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选修九选修九Unit 1Breaking records 1. 课前自测课前自测2. 课堂学案课堂学案词汇接龙 1. _(n. 冠军;优胜者)_(n. 锦标赛;冠军称号)2. _(adj. 极端的;偏激的 n. 极端;极限)_(adv. 极其地)3. _(n. 真实;事实)_(adj. 真实的;现实的)_ (adv. 真正地)4. _(vt. 完成;实现)_(adj. 完成的;多才多艺的) _(n. 成就)5. _(n. 动机)_vt. 激发(兴趣或欲望)_(adj. 有动机的;有积极性的)6. _(adj. 勇敢的;有胆量的)_(n. 勇气)_(vt. 鼓励)_(n. 鼓励)课前自测课前自测 Key:1. champion; championship2. extreme; extremely3. reality; real; really4. accomplish; accomplished; accomplishment5. motivation; motivate; motivated6. courageous; courage; encourage; encouragement词汇接龙 7. _(n. 热爱;投入)_(vt. 投入;奉献)_(adj. 热爱的;献身的)_(adv. 忠实地;一心一意地)8. _(n. 接待员)_(vt. 接收;接待)_(adj. 深受好评的;反响热烈的)_(n. 接待;接收)9. _(vt. 使着迷;入迷)_(n. 魅力;入迷)_ (adj. 迷人的;极好的)/_(adj. 着迷的;深受吸引的) 10. _(n. 经济学)_(adj. 经济的;节约的;合算的) _(adj. 经济学的;经济上的)_(n. 经济;经济实惠) Key:7. devotion; devote; devoted; devotedly8. receptionist; receive; well-received; reception9. fascinate; fascination; fascinating; fascinated10. economics; economical; economic; economy词块互译1. _ make standing on top of a Swiss ball look easy2. 实现他打破世界纪录的梦想 achieve his dream of _3. _ come third/win third place4. 达到一种理解 _ the understanding5. 来自于他对老师的热爱 come through his _ his teacher6. 与他的灵魂联系 connect _ his soul7. 致谢他的老师 _ his teacher8. 热爱游泳 have a _ for swimming9. 第一个游过多瑙河全程的人 the first person _ of the Danube River10. _ attain his first entry in the Guinness Book of World RecordsKey:1. 使站在瑞士球上面看起来容易2. breaking the world record3. 获得第三名4. come to5. devotion to6. with7. acknowledge8. passion9. to swim the entire length10. 第一次进入吉尼斯世界纪录句型补全 1. _ while doing gymnastically correct lunges is yet another event in which Ashrita is outstanding. 以最快的速度走完一英里的路程同时做标准的体操弓箭步动作是阿什里塔又一个很出色的项目。(动词-ing形式作主语)2. Sri Chinmoy says that it is just _ as it is to develop their minds, hearts and spiritual selves. 斯里琴摩说,人们发展他们的体魄与发展他们的头脑、心灵和精神上的自我同样重要。(asas结构)3. He believes _ peoples physical abilities. 他相信,人的体能没有极限。 (there be句型)4. He came to the understanding _ his body was just an instrument of the spirit. 他逐渐有了这样的认识:他的身躯只不过是他精神的工具。(同位语从句)5. Every time Ashrita tries to break a record, he reaches a point _ he cannot physically do any more. 每一次阿什里塔试图打破记录时,他感觉他都会达到一个体力不可逾越的极限点。(定语从句)Key:1. Covering a mile in the fastest time 2. as important for people to develop their bodies3. there is no limit to 4. that 5. where he feels 课文回顾课文回顾Key: 1. approximately2. conventional3. activities4. of5. interested6. is 7. an8. there9. to accept10. It 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who has broken _1_ (approximate) 93 Guinness records, which are not made in any _2_ (convention) sport like swimming or soccer. While these _3_ (activity) might seem childish, they require an enormous amount _4_ strength and determination.Yet this talented sportsman is not a natural athlete. As a child, he was very unfit and wasnt at all _5_ (interest) in sports. How Ashrita came to be a sportsman _6_ (be) an interesting story. He studied Eastern religions from _7_ Indian meditation teacher Sri Chinmoy living in his neighborhood in New York City. He believes that _8_ is no limit to peoples physical abilities. When he won third place in the marathon, he came to the understanding that his body was just an instrument of the spirit, and he refused _9_ (accept) any physical limitation. The motivation to keep trying to break records comes through his devotion to Sri Chinmoy. Ashrita always acknowledges his teacher in his record-breaking attempts. In fact, he often wears a T-shirt with Sri Chinmoys words on the back. The words are: “There is only one perfect road. _10_ is ahead of you, always ahead of you.” 课堂学案课堂学案1. require vt. 需要;需求需要;需求 vi. 要求;规定要求;规定 1. (2015四川卷) They calculated that rolling the block required about as much force as moving it along a slippery path. 他们计算出,滚动石块需要的力和在光滑平面移动它的力气一样多。2. The problem requires doing with at once. 这个问题需要马上处理。3. That guy is a pushover for flattery. If you require him to help you, all you have to do is polish an apple. 那家伙很喜爱受人奉承。假如你想要他帮你,只要拍他马屁就行了。4. Some applications require that certain requests be processed in a particular order. 一些应用程序要求按照特定顺序来处理某些请求。5. Patience is a requirement in teaching. 耐心是教学必备的条件。【词块助记词块助记】require (doing) sth. 需要(做)require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事require that(shoulddo) 要求(从句一般用虚拟语气) 【构词】requirement n. 需要;要求;必要条件 1. (2015全国卷改编) Training for a marathon usually _ (require) careful preparation and steady, gradual increases in the length of the runs.2. All of these methods require that Jim sincerely joins the conversation in order to get the best results.Key:1. requires2. joins改为join 2. tough adj. 强硬的;困难的;艰苦的;坚韧的;严厉的强硬的;困难的;艰苦的;坚韧的;严厉的 adv. 顽强地顽强地 1. They believe that a tough, materially poor childhood is character-building. 他们认为一个艰难贫困的童年有助于性格的培养。2. She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer. 她很强硬,不达目的誓不罢休。3. The old man was tough on his children because he had high hopes for them. 那个老人对孩子很严厉因为他抱有很高的期望。 tough competition 激烈的竞争Its tough to work with 很难与共事be tough on 对很严厉get tough with 对采用强硬手段 【词块助记词块助记】1. Life as a single mother can be tough and _ (challenge)2. It was very tough decision but we feel we made the right one.Key:1. challenging2. 在very前加a 3. fascinate vt. 使着迷;入迷使着迷;入迷 1. I am very interested in fairies, which fascinate me. 我对精灵很感兴趣,她们让我着迷。2. The audience was fascinated by their superb performance. 他们的精彩表演使观众看得入了迷。3. The plot of the novel is intricate and fascinating. 这部小说的情节错综复杂,引人入胜。4. Disneyland holds a fascination for most kids. 迪士尼乐园对多数孩子都有极大的吸引力。 fascinate sb. 深深吸引某人;使某人入迷be fascinated by/with 深受吸引;对着迷be fascinated to do sth. 饶有兴趣地做某事it is fascinating to do sth. 做某事很有趣hold a fascination for/with 对很有吸引力in fascination 入迷地;痴迷地 【词块助记词块助记】1. Mrs Green walks into her sons room _ (quiet) and finds that he is playing the computer game in _ (fascinate)2. Of course, it is fascinated at first, for it is an entire new experience. Key: 1. quietly; fascination2. fascinated改为fascinating; entire改为entirely 4. attain vt. & vi. 达到,实现;获得;到达达到,实现;获得;到达 1. The day is not far off when China will attain prosperity. 中国的兴盛指日可待。2. Most of our students attained five “A” grades in their exams. 我们多数学生考试成绩是五个优。 attain ones ends/object/goal/aim 达到目的attain a position of great influence 得到一个很有影响的职位attain independence/power 获得独立/得到权力 【词块助记词块助记】1. Whenever you have an aim, you must sacrifice something of freedom to attain. 2. Jack has attained one of his _ (goal) in this term.Key:1. 在attain后加it2. goals 5. rather than 而不是而不是;宁可;宁可也不愿也不愿 1. We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall. 我们是在教室里开会,不是在大厅里。2. (2015福建卷) Very quickly, she learned to appreciate life rather than to judge everything so harshly. 她很快就学会了感激生活而不是刻薄地评判一切。3. (2014全国卷) Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden. 让烹饪和简单生活成为一种享受而不是负担吧。4. (2014福建卷) It was the culture, rather than the language that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad. 使他很难适应国外新环境的是文化而不是语言。 【头脑风暴头脑风暴】(1)prefer to do A rather than do Bwould rather do A than do Bwould do A rather than do B意为“宁愿做A而不愿做B”。(2)rather than可作连词词组使用,连接两个并列成分,表示在两者中间进行选择,通常意为“是A而不是B”,“要A而不要 B”,“宁愿A而不愿 B”等,后面可以接名词、代词、形容词、副词、谓语动词非谓语结构(动词-ing、过去分词和动词不定式)及从句等。(3)rather than连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词一般与rather than 前面的成分在人称和数上保持一致。 6. in reality 实际上;现实实际上;现实 1. In reality, your brain operates on the edge of chaos. 实际上,你的大脑在混乱边缘运转着。2. Even though we have a desire, we cannot find any practical ways to turn it into reality. 即便我们有愿望,却依然找不到任何实际的方法将它变成现实。3. Every great achievement was a dream before it became a reality. 每一项重大成就在成为现实之前都是梦想。 become a realitycome into realitycome true 变成现实;实现turninto reality 将变成现实face reality 面对现实realize/realise vt. 实现;认识到;明白real adj. 真的;真实的(really adv.事实上;真正地)realistic adj. 切合实际的;现实主义的 【头脑风暴头脑风暴】【微解析微解析】7. Every time Ashrita tries to break a record, he reaches a point where he feels he cannot physically do any more. 每一次阿什里塔试图打破记录时,每一次阿什里塔试图打破记录时,他感觉他都会达到一个体力不可逾越的极限点。他感觉他都会达到一个体力不可逾越的极限点。 在定语从句中,当先行词为stage, situation, point, case, condition, state, occasion, position等表示抽象意义的地点名词且关系词在从句中作状语时,定语从句常用where引导。 【仿写】1. Sales director is a position _ is just as important as sales skills. 销售总监是一个沟通能力和销售技能同样重要的职位。 2. (2014安徽卷改编) The exact year _ Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008. 安吉拉和她的家人待在中国的那一年正是2008年。Key:1. where communication ability2. when【单句改错】3. Its said that her grandfather was among the first to settle in which is now a famous holiday center.Key:3. which改为what 【微解析微解析】8. Sri Chinmoy says that it is just as important for people to develop their bodies as it is to develop their minds, hearts and spiritual selves. 斯里琴斯里琴摩说,人们发展他们的体魄与发展他们的头脑、心灵和精神上的自我同摩说,人们发展他们的体魄与发展他们的头脑、心灵和精神上的自我同样重要。样重要。 动词不定式、动名词或主语从句作主语时,通常把它们放在谓语动词前,而用it作形式主语, 则后置。 因此,此句可改写为: Sri Chinmoy says that to develop their bodies is just as important as to develop their minds, hearts and spiritual selves. 【仿写】1. _ that Edison invented the telephone. 众所周知,爱迪生发明了电话。 2. Its not necessary to tell you how important it is _ across generations. 不需要来告诉你们跨代沟通是多么重要。【单句改错】3. As is known to all that light travels faster than sound.Key:1. It is known2. to communicate3. As改为It Jackie Chan is my idol. He is a star of the Kung Fu Movie industry, and _ from the world over for more than a decade. His worldwide popularity today, with more than fifty films to his name, is an ongoing phenomenon. He added the idea of Chinese martial arts to his film and even became a martial arts director. By the late seventies, he introduced Kung Fu Comedy and was welcomed by the audience. In recent years, _ and he is trying new genres of film fantasy, drama, romance and _ his charity work. He takes his work as Ambassador for UNICEF/UNAIDS very seriously and spends all his spare time working tirelessly for children, the elderly, and those in need.Today, he continues to make at least one film a year and remains the worlds number-one action star. _!【写作导航】1. 使用attract来表达“吸引全世界观众”;2. 用一句话承上启下,使用shift来表达“他的重点发生了转变”;3. 第二个转变,使用spend来表达“花越来越多的时间在上面”;4. 最后概括和升华成龙的成就:永不停止地让观众惊喜(amaze)。每个人心中都有自己的偶像,请根据下面所给的要点用英语来介绍大家的名人偶像成龙。1. 成龙是国际功夫影星和导演,他把中国武术融入他的电影,受到广泛认可;2. 近几年,成龙尝试了新型电影,并且投身慈善事业,不断给观众带来惊喜。Key: has been attracting audiences Jackies focus has shifted is spending more and more time on He will never stop amazing his audience
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