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PROJECTHARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHERS STONEWhich do you like best?The 7th: Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsFIRST READING:How is this reading passage organized?Part 1:Part 2:Part 3:Part 4:Para.1-3 brief introduction of the films plotPara.4-5 the writers commentary on the special effects and acting in the filmPara. 6-7 problems of the filmPara.8 recommendation by the writerSECOND READING:Where is the film set?What does the writer think about the three young actors?What is the complaint many people have made about the film?what problem does the writer think the film has?DETAILS: LISTEN TO THE TAPE AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING TABLE.Main characterInformation about the characterPlayed byHarry PotterHagridRon WeasleyHermione GrangerVoldemortLANGUAGE POINTS:1. Who has not dreamt of suddenly finding outthat he or she is actually someone special and famous? (line 1)dream of 此意”幻想, 梦想”, 表示一种虚幻的想象,后面多加V-ing形式;也可以加名词,代词,名词从句.When I was young, I _ a star film.(我梦想当个电影明星)Ive always _.(我一直梦想有这样一栋房子)dreamed of becoming dreamed of owning a house like this dream of 还有其他含义:1). 渴望已久而且有可能实现,相当于wish for这男孩渴望当一名飞行员.The boy dreams of becoming a pilot.2). 考虑会,只能用否定式,是一种带有感情色彩的语言,要用情态动词would.Dont expect that. I _.(我不会把房产留给你)3).在梦中梦见我昨夜在梦中梦见了我去世的外公.I dreamt of my grandpa last night.would not dream of leaving you the house2. Harry, a sensitive young boy, has been living with his relatives. (Line 3) It has been raining non-stop since last night. I wonder when it will stop.I have been knocking. I dont think anybodys in.Oh, you have come at last! I have been waiting for you for two long hours.强调事件的持续性具有感情色彩表示重复强调事件的持续性More exercises:The weather has been changeable lately. Ive been having a lot of colds.Too much has been happening today.3. Contrary to this, Harry finds out that his father was a wizard( Line 6) contrary to此处意为 “和相反”,也可以表示 “不接受意见”.相当于一个介词短语,后面可跟名词,名词短语或从句.He is an able politician,_.(与普遍的看法想法)_, he gave up his job.(他不听任何人的意见)contrary to popular beliefContrary to all advice4. His uncle abuses him; his aunt ignores him; his cousin hates him. (Line 4)These prisoners were abused mentally and physically for years.Some necessary actions should be taken to fight against drug abuse.这些囚犯数年来遭受精神上和肉体上的摧残.应当采取一些必要的措施来反对药物滥用.ignore; ignoranceHe ignored the insulting remarks and carried on his research.The boys parents felt very angry, because they were in complete ignorance of his intentions.他不理会那些侮辱性的评论,继续进行研究.男孩的父母很生气,因为他们完全不知道他的意图.5. While the report of Quidditch is an important part of the book.I feel that too much time is dedicated in the film to showing it. (Line 44)while : 尽管,虽然. 引导让步状语从句,相当于 though, although.尽管我愿意帮忙, 但却没有多少时间.While/Though/ Although I am willing to help, I do not have much time available.尽管这个老师爱学生,她对他们的要求还是非常严格的.While/Though/ Although the teacher loves her students, she is very strict with them.dedicate oneself/ something to (doing) something众所周知,居里夫人献身于科学事业.It is well known that Madame Cruie dedicates herself to science.他决心毕生致力于帮助全世界的穷人.He made up his mind to dedicate his life to helping the poor all over the world.6. I think this is more to highlight the advanced special effects than to help the films plot. (Line 44)我认为这是为了更加突出电影出色的特技,而不是有助于表现电影的情节.I was more annoyed than worried when he didnt come home.To them, music is more a way of life than just an interest.This is more a war movie than a western.highlight是及物动词,意思是 “突出,强调,使显著”The governmental report highlights the necessity and importance of educational reforms.政府报告特别强调了教育改革的必要性和重要性.找工作时,你应当突出你的经验和技能.When you apply for a job, you _.should highlight your experience and skillshighlight也可以用做名词,意为 “最好(或最精彩,惊动人心)的部分; 增加亮度; 使醒目”.The highlights of the World Cup will be shown this Saturday evening as we expect.When handing in your article, you must highlight all your reference.7. This shows that the film-makers did not give enough thought to who the audience of the film would be. (Line 51)give enough thought to:对给予考虑Natalie wanted to give a thought to what I said.纳塔利想对我说的话好好想一想.He never gave a thought to his illness.他从来不把自己的病放在心上.More exercise: 这件事情我未加思考就做了.It was something I did without thought.想到要独自生活使她充满恐惧.The thought of living alone filled her with fear.8. The important and interesting parts of the film occur in the world of magic, not at Privet Drive. (Line 55)大火发生在清晨,许多人在火中丧身.The big fire occurred in the early morning and many people lost their lives.Many foreign tourists ask, “ Do pandas occur in Sichuan of China only?”及物动词. 类似于happen, take place, come about熊猫是不是只在中国的四川才有?It never occurred to us that he had become a famous scientist.A wonderful idea occurred to me - we can travel to Mars in space shuttles in the future.我们怎么也没想到他成了著名的科学家.我想到一个绝妙的注意-未来我们可以乘火箭到火星上去.Starting the project-PlanningPresentingProducingPreparingPLANNING:Get into groups (5-6Ss per group)Discuss the questions in Part B PREPARING:One in each group write down the answers to questions 6-8Choose a film to reviewPRODUCING:Practice your presentationPRESENTING:Each group should present your review to the others.You decide which groups performance is the best.Homework:Review the text.Try to remember the language points.Finish the relevant exercise.
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