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Who won the gold of the 200m backstroke of women in 2008 Olympic Game?2021/4/251Where does she come from?2021/4/252Zimbabwe (/zmbbwe/2021/4/253introductioneducationeconomycustomconclusionInsert Title Text2021/4/254introductionHere it is It is located in the southern part of the African continent.2021/4/255Insert Title Text It is located between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers. 2021/4/256south: South Africasouthwest: Botswananorthwest: Zambia Namibiaeast: Mozambique2021/4/257national flag and emblem2021/4/258Motto: Unity, Freedom, WorkOfficial languages: English and ShonaArea: 39,0757 kmCapital: Harare2021/4/259Various Currencies: the Zimbabwean Dollar the United States Dollar President: Robert Mugabe(罗伯特穆加贝) Prime Minister: Morgan Tsvangirai(摩根茨万吉拉伊)2021/4/2510In 2010, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) found that Zimbabwes literacy rate had climbed to a high of 92% and had once again become the highest in Africa.2021/4/2511 The academic year in Zimbabwe runs from January to December, with three terms, broken up by one month holidays, with a total of 40 weeks of school per year. National examinations are written during the third term in November.2021/4/2512Zimbabwes education system consists of 2 years of pre-school, 7 years of primary and 6 years of secondary schooling before students can enter university in the country or abroad.2021/4/2513 The situations: Goods and foreign currency needed to buy imports fell into short supply and prices shot up. Economic difficulties and hyperinflation (19992008)2021/4/2514 Economic difficulties and hyperinflation (19992008)Causes External causes: Foreign investors fled. Owe to the foreign debts. 2021/4/2515 Internal causes: The passive attitude towards the development of economy. The false way to face the crisis. Economic difficulties and hyperinflation (19992008)2021/4/2516 Economic difficulties and hyperinflation (19992008)Results:The highest rate of inflation The highest rate of unemployment The largest currency2021/4/2517Pay attention to the number on the money!100,000,000,000,0002021/4/25181.Printing more money is not a way to solve the inflation.2.It is very important to get the support from others in developing yourself.3.Ethics and ability are equal important for a leader. . .2021/4/25191.The Zimbabwes law allows polygamy system.2.It will bring bad luck for new people to get married in November in Zimbabwe.So many of the countrys tribe banned in November to get married.2021/4/25201.Cows and sheeps are their sacred animals in Zimbabwe.2.They are also been regared as a status symbol.2021/4/2521 85% of Zimbabweans are Christian. 62% of the population attends religious services regularly.2021/4/25221.Zimbabwes inflation is the highest in the world.2.Zimbabwe has the largest currency.3.Zimbabwes man has the right to have several wives.4.Zimbabwe has the highest literacy rate in Africa.Insert Title Text2021/4/25232021/4/2524
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