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Review:What can you see in these pictures?你在图片里能看到些什么你在图片里能看到些什么?book pencil boxeraser key baseball schoolbag ruler pen123456782.bed 床床1.table 桌子桌子 3.sofa沙沙发4.bookcase 书柜柜5.chair 椅子椅子new words hat can you see in my room?bookcase书架书架sofa unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag? 我我 的的 书书 包包 在在 哪哪 里?里?Match the words Match the words with the pictures.with the pictures.1.table_1.table_2.bed_2.bed_3.bookcase_3.bookcase_4.sofa_4.sofa_5.chair5.chair_6.schoolbag_6.schoolbag_7.books_7.books_8.keys_8.keys_behgfcdaon 在上面under 在下面in 在里面方位介词方位介词:where 在在 哪哪 里里Wheres Tom? 汤汤 姆姆 在在 哪哪 里?里? Its in the case(箱子) . 它它 在在 箱箱 子子 里。里。 Im Tom.wheres = where isWheres Tom?汤汤 姆姆 在在 哪哪 里?里? Its on the case.它它 在在 箱箱 子子 上上 面面Wheres Tom?汤汤 姆姆 在在 哪哪 里里?Its under the case.它它 在在 箱箱 子子 下下 面面Wheres Tom? Its on the case.Im Tom.inunderonwhere 在哪里wheres = where isIts in the case.Its under the case.Where is the ball?Its on the box.oninunder-They are on the table. -Where are the keys? Pair work: 结对活动结对活动A:Where is/are ?B:Its/They areFor example: A: Where is the schoolbag ?B: Its under the table. 猜谜游戏 Wheres the chair?Its under the table .Wheres the baseball? Its under the chair.Wheres the key ?Its under the table .Where are the books? They are in the bookcase.Wherere the pencils?They are in the schoolbag.4523 excersise一、单项选择一、单项选择1、_ your schoolbag?A. Where B. Wherere C. Wheres D. What2、Is the pencil _the pencil box ?A. in B. at C. behind D. from3、 -Where are his pens?- _ on the desk.A. It B. Its C. They D. Theyre4、-Where _ Mikes books? -They are _the table.A. is; in B. are; in C. is; on D. are; onCADD二、完成句子二、完成句子1、我的书在哪里?在沙发上。我的书在哪里?在沙发上。 -_ _ my books? -_ _ on the sofa.2、 钢笔在桌子上。在桌子上。 The pen _ _ the table.3、她的钥匙在背包里。她的钥匙在背包里。 Her keys _ _ the backpack.4、我的棒球在哪里?在椅子下。我的棒球在哪里?在椅子下。 -Where _my _? -Its _ the _. Where areThey areis onare in is baseballunder chairin 在在里面里面on 在在上面上面under在在下下面面本课生词where 哪里哪里they他(她、它)他(她、它)们们summary chair 椅子椅子table 桌子桌子bed 床床sofa 沙发bookcase 书柜本课生词summary我们要掌握:我们要掌握:Words: table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair in, on, underSentences:Where is? Where are? Its in/on/under . They are Homework 1 .复习本本节课的的单词和句型和句型.2 .用英用英语描述自己的房描述自己的房间.Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Good bye!Good bye!Good bye!Good bye!
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