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Step 1: Warming-upStep 2: Leading-inHe Studies Harder Than He Used To Unit 4 Reading FarhanRanchoRajuThey are studying in a boarding school.寄宿学校寄宿学校/b:(r)d/Step 3: PresentationRancho is clever. adj. 缺席;不在缺席;不在 He is seldom absent from classes.adv. 不长;很少不长;很少/seldm/ /bsnt/为为 . . 感到感到自豪自豪His two friends take pride in what he has done./prad/However, the teacher didt like him at first.亲身;亲自亲身;亲自 The teacher talked to his friends in person,askingthem not to stay with Rancho.n. n. 考试;审查考试;审查But they still failed the examination./feld/g,zmnen/ v. v. 不及格不及格; ; 失败失败; ; 未能未能( (做到做到) )v. & n. v. & n. 影响影响, ,改变改变/nfluns/Rancho tried to influence them.Finally, they found the job of their dreams. 为为.骄傲骄傲;感到;感到自豪自豪/prad/ Rancho became the best student of the year. Everyone was proud of him.I will show you some parts of the pictures and sentences.You should put your hands and tell me what the new words or new phrases are. 老师展示一些图片或句子作为提示,老师展示一些图片或句子作为提示,学生学生举手举手猜提示的新词或短语是什么。猜提示的新词或短语是什么。Step 4: Memory gameActivity 1321They are studying in a boarding school.Rancho is seldom absent from classes.His two friends take pride in what he has done. The teacher talked to his friends in person,askingthem not to stay with Rancho.But they still failed the examination.Rancho tried to influence them. Rancho became the best student of the year. Everyone was proud of him.We used to have some problems at school.2aP30Li Wen2aP30Li WenA 15-year-old boy from the countryside.His parents are working in the city. Look at the title of the passage and the picture below. What problems do you think he might have?2aHe Studies Harder Than He Used to2. He used to hate studying and fail his exams.3. He used to fight with his classmates.1. He used to break the school rules.P30Reading tip:Try to guess according to the title and the pictures.Step 5: Skimming Para.1Para. 4Para. 3Para. 2A. What Li Wen is like now.B. After his parents moved to the city, Li Wens life became difficult. C. Li Wens background(背景背景)D. A conversation with his parents changed his life. Match the main ideas with each paragraph.Activity 2Activity 2P302b Read the passage and put the sentencesA-D in the correct places.A. They had a long talk. B. Now Li Wen has really changed.C. However, things began to change a few years agoD. His teacher was worried about him. Activity 3Step 6: ScanningP31CDAB However,thingsbegantochangeafewyearsagoHisteacherwasworriedabouthim.Theyhadalongtalk. NowLiWenhasreallychanged.Activity 3Share your ideas!Step 7: GroupworkActivity 4 Jigsaw readingPlatform 讲台讲台Home Group原属组原属组Groups of 2 二人一组二人一组There are 4 paragraphs in this passage. Student A reads Para 1& 2, Student B reads Para 3 & 4. Each student reads its own paragraphs and finish the reading tasks. 文章有文章有4 4个段落,个段落,A A学生负责阅读第学生负责阅读第1 1、2 2段,段,B B学生负责阅读第学生负责阅读第3 3、4 4段,每位学生段,每位学生读自己的段落读自己的段落然后然后完成各自的阅读任务完成各自的阅读任务。Para 1 & 2Before TalkingPara 3 & 4After TalkingPlatform 讲台讲台Activity 4 Jigsaw readingStudents with the same letters sit together to make an expert group. 同一字母同一字母的学生的学生坐一起坐一起组成专家小组组成专家小组。Expert Group 专家组专家组Platform 讲台讲台Become the expert!你也成为了的专家你也成为了的专家!Before TalkingAfter TalkingTeam work: check answers, discuss and share ideas.专家小组内所有人专家小组内所有人要核对答案、讨论和分享。要核对答案、讨论和分享。 Activity 4 Jigsaw readingPlatform 讲台讲台Expert Group 专家组专家组Home Group 原属组原属组Go back to your Home Group and tell your partner what youve learned from Expert Group, and share your ideas.回到原属小组回到原属小组, ,每个学生每个学生轮流分享轮流分享自己在专家小组所学的东西自己在专家小组所学的东西, , 帮帮助组员获取自己负责的阅读材料的信息。助组员获取自己负责的阅读材料的信息。Go backActivity 4 Jigsaw reading321Platform 讲台讲台Expert Group 专家组专家组Team work: check answers, discuss and share ideas.专家小组内所有人要核对答案、讨论和分享,达成共识。专家小组内所有人要核对答案、讨论和分享,达成共识。Activity 4 Jigsaw reading只要只要Home GroupHome Group中有中有一位组员没按要求积极学习一位组员没按要求积极学习,他就,他就无法把自己负责的这一部分向组员交流无法把自己负责的这一部分向组员交流,正如一幅拼图,正如一幅拼图缺了一块缺了一块, , 他所在的他所在的小组就无法完成任务小组就无法完成任务。 This is a team work that needs everyone to work. Activity 4 Jigsaw readingPlatform 讲台讲台Expert Group 专家组专家组Team work: check answers, discuss and share ideas.专家小组内所有人要核对答案、讨论和分享,达成共识。专家小组内所有人要核对答案、讨论和分享,达成共识。Activity 4 Jigsaw readingPara 1 & 2Para 3 & 4Para 1 & 2Para 3 & 4Platform 讲台讲台Expert Group 专家组专家组Home Group 原属组原属组Go back to your Home Group and tell your partner what youve learned from Expert Group, and share your ideas.回到原属小组回到原属小组, ,每个学生每个学生轮流分享轮流分享自己在专家小组所学的东西自己在专家小组所学的东西, , 帮帮助组员理解文章助组员理解文章。Go backActivity 4 Jigsaw readingBefore talkingAfter talkingHow did Li wen feel?Was he happy?What happened?What did he do?Did he make many friends?What did his parents do?Is Li Wen happy now?What are the changes?Does he know his parents love him?Does Li Wen work hard?Can he make friends?Li Wen1. He felt _ and _.2. He _ classes, and _ his exams.3. He was _ and was not able to _ quickly in school.1. He becomes _.2. He works even _ than he used to.3. He _ in school.Before talkingAfter talkinglonelyunhappywas absent fromfailed shy make friendsLi WenBefore talkingLi WenAfter talkingharder more outgoing make some good friendslonelyunhappywas absent fromfailed shy make friendsharder more outgoing make some good friendsQ: What has changed Li Wen?ABCRead the article carefully 认真阅读材料Complete the task seriously 认真完成练习Listen to others carefully 认真倾听他人发言Take an active part in discussion 积极参与讨论Cooperate with others well 主动与他人交流合作Ask the teacher for help when having troubles 遇到问题能主动向老师提问Overall rating 总评EvaluationForm互评表互评表 The evaluated受评者:_Evaluator评价者:_Step 8: EvaluationActivity 5be proud of / take pride in make a decision/ decidemiss / be absent from change / influencelook after / take care of Completethesummaryoftheproperformsofthewordsandphrasesinthebox. 2e Li Wen is a 15-year-old boy. He works hard and does well in school. It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. When his parents moved to the city to work, they could not be at home to_ him. So he became less interested in studying and _classes. look after/ take care of missed/ was absent fromActivity 6Step 9: scanningThen his parents _ to send him to a boarding school. He found life there difficult. One day he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school. His teacher advised his parents to talk with their son in person. This conversation _ his life. He realized that his parents would always love him, and they would _ everything good that he did. Now he is much happier and more outgoing than he used to be. changed/ influencedmade a decision/decidedbe proud of/ take pride inbe proud of/make a decision /miss /change/look after / take pride in decidebe absent from influence take care of have funhave a good time be good at do well inLi Wenboarding studentTalked to his teacher.Li WenTeacherHis parentsTook a train and a bus to see Li Wen.Talked to Li Wen.Had more communication with Li Wen.Talked with Li Wen.Called Li Wens parents and advised his parents to talk with Li Wen.more outgoing & works even harder Activity 7Step 10: Discussionboarding students What do you think we can do to care about(关爱关爱) boarding students? stay-at-home childrenstay with grandparentsfeel lonely and unhappystudy hardfail the examsLets care about stay-at-home children and help them to change.Step 11: WritingActivity 8 在我们身边有不少住宿生朋友甚至留守儿童在我们身边有不少住宿生朋友甚至留守儿童, , 作为作为一名中学生,我们能为他们做些什么呢?请写一封倡议书:一名中学生,我们能为他们做些什么呢?请写一封倡议书:选择选择:倡议全校学生关爱:倡议全校学生关爱住宿生住宿生;选择选择:倡议全校学生关爱:倡议全校学生关爱留守儿童留守儿童。倡议全校学生关爱倡议全校学生关爱留守儿童留守儿童。内容包括:内容包括:1. 1. 关爱留守儿童的关爱留守儿童的原因原因;2. 2. 作为中学生作为中学生, , 我们应我们应如何如何关爱关爱他们他们(3(3件事件事) )倡议全校学生关爱倡议全校学生关爱住宿生住宿生。内容包括:内容包括:1. 1. 关爱住宿生的关爱住宿生的原因原因;2. 2. 作为中学生作为中学生, , 我们应我们应如何如何关爱关爱他们他们(3(3件事件事) )Dear students, I think we should do something to care about boarding students. Because_ As a middle school student, _Yours,_Dear students, I think we should do something to care about stay-at-home children. Because_ As a middle school student, _Yours,_WhyHowWriters namesocietygovernmentparentsthemselves Many Chinese kids, known as stay-at-home children, hardly ever see their parents, because their parents are migrant workers(外来工). The large number of stay-at-home children has already become a social issue(问题). If left unsolved, it will cause serious problems, Wang Zhenyao, director of the China Philanthropy Research Institute, told China Daily. The education level of adults supervising(监管) these children is generally not that high. They can only take care of the childrens personal safety and daily living, being unable to care about their educational and spiritual needs. Meanwhile, the absence of parental support will make some stay-at-home children lack self-confidence. To solve this problem, the government is taking action. For example, 30 provinces and cities let certain children to go to school and take the college entrance exam in the city where their parents are. However, Wang suggested that the country do more, such as making policies(政策) encouraging migrant workers to work in their hometowns. He also said that a well-balanced(均衡的) child welfare(福利) system(制度) is needed. These children are the future of the nation, so they deserve(值得) our loving care and protection, Wang said.Step 12: Homeworkboarding school, seldom, be proud of take pride in, be absent from, influence fail the examination, in person1.jigsaw reading(share reading)2.similar expressionstake care of/look after1.learn to care about boarding students & stay-at-home children2.learn to understand parents a story about Li Wensummarywords & phrasesreading abilityaffectionStep 13: SummaryBetween parents and us needs a heart to understand.We should be brave to face any difficulties and be confident in our life.坚强面对困难,自信面对生活。坚强面对困难,自信面对生活。父母和孩子之间需要一颗理解的心。父母和孩子之间需要一颗理解的心。Step 14: Chicken soup & useful websiteshttp:/acwf.people.com.cn/GB/99061/102368/ http:/www.cfcac.org
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