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Unit 3 Computers Period Three Language Study Words and expressionsv1.calculate 2. universal 3.simplify 4.logical 5.logically 6.technology 7.technological 8.revolution 9.artificial 10.intelligence 11. intelligent 12. solve 13.reality 14.personal 15.Personally 16.total 17. totally 18.application 19. explore 20. anyhow 21.goal 22.happiness 23.arise 24.appearance 25.characterv1.as a result of 2.in a way 3.with the help of 4.deal with 5. watch over Fill in the blanks As technology develops, computers play an important role both in our life and work. They can _(简化) your life and help you _ (解决) difficult problems. The Net is becoming a _ (普遍的) medium, _ _ _ (结果),office work has been _ (完全地) changed. People have to _(探索) solutions by surfing the Internet. _(不管怎样), computers have changed peoples way of life!simplifysolveuniversal As a resulttotallyexploreAnyhow简单词汇扫描参考答案1.普遍的;通用的 1)普遍认为地球围着太阳转。2)She hopes to go to university next year.2.Simplify 虽然我年轻但是我能简化困难的算术题。使简化 simplified3.Personal 自20世纪70年代以来,我一直被用在办公室和家庭里,先是用作个人电脑,后来又做成手提电脑。 个人的;人际的;亲自的 C。重点词汇探究参考答案1.how I could be made to work 解答,解决 solution; solvable B 2.因此,我已经完全改变了我的形状。 结果,因此;作为的结果;宾语 1)起因于2)导致3)毫无结果的 1)As a result of 2)resulted from 3)resulted in3.我被装进航空火箭去探索月球和火星。勘探;探究,仔细查阅 explore exploration 哥伦布发现了美洲但是他没有勘探新大陆。4.无论如何,我的目标是为人类提供高质量的生活。Anyway;无论怎样;反正;尽管;即使这样 1)Anyhow 2)anyway重点句型分析SothatSothat表示“如此以至于”引导结果状语从句。1)so +adj/adv +that从句。2) so +adj+ a(n)+单数可数名词+that从句。3)so+ many/much/few/little +名词+that从句。Suchthat表示“如此以至于”引导结果状语从句。1)such +adj +复数可数名词+that从句。2) such+adj+不可数名词+that从句。3) such + a(n)+adj+单数可数名词+that从句。universalUniversal languages/ drinks 现在电脑在我们的日常生活中运用非常普遍。现在电脑在我们的日常生活中运用非常普遍。 Nowadays computers are universally used in our daily life.simplify 电脑可以简化你的工作,通电脑可以简化你的工作,通过轻松地计算任何难题。过轻松地计算任何难题。 Computers can simplify your work, by calculating difficult sums easily.personal 就我个人看来,学生应当恰当地使用电脑。 Personally, students should Use computers in a proper way. solve 电脑帮助我们解决很多任务,这些任务我们往往在短时间内难以解决。 Computers help us solve many tasks, which are difficult to complete in a short time.explore 即便如此,个别学生还是疯狂地探究电脑。 Anyhow, some students are still crazy about exploring computers.Sothat 很多学生对电很多学生对电脑如此着迷以脑如此着迷以至于花费了大至于花费了大量时间在电脑量时间在电脑游戏上。游戏上。 Many students are so crazy about computers that they spend too much time playing games.Witing Taskv写短文描述下面的现象并谈谈你的个人看法。v当今时代,电脑普遍应用,它不仅通过轻松计算任何难题的方式简化我们的工作,而且还能帮助我们解决任务,而这些任务往往是在短时间内难以完成的。因而不少学生对电脑如此着迷以至于花费了大量的时间,结果他们考试不及格。即使如此,个别学生还是疯狂地探究它。One possible version Nowadays computers are universally used in our daily life. They not only can simplify our work by calculating difficult sums easily but also can help us solve the tasks which are difficult to complete in a short time. So many students become crazy about computer games that they spend too much time on them. As a result, part of the students failed to pass the exam. Anyhow,some of students are still crazy about exploring them. Personally, students should use computers properly so as to succeed in study.HomeworkvFinish off the exercises in the learning plan.
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