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八年级八年级(下下) Modules 34catch a cold侧重重“感冒感冒”的的动作,属于短作,属于短暂性性动词短短语,不可与表示一段,不可与表示一段时间的状的状语连用用have a cold表示表示“感冒感冒”持持续的状的状态,可以与表示一,可以与表示一段段时间的状的状语连用用八年级八年级(下下) Modules 34(训练时间:训练时间:60分钟分值:分钟分值:100分分)综合能力提高综合能力提高一、单项选择一、单项选择(10分分)1. (2016上海上海)This medicine _ millions of peoples lives since it was put into use. Ais saving Bwill save Chas saved Dhad saved【解解析析】考考查查动动词词的的时时态态。由由since it was put into use可可知知,主句用现在完成时。主句用现在完成时。【答案【答案】C2. So far, our government_much about the school bus safety management(管理管理) Adid Bdo Chas done Dwas done【解解析析】考考查查动动词词的的时时态态。由由so far(迄迄今今为为止止)可可知知,应应用用现现在完成时。在完成时。【答案【答案】C3. Hi, Daming. What are you_to? Im busy preparing for my maths test. Aon Bfrom Cwith Dup【解解析析】考考查查固固定定短短语语。be up to sth.表表示示“正正在在做做某某事事,忙忙于某事于某事”。【答案【答案】D4. (2016青岛青岛)Nancy took her temperature and found she had a _ Acough Btoothache Ccold Dfever【解解析析】考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。结结合合空空前前的的“Nancy took her temperature”可可推推断断,她她发发现现她她“发发烧烧”了了,故故fever符符合合题题意。意。【答案【答案】D5. His grandma is_ old_do any housework. Atoo; to Bso; that Cas; as Dnot; until【解析【解析】考查连词辨析。考查连词辨析。too.to.“太太而不能而不能”。【答案【答案】A6. We_ our English teacher since he moved to Beijing. Adidnt hear from Bhavent heard from Cdidnt receive Dhavent received【解解析析】考考查查动动词词的的时时态态。由由since he moved to Beijing可可知知,主主句句用用现现在在完完成成时时,表表示示“收收到到某某人人的的来来信信;得得到到某某人人的的消消息息”用用hear from。【答案【答案】B7. (2016南宁南宁)I have _ finished my homework. I finished it an hour ago. 【导导学学号号35490013】 Ayet Balready Cever Dnever【解解析析】考考查查副副词词的的辨辨析析。由由I finished it an hour ago.可可知知,“我我”已已经经完完成成(家家庭庭作作业业)了了。already表表示示“已已经经”,通通常常用在肯定句中。用在肯定句中。【答案【答案】B8. _have you had the camera? For 2 years. AHow long BHow soon CHow often【解解析析】考考查查特特殊殊疑疑问问词词辨辨析析。句句意意为为“你你的的照照相相机机买买了了多多长长时时间间了了?”“两两年年了了。”how long意意为为“多多久久,多多长长”,用用于于询询问问物物体体的的长长度度和和时时间间段段;how soon意意为为“多多久久以以后后”,回回答答常常用用“in时时间间段段”;how often意意为为“多多久久一一次次”,用于询问频率。根据答语用于询问频率。根据答语“For 2 years.”可知可知,答案选答案选A。【答案【答案】A9. Everyone who sings well can_ the activity in our school. Atake part in Btake off Ctake out Dtake care of【解解析析】考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。take part in“参参加加”;take off“脱脱下下;起起飞飞”;take out“拿拿出出”;take care of“照照顾顾”。根根据据句句意意可知选可知选A。【答案【答案】A10. Jane, when did you come here? In 2010. I_ here for four years. Ahave been to Bhave gone to Chave come Dhave been【解解析析】考考查查动动词词的的时时态态。由由for four years可可知知要要用用延延续续性性动词动词,here是副词是副词,其前不用介词。其前不用介词。【答案【答案】D1Ahappy Btired Csick Dhungry【解解析析】由由下下句句“He always felt sick on Monday mornings.”可知选可知选C。【答案【答案】C2Alie Blay Clied Dlying【解解析析】由由and wondered可可知知句句子子为为一一般般过过去去时时。lie当当“躺躺”讲讲时时过过去去式式为为lay;lie当当“撒撒谎谎”讲讲时时过过去去式式为为lied。此此处处是指他躺在床上是指他躺在床上,应选应选B。【答案【答案】B3Asomething Banything Ceverything Dnothing【解析【解析】由文意可知由文意可知,他没有发现身体有任何毛病他没有发现身体有任何毛病,故选故选B。【答案【答案】B4Aup Bfor Cafter Dlike【解解析析】上上文文提提到到他他想想找找个个牙牙疼疼的的理理由由不不去去上上学学,但但怕怕牙牙被被拔了拔了,于是他就寻找别的理由。故为于是他就寻找别的理由。故为look for“寻找寻找”。【答案【答案】B5AOne BTwo CSome DMany【解析【解析】谓语动词为谓语动词为was,主语也应用单数形式主语也应用单数形式,故选故选A。【答案【答案】A6Amatter Btrouble Cproblem Dwrong【解析【解析】“你怎么了?你怎么了?”常用常用“Whats the matter/trouble with you?”或或“Whats wrong with you?”表示。表示。【答案【答案】D7Aschool Bchair Cbed Dkitchen【解解析析】由由上上文文知知Ben不不想想上上学学,一一直直躺躺在在床床上上想想理理由由,所所以以Aunt Polly让他闭上嘴让他闭上嘴,起床。起床。【答案【答案】C8Awhat Bwhich Cthat Duntil【解析【解析】so.that意为意为“如此如此以至于以至于”。【答案【答案】C9Abad Bbadly Cworse Dterrible【解解析析】修修饰饰动动词词hurts,用用副副词词badly,意意为为“严严重重地地;厉厉害地害地”。【答案【答案】B10Astopped Bforgotten Cenjoyed Dbegun【解解析析】由由句句意意可可知知Ben害害怕怕牙牙齿齿被被拔拔出出,所所以以说说牙牙已已经经不不疼了。这里疼了。这里stop hurting意为意为“停止疼痛停止疼痛”。故选。故选A。【答案【答案】A1What did the doctor do after he received the call for the surgery?AHe asked another doctor to do his duty.BHe went to the hospital as soon as possible.CHe discussed the boys state with the father.DHe waited until his sons burial was finished.【解解析析】由由第第一一段段中中的的第第一一句句“A doctor entered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery.”以以及及第第三三段段中中的的“. I came as fast as I could after receiving the call.”可知可知,答案为答案为B。【答案【答案】B2The father shouted at the doctor because he thought _.Ahe had waited too longBno one cared for his sonCthe doctor was cold to himDthe surgery took a long time【解解析析】通通读读第第二二段段可可知知,那那位位父父亲亲对对医医生生大大喊喊大大叫叫,因因为为他觉得他等了太长时间。故答案为他觉得他等了太长时间。故答案为A。【答案【答案】A3Who told the truth to the father in the end?AThe doctor. BThe nurse.CHis son. DA patient.【解解析析】由由最最后后一一段段中中的的“The nurse answered.”以以及及其其后后的的描描述述可可知知,最最终终是是护护士士把把真真相相告告诉诉了了那那位位父父亲亲。故故答答案案为为B。【答案【答案】B4How might the father feel after he knew the truth?AAngry. BExcited.CSorry. DDoubtful.【解解析析】通通读读最最后后一一段段可可推推断断,那那位位父父亲亲得得知知真真相相后后,可可能能会觉得会觉得“抱歉抱歉”。故答案为。故答案为C。【答案【答案】C5What is the best title for the text?ASeeing is believingBTime waits for no manCPractice makes perfectDThink before you decide【解析【解析】通读全文可知通读全文可知,适合本文的最佳标题是适合本文的最佳标题是D项。项。【答案【答案】D
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