、旅游等承诺鼓励孩子鼓励孩子努力学努力学习,考上一所好大学;,考上一所好大学; (2)可能会可能会导致学生只关注物致学生只关注物质奖励,而减少学励,而减少学习乐趣;趣;Module 3Literature晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC (3)一旦一旦获得想要的得想要的奖励就失去了学励就失去了学习动力;力; (4)你的建你的建议。注意注意:1.词数数100左右左右2不要逐不要逐词逐句地翻逐句地翻译;3为使使语句句连贯,可以适当增加,可以适当增加细节。Dear Editor, With the college entrance examination approaching,many parents try to encourage their children to study hard and be admitted into a famous university.They promise that they will be rewarded with things such as money,traveling and so on once they achieve the goal.【满分作文满分作文】晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCHowever,I dont think this is a proper way.Firstly,it may lead to the fact that childrens attention will focus on such things instead of the pleasure of studying.Secondly,they may stop working hard as soon as they get what they want.I think a wise way is to make us aware of the importance of going to a good university.Besides,we should have much knowledge for our future.Whats your opinion?Yours truly,Li Hua晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC【高级词汇高级词汇】be rewarded with以以回回报achieve the goal达到目达到目标【佳句变换佳句变换】As the college entrance examination draws near many parents attempt to motivate their children to enjoy membership of a famous university through efforts.First of all,it may attract childrens eyes to such things rather than the pleasure from study.Then the moment they achieve their goal,they will quit any effort rightoff.晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC1_ v喂养;喂养;为提供食品提供食品2 _ v低声地低声地说;耳;耳语3 _ v绞死;吊死死;吊死4 _ n酬酬谢;奖赏;赏金金5 _ v逃跑逃跑6 _v获得;达到得;达到7 _ v完成完成(任任务等等),取得,取得(成功成功)8 _adj. 冷酷的冷酷的 _n冷酷;残忍冷酷;残忍A 考纲词汇考纲词汇思忆思忆feedwhisperhangrewardescapeattainaccomplishcruelcruelty 晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC9_ v. 端上端上(饭菜等菜等)_n服服务;服役;服役10 _ adj. 热切的;渴望的切的;渴望的 _adv. 热切地切地11 _ _adj.绝望的望的 _ adv.绝望地望地12 _v打算打算_ n打算;意打算;意图13 _adv.违法地;非法地法地;非法地 _adj.非法的非法的14 _v. 分分发,分配,分送,分配,分送 _ n分分发15 _n关心,担心关心,担心 _ adj. 关心的;关心的;有关的有关的serveservice eagereagerlydesperate desperately intend intentionillegally illegal distribute distribution concern concerned 晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC 字词入章,相得益彰字词入章,相得益彰1The police offered a reward for information about the cruel murderer who had escaped from the scene of the crime.2We are eager to distribute the booklets which are concerning health and intended for children.晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC1stare _凝凝视,盯着看着看2_astonishment惊惊讶地,吃惊地地,吃惊地3 _ a.voice用用声音声音(说),声地声地4no sooner. _.刚一一就就5a huge _of大量的大量的6bring sth_the attention of sb使某人关注某事使某人关注某事7be cruel_对冷酷冷酷8put _张贴9in ones early _在某人三十在某人三十刚出出头时10pick_挑出,挑出,捡出出B 重要短语重要短语识记识记atin inthan amount to toupthirties out晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC1.,they would sit _the pot with eager eyes, _,他,他们便会坐着,用渴望的眼神便会坐着,用渴望的眼神盯着那口着那口锅,好像,好像要把它吃掉似的。要把它吃掉似的。2No sooner_the boy spoken these words than the warden_him on the head with the soup spoon.孩子的孩子的话刚出口,大出口,大师傅就操起勺子狠狠地敲他的傅就操起勺子狠狠地敲他的脑袋。袋。3_I heard anything like it!我我还从来没听从来没听过这样的事情呢!的事情呢!C 经典句式经典句式再现再现staring at as if they wanted to eat it had hit Never have 晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCI have been consistenly opposed to feeding a baby regularly. (2012广东卷广东卷,阅读阅读B)我一直反我一直反对定定时喂养喂养婴儿。儿。feed on(动物动物)_feed.on/with sth给给食物食物feed A with Bfeed B into A提供提供B给给A_感到厌烦感到厌烦feed v喂养,饲养,养活,提供喂养,饲养,养活,提供A 核心单词核心单词巧布点,基石奠巧布点,基石奠以以为主食主食be fed up with晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC巧学助记巧学助记The data _then _a computer.数据随后被数据随后被输入入电脑。_this dull life!我受我受够了了这种枯燥的生活!种枯燥的生活!isfed into Im fed up with 晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCMost of the meals can serve two people and are under $10. (2011湖南卷,阅读湖南卷,阅读A)大部分大部分饭菜菜够两人享用且不到两人享用且不到10美元。美元。(1)serve the people_全心全意为人民服务全心全意为人民服务serve _充当,担任充当,担任serve sb (with) sthserve sth _ sb拿拿/用用招待招待/款待某人款待某人(2)service n服务服务at your service_serve vt.端上,招待,为端上,招待,为服务,供给某人服务,供给某人(饭菜饭菜等等)vi.服役,供职服役,供职heart and soulasto愿为您效劳;听候您的吩咐愿为您效劳;听候您的吩咐晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCAs soon as they sat down they _steaming bowls of soup.他他们一坐下,服一坐下,服务员立刻端上了立刻端上了热气气腾腾的几碗的几碗汤。When you sleep in the open,old newspapers can _a blanket.在野外睡在野外睡觉时,旧,旧报纸可以充当毛毯用。可以充当毛毯用。小贴士小贴士serve作作“服务服务”时,常用作及物动词;作时,常用作及物动词;作“服役服役”时,常用时,常用作不及物动词。作不及物动词。were served with serve as晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCThere is much truth in the idea_kindness is usually served by frankness.(2012上海卷上海卷,34)Awhy Bwhich Cthat Dwhether答案答案C看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCStudents wish to spend their break doing something productive and rewarding. (2011天津天津,阅读表达阅读表达)学生希望在休息学生希望在休息时间做些有益的事情。做些有益的事情。reward v酬谢;奖赏酬谢;奖赏n.报酬;奖金报酬;奖金in reward forforwithrewarding晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCHe started singing to the baby and _a smile.他开始他开始对婴儿唱歌,儿唱歌,婴儿笑了。儿笑了。辨析辨析award指在学习或工作中达到了获奖所要求的条件指在学习或工作中达到了获奖所要求的条件而由官方或上级决定授予的奖励或荣誉而由官方或上级决定授予的奖励或荣誉,也也可分等级可分等级reward指对有功绩的事的报答或酬谢指对有功绩的事的报答或酬谢,在讽刺中可在讽刺中可指指“对坏事的报应对坏事的报应”The best students are _ special scholarship.His effort was _ with remarkable success.awardedrewardedwas rewarded with 晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCGreen Maps is not specifically intended for travelers.(2011重庆卷,阅读重庆卷,阅读B)绿色地色地图并非并非专供旅行者。供旅行者。intend vt.想要;打算;意指想要;打算;意指to have donebe intended for晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCThese books _the young.这是是专供年供年轻人人阅读的的书籍。籍。I _give you a hand,but I was busy then.我本来打算帮助你的,但我当我本来打算帮助你的,但我当时很忙。很忙。are intended for had intended to 晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCaNow Mr.White is back and intends to write a book about his adventures. (2012上海卷上海卷)bId like you to help him out. (山东卷山东卷)cMore and more foreigners are planning to learn Chinese.(陕西卷陕西卷)d“We wanted to offer quality food in a restaurant where everyone felt comfortable, regardless of their circumstances,” Birky says. (2012辽宁卷辽宁卷)满分作文之佳句满分作文之佳句晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABChang on(hold on)(打电话时打电话时)别挂断;坚持;等一下,停别挂断;坚持;等一下,停一下;抓紧一下;抓紧hang _ 挂断挂断(电话电话)hang out/about/around _hang together 团结,同心协力团结,同心协力hang v. 绞死;吊死;悬挂绞死;吊死;悬挂Hang out with people that make you feel good about yourself. (2011全国卷全国卷,阅读阅读E)应和使你感和使你感觉良好的人在一起。良好的人在一起。up 闲荡;闲逛闲荡;闲逛晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCIs the coat yours?No, mine _over there.是你的外套是你的外套吗?不是,我的在那不是,我的在那边挂着呢。挂着呢。On the wall_a photo of the man _ last week.墙上的照片是上周被上的照片是上周被绞死的那个人的。死的那个人的。小贴士小贴士is hanging hangshanged晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC集训中心集训中心.单词拼写单词拼写1“Dinner will be s_ in a minute,” said the cook.2You should a_ the task within the given time.3He touched me with his finger, w_ to me in my ear, “The teacher is coming”4In the old days many people had nothing to eat and died from s_5Clothes and blankets have been _(分分发)among the homeless.晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC6You deserve a day off as a(n)_(奖赏) for working so hard.7He entered the country _(非法地非法地)without any permit.8I dont _(想要,打算想要,打算)to listen to this rubbish any longer!答案答案1.served2.achieve3.whispering4.starvation5.distributed6.reward7.illegally8.intend晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC.单项填空单项填空1A sheep _on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than _on ordinary.(2013西安一模西安一模)Afed;that Bfeeds;the oneCfeeding;one Dfeeding;it2It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to _(2013福州一模福州一模)Arewards Bprizes Cawards Dresults晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC3Jack would love to go to the cinema with his dad,but the film is _for adults only.Aadmitted Bintended Cpromised Dpermitted4What happened to the thief later?The king had him_the next day.Ahung BhangedChanging Dto be hanged晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC5Bread and butter_for breakfast in many Chinese homes nowadays.Aserve BserversCis served Dare served答案答案1.C2.A3.B4.B5.C晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCThe world moves on because of those who are eager to discover what their ancestors did.(2011天津卷天津卷,阅读阅读D)由于那些渴望由于那些渴望发现他他们的祖先所做的事的人的祖先所做的事的人们,世界在前,世界在前进。be eager for渴望;想得到渴望;想得到(强调积极的渴望强调积极的渴望)B 核心短语核心短语点入线,基础建点入线,基础建晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCbe eager to do sth渴望做某事渴望做某事be dying for 渴望;想要渴望;想要long _渴望;想要渴望;想要be thirsty for 渴望;想要渴望;想要be anxious for 渴望得到渴望得到(强调对结果怀有不安的渴望强调对结果怀有不安的渴望)(1)They _success.他他们渴望成功。渴望成功。(2)Im _for a cup of coffee.我真想喝一杯咖啡。我真想喝一杯咖啡。 for are eager for dying晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC集训中心集训中心.选词填空选词填空escape from;pick out;in astonishment;in a low voice;bring.to the attention of;be eager for1She asked _ ,“You found all of them?”2We _ a tent for sleeping.3He told me the good news _4See if you can _ me _ in this photo.晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC5The teacher _ eye protection _ his students.6Water is _the broken pipe.You should go and have it repaired.答案答案1.in a low voice2.are eager for3.in astonishment4pick;out5.brought;to the attention of6.escaping from晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC.单项填空单项填空1Looking at her _looks,we were _Aastonished;confused Bastonishing;confusingCastonishment;confused Dastonished;confusing2Before the boys dead body was buried,the soldiers stood _ silence.Aon Bat Cin Dunder晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC3The young actress looked so charming in her beautiful dress that we took _ pictures with her.(2013温州模拟温州模拟)Aa great many of Ba good manyCthe number of Da large amount of4He said that a large number of people _ present at the meeting.In fact,the number of the people present _only 10.Awas;was Bwere;wereCwere;was Dwas;were晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC5We are _for the new President to make us a speech in_public.Aeager;/ Beager;theCanxious;/ Danxious;the答案答案1.A2.C3.C4.C5.A晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC(1)no sooner.than.表示表示“一一就就”,该句式主句通常句式主句通常用用过去完成去完成时,从句通常用一般,从句通常用一般过去去时。He_home_he was asked to start on another journey.他他刚到家就被告知要开始另外一次旅程了。到家就被告知要开始另外一次旅程了。No sooner had the boy spoken these words than the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon.孩孩子的话刚出口,大师傅就操起汤勺狠狠地敲他的脑子的话刚出口,大师傅就操起汤勺狠狠地敲他的脑袋。袋。C 核心句型核心句型线入面,灵犀现线入面,灵犀现had no sooner arrived than晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC(2)no sooner位于句首位于句首时,主句要采用部分倒装,主句要采用部分倒装结构,而构,而than 引引导的从句不倒装。的从句不倒装。No sooner _than he went away again.他他刚到就又走了。到就又走了。(3)用法与意思相似的用法与意思相似的还有:有:hardly/scarcely.when.一一就就。_ had he arrived _ she started complaining.他他刚到,她就开始抱怨起来。到,她就开始抱怨起来。had he arrived Hardlywhen晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABConly修修饰状状语并且提前至句首,同并且提前至句首,同时满足足这两种条件,句子两种条件,句子要用部分倒装要用部分倒装语序。序。_did she realize how hard it was to be a mother.只有当她自己有了孩子,她才意只有当她自己有了孩子,她才意识到做母到做母亲不容易。不容易。_authorizes a nuclear attack.只有只有总统才能授才能授权发动核攻核攻击。小贴士小贴士Only then did Oliver understand his situation.只有只有在那时,奥利弗才明白自己的处境。在那时,奥利弗才明白自己的处境。only修饰除状语外任何成份,即使提前也不倒装。修饰除状语外任何成份,即使提前也不倒装。Only when she had a child of her own Only the president 晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABCOnly with the greatest of luck_to escape from the rising flood waters. (2012上海卷上海卷,29)Amanaged she Bshe managedCdid she manage Dshe did manageOnly after Mary read her composition the second time_the spelling mistake. (2012天津卷天津卷,6)Adid she notice Bshe noticeCdoes she notice Dshe has noticed答案答案CA看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC.句型变换句型变换1He had no sooner left home than it began to rain.No sooner _home than it began to rain.2You can solve the problem only in this way.Only in this way _ the problem.3He had hardly escaped when he was recaptured. _ when he was recaptured.集训中心集训中心had he left can you solve Hardly had he escaped 晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC.单项填空单项填空1Did Linda see the traffic accident?Yes,no sooner _there than it happened.Ahad she arrived Bshe had arrivedChas she arrived Dshe has arrived2The students are listening to the teacher with their eyes _ on the blackboard.Afixing BfixedCbeing fixed Dto be fixed晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC3He looked as if he _ the answer,but he didnt.Aknows BknewChad known Dhas known4It was announced that only when the fire was under control _to return to their homes.Athe residents would be permittedBhad the residents been permittedCwould the residents be permittedDthe residents had been permitted晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC5Only those who follow their dreams _ achieve the final success.Ado they Bcan theyCthey can Dcan答案答案1.A2.B3.B4.C5.D晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC倒装,强调句倒装,强调句1Little_of hearing such beautiful music before attending Lang Langs concert. (2013柳州模拟柳州模拟)Ahe dreamt Bdid I dreamCdreamt I DI did dreamt2Across North China_in the world, namely the Great Wall. (2013衡阳质检衡阳质检)Athe longest wall runsBruns the longest wallCdoes run the longest wallDdoes the longest wall run单元语法要点附加练单元语法要点附加练晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC3Only when your identity has been checked,_(2013咸阳模拟咸阳模拟)Ayou are allowed in Byou will be allowed inCwill you allow in Dwill you be allowed in4How do you like your college life?Terrible.Not only_less spare time, but_myself even busier than before.(2013蚌埠模拟蚌埠模拟)Ado I enjoy;do I find BI enjoy;I findCdo I enjoy;I find DI enjoy;do I find晨晨读吧吧基基础盘点点ABC要点精析要点精析ABC5Amazingly, Zhuo Jun got the first place for the Chinas Got Talent(中国达人秀中国达人秀)last night.So wonderfully_in the show that he deserved it. (2013皖南联考皖南联考)Adid he perform Bhad he performedChe performed Dhe had performed答案答案1.B2.B3.D4.C5.A
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