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基本句型一 主系表2021/3/111 特点:句子的谓语动词不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。1.This is an English-Chinese dictionary.2.The dinner smells delicious.3.The book is interesting.4.The weather becomes warmer.2021/3/112连系动词:说明主语的特征,类属,状态,身份。1.Be (am is are was were)2.变化:get turn go fall become grow come run3.感官动词:look sound taste smell feel4.状态:keep stay remain (依然是,保持)5.表像:seem appear (看起来像,似乎)6.终止:prove,turn out2021/3/113be1.是2. I am a student. 我是学生。3. She is a worker. 她是工人。4. They are teachers. 她们是老师。5.2. 状态6. I am tired. 我累了。7. She is hungry. 她饿了。8. They are thirsty. 她们渴了。2021/3/1143. 动作 she is at work. 她在工作。4. 地点 she is at school. 她在学校。 I am at home. 我在家。 Planes are in the sky. 飞机在天空上。 She is on the street.2021/3/115This is an English-Chinese dictionary.We are good friends, arent we?You are students.The flower is deadIn winter, the days are short and the nights are long.Our English teacher is thirty years old.We are in the classroom.He is out of work.The light is on. On 为副词2021/3/116Her job is to look after the children in the nursery. To see is to believe.The whole company was surprised at the news.The trouble is that they are short of money.2021/3/117变化系动词get turn go fall become grow come run翻译为:变得,变成,变为It is getting warmer and warmer.The leaves have turned yellow.His face goes red.He had fallen asleep on the sofa.It is becoming colder and colder.It grew dark. Everything will come right in the end.The river ran dry during the drought.2021/3/118At the age of fifteen, he became a famous pianist.He became a scientist.The potatoes went bad in the fields.Our well has gone dry.He is growing tall and strong.His face turned red.2021/3/119注意become和turn后接表职业的名词时冠词的有无: Two years later, he became a teacher. Two years later, he turned teacher. run,go表变化时一般指事情向消极、不好的方面转化。 The food has gone bad. We have run short of milk.2021/3/1110感官系动词look, sound, taste, smell, feel一般它们在句子中译成:。起来;。上去。 The cake tastes delicious. 蛋糕尝起来可口。The report sounds interesting. 这个报道听起来很有趣。The dinner smells good. 晚餐闻起来很香。Everything looks different. 一切看起来不同。We feel happy. 我们感到开心。2021/3/1111The food tasted good. 食物尝起来很香。Her voice sounds beautiful. 她的声音听起来很美。We feel used to living in big cities. 我们习惯在大城市生活。She looked sad after hearing the news. 听到消息之后,她看起来很伤心2021/3/1112The soup tastes good. 汤尝起来很鲜。 To our surprise, The soup tastes good. The soup tastes good, which is beyond our expectation. Frankly speaking, the soup tastes good. To be honest, the soup tastes so good as to surprise everyone.2021/3/1113状态的系动词keep; stay; remain Children seldom keep quiet. 孩子们很少保持安静。Deep water stays still.Jim remained a worker. Jim 仍然是一名工人。2021/3/1114She remains loyal to her father despite his cruelty towards her. Much remains to be done.What a lovely day today! I love fine weather and I hope it will stay fine for some more days.2021/3/1115表像系动词seem; appear 汉语意义:看起来像、似乎、好像。 如果要表达时态的变化,需要后接不定式来完成。1. It seems like a good idea. 2. Their boss seems satisfied with the work.3. He seemed to have caught cold.4. When Father came in, Tom seemed to be eating something.2021/3/1116终止系动词prove; turn out 表达“证实、证明、结果为。”之意。 He proved (to be) right. The experiment turned out successful. 2021/3/1117系动词与实义动词的区别She looks sad.She looks at me sadly.看动词后面是否为形容词。2021/3/1118系动词用法应注意的几个问题1 一般地说,系动词无进行时态,无被动语态 如: Your hand feels cold. The soup tastes good. The dinner smells good.2系动词的时态与形容词的比较级连用的问题。 某些含有变化意义的动态系动词如get, become, grow, turn等的进行时态可与形容词的比较级连用,表示渐进过程,其意思是“越来越”。例如: He is growing taller and taller. Our life is getting better and better. Things are getting worse.2021/3/1119
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