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Section 本单元考纲词汇专练.考纲词汇一览表考纲词汇一览表要求要求 类别类别考纲词汇考纲词汇掌握掌握表表absorb announce backward blame cautious challenge chart conclude conclusion construction defeat expert handle instruct link movement neighbourhood painter physician pollute pump scientific suspect universe表表 attend contribute cure severe理解理解表表 analyse enthusiastic表表characteristic construct enquiry expose foresee positive reject spin victim.单单词词填填空空(从从上上表表所所列列应应掌掌握握词词汇汇中中选选出出恰恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。每空一词。当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。每空一词。)1The new tunnel hasnt been finished; it is still under _.2It is said that this kind of new medicine can _ people of heart disease.constructioncure3He seemed totally _ in that book.When I came in he didnt notice me at all.4 Wearing loose clothing gives you greater freedom of _.5Mr.Johnson _ his speech by wishing everyone a safe trip home.absorbedmovementconcluded6Who is to _ for the traffic accident?7It took them a long time to _ what went wrong.And eventually they knew the problem.8Lucy turned the _ and opened the door.blameanalysehandle9She is very _ about committing(承诺承诺)himself to anything.10He _ me to deliver it to a customer.cautiousinstructed.完完成成句句子子(根根据据所所给给汉汉语语提提示示,在在空空格格中中填填入入适当的词语完成句子。词数不限。适当的词语完成句子。词数不限。)1他说他能治好我的病,但我还是不相信他。他说他能治好我的病,但我还是不相信他。 _ but I still doubt him.2他们从这些事实中引出了不同的结论。他们从这些事实中引出了不同的结论。They _ from the facts.He says he can cure medrew different conclusions3已发布寒流即将来临的消息。已发布寒流即将来临的消息。_ that a cold wave will come soon.4那时我们意识到希望已经落空了。那时我们意识到希望已经落空了。We realized at that time that _.It has been announcedour hopes were defeated5她给这家杂志撰写了一些稿件。她给这家杂志撰写了一些稿件。_ to the magazine.She contributed a number of articles.连词成段连词成段(根据下面的题目要求写出一个根据下面的题目要求写出一个语段语段)假如你是福建某中学高二学生李华,拟参加假如你是福建某中学高二学生李华,拟参加某英文报社组织的编故事大赛。请根据如下某英文报社组织的编故事大赛。请根据如下要求将参赛作品以附件形式发电子邮件到要求将参赛作品以附件形式发电子邮件到storymaking126.com.。1所编故事中需含有所编故事中需含有accident, neighbourhood, expert, link, physician, pollute, chart这这7个词;个词;2文长不少于90词,且仅能用7个句子表达,其中一个是定语从句,另一个句子含有过去分词作表语的用法;3注意短文的连贯性、趣味性与可读性。
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