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Lesson 21Fun at the ZooLook at the picturesWhats this?Its a zoo.Whats in the zoo?There are many _of .kindsanimalsWhat are these?They are_signsLook at the sign.What kind of animal can you see in the picture?I can see a _.What does the sign mean?It means that do not feedthe animals.monkeylThis is a cage.l 笼子lIn the cage _ _a _.thereistigerWhy is it in the cage?Its fierce.It would hurt us.Look at the picture.Is this a bear?No, its a tiger.How is the tiger? Is it happy?No, its angry. Its mad.生气的生气的发怒的发怒的Look at this picture.lWhat is this?lIts a bear.lWhat is it doing?lIt is sleeping.lBears sleep all winter.lIt is lazy.懒惰的Read Lesson 21 and answer the following questions.1.What time do Brian,Jenny and Danny arrive at the zoo?2.What time is the zoo open?3.What does the sign say?4.Why cant people take photos in the zoo?5.Do they have a good day?Remember:l1. arrive at/in 到达l2. go through the entrance 通过入口l比较go across the road 通过公路lthrough(内部) across(表面)l3. take photos 照相l4. surprise 使惊奇 ;惊讶l to ones surprise 令某人惊讶l例:to my surprise令我惊讶(的是)l5. make mad 使 发怒(形容词)l6.have a good day 度过一个愉快的一天He is looking at He is looking at a beara bear. . The bearThe bear is sleeping is sleeping. .He is looking at He is looking at the bearthe bear thatthat is sleeping is sleeping. . 名词名词名词名词 that/whothat/who定语从句定语从句 l1. The dog that/who is standing at the door is mine.l2. Danny keeps the imaginary duck that/who can speak.l3. The man (who/that) I met in the street is called Smith.l4.Here is the pet (that/who )I told you last time.l5.Celine Dion who/that sings the song My Heart Will Go On is a talented singer.活动手册Ex2larrivelthroughlsignlphotoslsurpriseltakelcagel sleepinglwinterlwakelfriendsldonutsldoinglfeedldaylgoHomework. l1. 同步P21-22l 完型填空 阅读理解l2. 阅读课文,复习并预习
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