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西方现代文化(二)西方现代文化(二)西方现代文化二三、现代性与大众文化的对立三、现代性与大众文化的对立“沉默的大众”步入社会生活的前台,成为一种巨大的社会力量。大众不等于“劳动人民”或“下层阶级”,大众文化不是民间文化。大众的本质特征是,他们缺乏独立的个性和个人的生活方式,是无名的非个人化的社会存在。奥尔特加:“大众是平均的人”,“与众不同是丢人现眼的。” 西方现代文化二通俗艺术是适合于尽可能多的民众的艺术形式。为了达到这个目的,它只能满足最低标准的理解和趣味。格林伯格认为,大众对真正的文化价值缺乏感觉,而对文化消遣如饥似渴,于是,社会就向他们提供媚俗艺术。西方现代文化二Adorno认为,统治者出于加强对人的控制的需要,意图用商品化的消费意识来扼杀主体的自我意识。通俗艺术不是艺术创作的结果,而是文化工业的产品。其主题简单庸俗,结构千篇一律,永远讲述美的谎言,制造肤浅的快乐,使人忘却痛苦,让那个本不堪忍受的现实变得可以承受。通俗艺术是社会管制的帮凶。有了它的麻醉作用,人们甘于既定秩序的统治,逐渐变得逆来顺受、麻木不仁。“享乐意味着全身心的放松,头脑中什么也不思念实际上,享乐是一种逃避。但是不像人们所主张的逃避恶劣的现实,而是逃避对现实恶劣思想进行反抗。娱乐的消遣作品所许诺的解放,是摆脱思想的解放,而不是摆脱消极东西的解放。” 西方现代文化二现代派艺术现代派艺术 vs 通俗艺术通俗艺术1.艺术内容上艺术内容上通俗艺术大都没有重大严肃的人生内容,它们不去面对社会人生的重大现实问题。现代派艺术总是尖锐地批判不合理的现实,剖析人类存在的本质。Hauser:“纯艺术、严肃艺术、不妥协的艺术具有一种破坏效果,常常是一种痛苦和折磨人的效果。” 西方现代文化二2.艺术形式上艺术形式上通俗艺术最主要的特点就在于公式化,缺少独创性,千篇一律。有时为了吸引和刺激大众,又在外表上标新立异,矫揉做作,哗众取宠,有非常显著的媚悦大众的商业色彩。与此相对,现代派艺术讲究独创性,着意追求艺术家的个性风格。通俗艺术的形式往往简单、浅显,而前卫艺术则充满着探索和实验,它们之所以不容易普及,根本原因在于此。 西方现代文化二3.艺术接受上艺术接受上通俗艺术因其内容的浅俗、形式的简明,只要求消费者最低限度的注意,不要求具有较高的艺术修养,因而它拥有最广大的消费者。就是说,通俗艺术的出发点在于主动迎合大众的现有趣味,甚至是不健康的趣味,并不着眼于提高和引导大众趣味的发展。其结果是生产与消费的恶性循环,即一方面通俗艺术不断败坏和强化大众的现有趣味,另一方面,大众的现有趣味又强制地规定通俗艺术的生产,艺术生产的质量和消费者的趣味都处在停滞不前乃至下降的水平上。现代派艺术在内容和形式上的特征,决定了它对消费者有较高的要求,接受的难度较大,造成艺术价值与票房收入的尖锐矛盾。 西方现代文化二4.艺术功能上艺术功能上通俗艺术突出的功能在于娱乐消遣性,缺乏较高层次的审美功能。这是它内容浅俗、形式公式化和接受时毫不费力的必然结果。通俗艺术逐渐钝化了消费者的自我意识和思维独立性,滋长了片面追求娱乐消遣的欲望,这就是其麻痹性,掩盖了社会矛盾的真相,消磨了人们的批判意识,在一种轻松的愉悦中,使消费者屈从于不合理的现实。此外,通俗艺术常常只能作一次性消费,缺乏持久的艺术魅力,它很快流行,又很快销声匿迹。现代派艺术内容上的真实深刻、形式上的创新、接受上的难度,唤起了消费者积极的审美介入,强化了消费者的自我意识和思维独立性,从而达到较高层次的审美效应。西方现代文化二附附1:Rock n Roll兴起于20世纪50年代末的美国。Folk rock: Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Paul SimonPsychedelic rock: The Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Pink FloydArt rock: Pink Floyd, King CrimsonHard rock: The Doors西方现代文化二Heavy metal: Led Zeppelin, Judas Priest, Deep Purple, Metallic, NightwishPunk: Ramones, Patti Smith, The Sex Pistols, The ClashGrunge: The Pixies, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, The Smashing Pumpkins实验音乐: Brian Eno, Pink Floyd, The Velvet Underground西方现代文化二西方现代文化二Blowin in the Wind / Bob DylanHow many roads must a man walk downBefore you call him a man?How many seas must a white dove sailBefore she sleeps in the sand?Yes, n how many times must the cannon balls flyBefore theyre forever banned?The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind,The answer is blowin in the wind.Yes, n How many years can a mountain existBefore it is washed to the sea?Yes, n how many years can some people existBefore theyre allowed to be free?Yes, n how many times can a man turn his head,And pretending he just doesnt see?Yes, n many times must a man look upBefore he can see the sky?Yes, n how many ears must one man haveBefore he can hear people cry?Yes, n how many deaths will it take till he knowsThat too many people have died?西方现代文化二Be Not Too Hard / Joan BaezBe not too hard for life is shortAnd nothing is given to man.Be not too hard when he is sold or bought,For he must manage as best he can.Be not too hard when he blindly dies Fighting for things he does not own.Be not too hard when he tells liesOr if his heart is sometimes like a stone.Be not too hard for soon hell die,Often no wiser than he began.Be not too hard for life is shortAnd nothing is given to man. And nothing is given to man.西方现代文化二Imagine / John LennonImagine theres no heaven,Its easy if you try,No hell below us,Above us only sky,Imagine all the peopleLiving for today.Imagine theres no countries,It isnt hard to do,Nothing to kill or die for,No religion too,Imagine all the peopleLiving life in peace.Imagine no possessions,I wonder if you can,No need for greed or hunger,A brotherhood of man,Imagine all the peopleSharing all the world.You may say Im a dreamer,But Im not the only one,I hope some day youll join us,And the world will live as one.西方现代文化二西方现代文化二Lather / Jefferson AirplaneLather was thirty years old today,They took away all of his toys.His mother sent newspaper clippings to him,About his old friends whod stopped being boys.There was Harwitz E. Green, just turned thirty-three,His leather chair waits at the bank.And Sergeant Dow Jones, twenty-seven years old,Commanding his very own tank.But Lather still finds it a nice thing to do,To lie about nude in the sand,Drawing pictures of mountains that look like bumps,And thrashing the air with his hands.But wait, oh Lathers productive you know,He produces the finest of sounds,Putting drumsticks on either side of his nose,Snorting the best licks in town,But thats all over. 西方现代文化二White Rabbit / Jefferson AirplaneOne pill makes you largerAnd one pill makes you smallAnd the ones that mother gives youDont do anything at allGo ask AliceWhen shes ten feet tallAnd if you go chasing rabbitsAnd you know youre going to fallTell em a hookah smoking caterpillarHas given you the callCall AliceWhen she was just smallWhen men on the chessboardGet up and tell you where to goAnd youve just had some kind of mushroomAnd your mind is moving slowGo ask AliceI think shell knowWhen logic and proportionHave fallen sloppy deadAnd the White Knight is talking backwardsAnd the Red Queens off with her head!Remember what the dormouse said;“Feed your head. Feed your head.”西方现代文化二Lucy in the Sky of Diamonds / The BeatlesVERSE 1Picture yourself in a boat on a river,With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,Towering over your head.Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes,And shes gone.CHORUSLucy in the sky with diamonds,Lucy in the sky with diamonds,Lucy in the sky with diamonds,Ah. Ah.VERSE 2西方现代文化二In Another Land / The Rolling StonesIn another land where the breeze and theTrees and flowers were blueI stood and held your handAnd the grass grew high and the feathers floated byI stood and held your handAnd nobody elses hand will ever doNobody else will doThen I awokeWas this some kind of joke?Much to my surpriseI opened my eyesWe walked across the sand and the sea andThe sky and the castles were blue西方现代文化二西方现代文化二Set the Controls for the Heart of the SunLittle by little the night turns aroundCounting the leaves which tremble at dawnLotuses lean on each other in yearningUnder the eaves the swallow is restingOoh, ooh, Set the controls for the heart of the sunOver the mountain watching the watcherBreaking the darkness Waking the grapevineone inch of love is one inch of shadowLove is the shadow that ripens the wine Ooh, ooh, Set the controls for the heart of the sunThe heart of the sunThe heart of the sunThe heart of the sun西方现代文化二Jim Morrison(19431971) 西方现代文化二新长征路上的摇滚新长征路上的摇滚 / 崔健崔健一一 二二 三三 四四听说过,没见过,两万五千里听说过,没见过,两万五千里有的说,没的做,怎知不容易有的说,没的做,怎知不容易埋着头,向前走,寻找我自己埋着头,向前走,寻找我自己走过来,走过去,没有根据地走过来,走过去,没有根据地想什么,做什么,是步枪和小米想什么,做什么,是步枪和小米道理多,总是说,是大炮轰炸机道理多,总是说,是大炮轰炸机汗也流,泪也落,心中不服气汗也流,泪也落,心中不服气藏一藏,躲一躲,心说别着急藏一藏,躲一躲,心说别着急噢,一噢,一 二二 三三 四四 五五 六六 七七西方现代文化二God Save the Queen / The Sex PistolsGod save the queenThe fascist regimeThey made you a moronPotential H-bombGod save the queenShe aint no human beingThere is no futureIn Englands dreamingDont be told what you wantDont be told what you needTheres no future, no future,No future for you西方现代文化二西方现代文化二奴才奴才 / 盘古给你饭吃给你钱花你要听话人才,国家的栋梁之才他不是木材他不是大白菜他不是小青菜他不是黄花菜他他他他他他奴才!他是个奴才!西方现代文化二Kurt Cobain (19671994)西方现代文化二The Gift / The Velvet UndergroundWaldo Jeffers had reached his limit. It was now Mid-August which meant he had been separated from Marsha for more than two months. Two months, and all he had to show was three dog-eared letters and two very expensive long-distance phone calls. True, when school had ended and shed returned to Wisconsin, and he to Locust, Pennsylvania, she had sworn to maintain a certain fidelity. She would date occasionally, but merely as amusement. She would remain faithful (approximately 1400 words)西方现代文化二附2:Hippies嬉皮士运动最早发生于20世纪60年代中期的美国,随后迅速地影响其它国家。纽约的Greenwich Village旧金山Haight-AshburyAugustus Owsley Stanley III Ken Kesey飞越疯人院 西方现代文化二San FranciscoIf youre going to San FranciscoBe sure to wear some flowers in your hairIf youre going to San FranciscoYoure gonna meet some gentle people thereFor those who come to San FranciscoSummertime will be a love in thereIn the streets of San FranciscoGentle people with flowers in their hair西方现代文化二嬉皮士反对核武器和越战,反对社会体制(The Establishment),反对一切清规戒律,讨厌被人管,批评中产阶级价值观。他们过着一种公社式的生活,提倡性解放,崇尚爱与个人自由,喜爱摇滚乐,喜爱东方哲学,喜爱用大麻和LSD等药物来探索另类的意识状态。音乐成了他们的生活方式,成了他们表达内心感受、抗议、世界观与人生观的工具。 Flower children, Love generation 西方现代文化二All You Need is LoveAll you need is love (All together, now!)All you need is love. (Everybody!)All you need is love, love.Love is all you need (love is all you need).西方现代文化二嬉皮士文化的黄金时代:196619671967年10月,旧金山一次名为The Death of the Hippie的抬棺游行预示了嬉皮士运动的结束。 1969年8月的Woodstock Festival。口号:Woodstock, three days of peace and music. 嬉皮士运动的影响:文化的多元性、自由、宽容西方现代文化二西方现代文化二四、后现代关于后现代,唯一清楚的是,后现代是什么讲不清楚。多数人认为,后现代是对现代性的反动。但也有学者提出,后现代是初期的现代主义。 后现代文化的哲学根源是本体论的式微乃至解构(德里达解构主义)。“向总体性宣战”是利奥塔后现代理论的核心。这是一种反基础论,其核心是对权威、统一和普遍性的强烈反抗。后现代是一个告别巨人的时代,它与现代主义的精英意识彻底决裂。在艺术上,如果说现代主义受到某种焦虑感的刺激,还是以标新立异和千奇百怪为特征,通过与传统的断裂来建立新的美学原则和观念,那么,后现代主义则完全源自一种随意性、偶然性的观念。 后现代文化的总特征是:商品化和平面化。在反文化和消费狂这两种社会心理的绞杀下,个人生命的目的和意义消失了。 西方现代文化二视觉文化是当代消费社会的文化,它可以作为后现代文化的代名词。文化史的三个阶段:口传文化、印刷文化、视觉文化。 1913年,匈牙利巴拉兹提出“视觉文化”的概念。视觉性成为现代文化的主因: 1、文字反被图像边缘化,电影从叙事转向奇观,情节开始让位于画面。2、对外观的极度关注(眼球经济、注意力经济)3、视觉技术的进步(制作、传播、接受)。人们对现实的理解更多的是通过各种非现实的符号进行的,于是,现实和非现实的界线被严重歪曲了。 西方现代文化二
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